Hamilton Advertiser from Hamilton, Strathclyde, Scotland (2024)

THE AMERICAN DEAD-LOC'K(Fmm ike 0 foostrr in the wortd wu rirnunsuisred the UnUed SUteeat the preswi moment. Within eooftoes been most terrible c.ril conflict of the present eenmy- The after alnvwt soperhnmaa ernshed. and compelled to me for peace. The lister was welcomed back, thooch Cf good were exacted, and it wat resolved that her exelwire pnnlegea should be forfeitedthat is. that she should hare just as many and no more, than her Northern brother.

Bot the tagaotj of I'remdent Johnson, quickened bv a diseased egotism, dtecorered that the Constitntioo stopped the war. must be punished'- by reinstating the Iraiton their former independent position. The President, with the large powers entrusted to him by the and the Supreme Court, with technical rigbta which hare arret been formally restrieted. interpose, and tell the great Free States of America that all their labour and of tOO.OOO Lies, their expenditure of nx hundred heeo of no a rail. The Constitution throws iu meld over the subdued States, sad conserves all tbr.r former nghts.

Ii micfet be tbooght that the British press would ini'ersallv recognise the, monstrous of 'hese teehnical claims. Bot thoce joanuls which supported the Confederate cause, and jwned to the cbomof juhiUtioo when the Soatii sacrum bed. tacked once more. The moch-abosed Amencan in now a sacred palladiom. It most not be irrerereolly touched.

Toe I'rteidenlial arc the key.stone of Amencan Supreme Court is the citadel of the Why thia change of tone on the part of our omala? Why this tender licitude leal a aingle hnck of the mach-decnH edifice be disturbed There ia no other rational explanation escept that, theee miutiintional have Wen discovered the of nucehief and confuaioo. The I'rcaalent ia ap- era esc be would preserve the class pringes of the Southern the Supreme Court a worshipped because it stands between the Northern and the of their victories: and arc patted on the back berate they are dacrediuiiK Auicncan democracy, when claims are hong put forward for the enfranchisem*nt of the working luisea jo England, But it iaaaid the BadicaU" are. by their vpiknt beaten mg on a reroJu tion, We had thought the revolution began when the first cannoo-thol fired by Soolhent rebels at Fort Sumter, and that all the American of the last four yean have been of a revolutionary nature. The Constitution of the United States. yin-fa.

if not went down that terrible struggle. If the Northerners did not make the Idler of the law correspond with the facta, it was on account of I heir eicesaive reverence for the forms banded down to them by the fathers of the Republic, and in the hope that as adjustment of differences might he more easily affected. It is the Conservative Jeanmenl, and not the Radical proclivities, of the triumphant Free States, that baa caused this embarraameat. They supposed that the offer of nghta to the ctiuens of the Republic, without the distinctions of North or South, race or colour, was not an illiberal proposal, from a people flushed with victory. Probably the South would have closed with the generous offer if the evil genius of Mr Johnson had not interposed, and stirred op the vanquished aristocracy to claim forfeited privileges and demand still to maintain an Oar newspapers have not as yet ventured to justify the tad faith of the Sooth.

They only suppress, their estimate of the situation, the of the rivd war, and abuse the is the nation which wants the legitimate fruits of victory, and not the chronic anarchy and disunion, to end again in Southern supremacy, which they fought pot down. It is uupcmoble not to see that the rrime of the Free States in the eyes of Confederate here is not so much that they were victorious as that they honestly desired to pul an end to claa That the United States should be ruled by the that majority only desires to extend the same rights for a greater offence than red-handed rebellion. The Northern people are in the position of Dr. Fellthey cannot do right. A nation that espouses the principle of oauality of rights is pot outside the l-dc of genteel sympathy by the champions of caste.

They may be forbearing in the moment of urtoey, bat they ought to surremler all they hate famed. They may declare with almost unanimous that their accidental President docs not deserve their confidence, but the voice of a nation is no account compared with the stupid assumptions of the temporary occupant of the While House, and the impudent demands of a defeated oligarchy. The of the South getting back their power of defeating emancipation. restoring the old rtbimt, and resuming the bellicose attitude towards Kngland. is a matter of trivial concern.

But let there be talk of impeaching Mr Johnson, nod of bringing the Constitution into harmony with actual facts, and these sage critics cannot contain their anxiety lest the fabric of the American Commonwealth should lie shattered to pieccs. To suppose that this great people arc willing to allow themselves to bs defrauded of their dearbought victories, because the President or Supreme Court rules otherwise, is wilfully to ignore that inflexible resolution which overthrew the South. Surely, if slowly, they will realise their purpose. If Mr Johnson in thwarting it he will be pot aside, whether by impeachment or otherwise And when the present crisis is passed, and the renovated Amer.ran Constitution is in full action. English seemioa will be once more ready with Ibeir offensive applause, and eager to point the moral taught by a people who know how in defeat conspirators in the Cabinet, as well as armies in the field.

ECCLESIASTICAL INTKLLIOKNCK. At a morliog of the Preebyterr of on Wednewky lacU a uiotion was tabled by Mr Km lay Malhieeoa, Borcleueh Chorch, calling on the (icocral AnemMy to endeavour to bring about a union with the Free Church of Scotland. The Rev Wm. Reid, M.A., editor of the Dntiih Glasgow, has received a unauunouacall from tliccongregatmaof the Scotch Carlisle, ami ncdioation will take place on Thunday tvret. 'flie Pruteataot Kpiscopal Church of the United States embraces parishes, having 2530clergymeo and lay members.

The rontributiona of the church for charitable purposes, during I Slid, amounted to nearly 4,000,1 aju dote. Or. Hill. Bev. Dr.

Hill, long IWeKor of Divinity in Glasgow Caiveraity. and an boaoved and uuicb-eetcemcd father in the rhurrb, died on Sunday at Ayr, where he has been residing since bis retirement from the professorship in IStW, lie was upwards of SI years of age, of which he spent in active professional service in the church. I'rntutaliom In tkr Paritk nf CmtKie IMmoral. It is understood that her Majesty sigmlied her lutenlioa of presenting to the rborchaoJ of Crathie the Malcolm C. Tayltr, Damfries.

with a stipend of AVOO a-year. Review. the Established bylerrof Kirkcaldv met in Kinghora Parish Church to urdam the Rev. W. Jardine IXibie, lately assistant to the Rev.

Mr Charteris. of Park Church. Glasgow, to he awKtanl and successor to the Rev. Dr. Bowie.

IRmrltomr Prrsrmlniinn in IhinH'f Free Church Minister. Thursday night, at the annual cookTegational soiree of Free St. Andrew's Church, hold in the Rinnaird Hall, the pastor, the Rev. J. Ewing, was presented with the title deeds of the house presently occupied hy him in Laurel Bank.

The house, which cast A is not simply to be a manse connected with the church, hut is to become Mr Ewing's personal property. ifimintf of a New Prealuftfrian Church. Sunday last a new United iTesnyterianChurch in Arbroath was optned foe public worship. The Rev. Dr.

M'Leod. BirkeDheail.cnnducted theseniCM in tbe oioniiag and evening: and the minister of the Church, the Ri'v. Robert Johnstone, in the afternoon. Special rollectiont were made, and they amounted in all to £214 Ts. Senate of the Univerailv of Glasgow have just conferred the degree of D.D.

on the Rev. Thomas Man-on. minister of the Onginal Seceeicm Church in Perth, and tbe Rev. William Presbyterian minister in Truro, Nova Scotia: and likewise the degree of LL D. ou R.

G. Mayne, author of the Expos(ocy Lexicon of Scicntitie Tornu," and on the Bev. Archibald M.A.. Governor of the Glasgow Reformatory Insulation. Frtf rrh Prfahfteiy of roerting tha I'rmbylerv at Kilmarnork on Tuea.U*—the Rev.

Sir Mlmioe. of OaJaton. nod era lor, appeared the East Free Church. and lodged a tmammous rail from that fi'agrcgation to the Rev. Joseph Davidson, of Salt, -ata.

It aas intimated that the Snstentalion Ftsnd Coramittee offered no ohjretion to the moderating iu a rail from the croonegatk-o at Stevenstoo to the Rev lamer Treadwell (late of Australia), and the moderation vat afpomted to take (dare on Thursday the 1 Febraan the Rev. Mr M-Gowan. of Cattme. to preach and preside. The Kev H.

M. Williamson, minister of the Free 'hureh. Huntly. resigned his charge at a meeting on Monday It is onderstood that he has accepted a call from the immonty of the Free Wert congregation. Aberdeen, who have been formed into a mission-charge by the Presbrterr three weeks ago.

It is also understood that Mr frilUarawnt enter on his new charge on an early day. I'rrsbftny The monthly ting ol this Vrcehytery was held on Wedncsvlay Uev. Mt Miller, of Ahernethy, m.deratof. loner was road (root Rev. Mr late of Forgandenar.

now of Both well, in reference to the of the former parish, which were dertroved bv tire at Condie Huas-. Mr 8011, scss on-clerk ol Forgjmdeony, appeared and made a aieusaut regarding the lom records, and the IVesi vierr resolved to express regrei the bat of the records, and to lake no further action in the matter. The I'resbvtery afterwards appointed Messrs ikvee and Murray lb prcp.ire a report, sctnngirih what would be necessary to pat the West Church into proper state of repair. r.uimitr* of i Krota a statement the llev. Mr Selkirk, at a meet.q* oi this Cowl on Tnntday.

that the contribution to the raiUnUtion fund sntbw tfaa bonitds 10a Sd, and ranges from lat Si. Boamnlls io 19s at Yarrow. A very Urge number of members eontnbate below In tAdhoue. give only 2d; in ItS ffare £li and others in 'oniewhat sjailar pr -portiona lu Ashktrk and Yarrow there are no below fkt I HilaoUtU (Pni! Mall trtueffe,) are informed that the ol the London clergy against ntualisiic practices now complete. 42J signature, an 1 -tale that the incumbents and ta charge of lunsbcs who hive signed have the care of -Hun l.l"I.*««i w-nU.

apeordine to the oi lotil. Ly the some census the whole population ol the djocvfe was 2.470t079. MARKETS OLASOOW PIO IRON A veo qalet market. A faw tranxi-ired in wairaou. at ilv and JOJd cash alao at amt till one Booth.

At chew prevailed at the tower No. 1 Sts No. 3, BIOOAR CORN The supply of crajn to this dayia market aimtuoted to urs. oau. Price per to T7s fid average p-ice.

8.1; per Mto tlj. OaU were iid up on top. and 3d dowro on average. OLASOOW GRAIN Arrivals of wheat, floor, sod barley liberal, of other light Much ralo during Hie week, and weather now mild F-r some pael wheat has been almost unsaleable, and corn generally weak. Today, owing to the scarcity of the value of wheat was not very well ascertained foreign may be uuoled Od.

and Scotch Od to Is per boll lower. Barley oau 3.1 to Oil, sod oatmeal 6d down. Beans quiet and me lum earner. 6d to Od- Dani'h Pomeranian, 30s Od to BSs Od per 210 IVi. states and Canadian, to per 210 lbs.

Do. Black Sea. 6d to Oil per 210 Do. Scotch, old. Od to Od per 240 lbs.

Do. new. 6.1 to C-d per 240 86e0d to SQs ftl per 820 8d to 6tl per 264 lbs. vrwwv i no Cl to S3s Cl pet lbs. Wl Od pet 2-1 Bis.

Do. Irish, 234 Od to Od per 260 lbs. Od to Cl I lauoeat Irish. Od psr 280 lbs. Cl to Cl.

extra. Sis Od per sack. Do. Town up to per sack. Do.

States and Canadian, to Sit bd per barrel EOtNBDROH GRAIN There were in tbe market BWO qrs. wheat 1819 qre. barley, qrs. onto, and 138 qre. beans.

There were heat, larley. 1339qrs. beans, I IS qrs. As compared with last Wheat was 44 down on top. and 3s down on arcrage Barley was I mid down on top.

and Is Id down on arerage Gala were 0d down on lop. and Is ICI down on average Beans were Cl down on top, and Bd down an average Weight of top Wheat. bnxtey. oala, 461 beans, lbs. EDINBURGH CATTLE supply of sheep 3S4fk being 828 less than lad market.

Sales were dull, and the prices of last market barely rasiotained Best Button, from 7Jd lo 3d. Kwes from lijd to per lb Coftk -Tbe number of eattle was also less, there tag 326. nr a decrense nf tSI. Demand Iwme good, late prices were lullv Top price. orreot f.ir tbe best, fri 6.1 lo mbldllog and infenof.

to pigs from to per stone. Six weight weeks' old do from 6s 9.1 to 7s bead. Sheep. 324 fat cattle. 328 store cattle, 49 sulk cows, 3i; pigs.

OLARGOW CATTLE There tras an ordinary supply of cattle at this market, many of which were of middling quality, All kinds In demand, and little alteration ran be quoted last week current, from to 7is perewt- to Middling and to COs Irish -Top current, 00s to See-m larr. to iil llmK tnterSor. tOs to Ms Of sheep the number was coosiderablr abort ot what tt has been foe aonie lime past. dull, and pikes nithet than last week fop current, 8d to sjd net lb. ftecoodwT, .714 to 7M Top.

btarkXaced, from Jd to sd Secondary, btd to At the close a fair clearance of all kinds was effected. market wereOien. WM sheep. OLAhOOW supply of cheese at market was Urpe. of Use makes.

Tlieee are sold at a coniidamMs range of price, accoreliag to quality, but upon the whole is slow. About passed the weighbouso scales. Primecheddar. 67a to-U secondary Vo 6.0. prime Dunlop, to 67e secondary 36e Buarr Coamtnt Istd to Is id Irijdi ipoodered lamps Is Od to IsM, iruh prints.

Is Id to Is lb. -Uuv l. pet JOO Hen, wl to 1 tit per inoT Rest Imb, IsOdtolstd. Country. It to Is Ham SdtoSd; beet.

-I to lid; flitrh bscan. Jjto smokeil, Is Id hseon. to list ABierttso smitVed. tid per lb. roolfro Is bens.

SsCd tots Id pteroos. to Is Si (1 os lines, ts to 4s lUMlitn, Is totsOJ Turkey Ponlts, to Od; Chickens, Sl to 3e SI, per pair; l-rouse. Os per bmce. fnis Almonds. SI per lb fhetriee, to OOd 1 per lb enrrants.

dried. Sd to td per lb dates. SI to isl per lb crashed td per lb t.l to per lb Hr rske. Ed per lb. (toosebwries to Csl per p.nt crapes I home).

Os per lb Is per lb i lemeos Is td per dot: r.nu (MnaSnai td. do (Bran!) 4d ivi to Od tier J-t praoes, td to laid per lb rhubarb OJ per atone rai-ios. to pet lb 0-1 Ito 0.1 per lb. walnuts. 4 apples, per Id i to tJ r-rven toOd per lb; Ictonat, 'l'reeteiiM Os per 100; Lroeoll.

Os td per d. carrots, b. per stone cncnmlera isl to each -'eeo- oi .1 ueo. crcenboH.e flowers for Utde. Is To per berbe.

asworted. td to td per bunch nd to Cd per stalk mini, dried. Id to td per bunch -oaots. eras-n. Od per bunch dried.

Is 1 per stoue peas, usus 0.1 per peck pout.srs. toM si. Ac jo-r bunch red cabbage, i each savojs Is to Is per dov Spinach. (4 to Al per csl -U to td per stone beet. Id each Mullet- e.

is per stone, Hd per lb. Tfc, Ota. to N.iin. in is thus Tax ('sows Duno- wor -Creat yiUti'o prevails at CwUr in cowfcqaeace of the Hfvorerr that the cronn dism of Baden hs been stole' and replaced rlaea. The Asa Bronson.

Fall River. ie said to Lave roaehod Mrmons. AUowmg 50 pjnted a sermon, this would amount to 540 of aOO of rare good fortune has shone on the arms of the President of the Mexican Rcpnbbc. has made wisr.ner the anti whose rivalry had lately begun to prore formidable, One of the clandestine revolutionary journals ot Madrid las been seixed. and proprietor- and editor have been sentenced to death- Th fence has.

however, been commoted to transportation for life to Fernando Po. A Costlt Mnwas AorJ -A telegraphic despatch recently sent bv the French (rorernmeot to the United States Cabinet, probably relative to Mexican affairs. said to have cost not less than francs. rAEUAHEMAitv -poke a rneetiDt' of Refonnen at Nottingham on Monday mfht He aaid that ag.ui.on Reform wold not be obtained, and that Parliament cook) only be mflnenced to pa. a aatisfartorv mea-ore by a rlrong and decideu exptcioa 01 public opinion.

A DnorrHT Towt. e( the cpeakers at a soiree recently held in Cromarty, stated that between and Cromarty in mtoskating drinks, while only aboot were tiaid for misssonsry and all other ehurcb schemes, including stipends, and aboot £lOOO paxl of (Aior-rates. Father Gavaan, who has been mwiing (or some months, has turned op in VeneUa. Writing to a friend in DnbUn on the 15th he says be to Ood 1 am hereon doty, making my best for the spreading of our dear Jesus kingdom, by Drenching to the Venetians the Owpel of Christ." with much more in the same strain. A wit If era to a A newaboy of Toronto, named Henry Martin, has fallen heir to 200,000 dels, in Texas.

His father was a farmer, and a resident of Rochester, He was killed in the first battle of Bull Kan. His mother, being unable to support the family, sent Henry to a charitable institution, from which he escaped. The boy's uncle settled in Texas some rears ago, and accumulated large propertr. lie was kiDed in the bailie of Shiloh, fighting lor the Confederacy. A relative had been searching three for the Fort A Snuxoe a UtUc thin mao, with a numbn of papire in hLs hand, came before Mr Page, at the Toames Police Court, to eoniplaio of what he called a moat astound mg.

unprecedented, and heartless display of wickedness, audacity, and unfeeling conduct" on the part of a woman to whom he had been paying his addresses. The applicant went on to tell the magistrate who observed that bethought that he wanted a nurse rather than a wife) that he aaw an advertisem*nt in a newspaper that a woman of some beauty and means wished to meet with a partner who would make her happy for life. He answered the advertisem*nt, had an interview with the lady, took her to but anH her well with the economy of his household. She prof Meed to be well pleased with him, sod other took place. letters passed between litem.

They agreed to get married at once, and the applicant bought a wedding dress which cost hint eight guineas. lawful money of Hr.tain a new bonnet, and a mangle. The lady wav to turn the mangle. Everything was got reedy for the marriage. The banns were put op in the panih churcli, the wedding cake prepared, nod the applicant new clothes purchased.

All was going on omoothly. when, at the last moment, the old gentleimiu said. She refused to have me. and said she never intended in fact, that she did not love me well enough to marry me, and she has got my property." Mr said he could out make the woman love the old man or marry him, bnt be could bring an action against her for breach of promise of marriage. At RsTeawraix, near Wuhaw, on the SSrth oil.

the wife of Mr John Wylie, of a son. At Bomhooee, Hnotlton. oe the TJtb olt. the wife of Mr Robert M'tiregor. of son.

At lAojbusoethan street Wishaw, on the ill. the wife of Mr Thomas -Smith, clothier, of a lO HtewarUm Street. WUhaw. on the 30th oil, the wife of Mr Peter Brown, baker, of a son. MARRIAGES.

At lha rrwUleoce of tbebride a nnelc. Wen, AlleKUaney City. Peonaylranla the Ist oil, Mr James An-lvrsmi. formerly kWiobotsb. U.

Balmain, youngert daaghter of the late Walter Black, Koj Ila At 34 York Kit eel Glasgow, on the 241b nil, by Uie Rev. Dr. Miller, of I'rre Matthew a. Mr James Reid, Broxburn, Jeanie Uog. youngest survivtog dstighter of Mr Robert Angua.

At Aluiada street on the 2ith wlDm'i, by the Rev. VVilUain Buchaa, Mr Absalom Parker, joiner, to Janet, eldest daughter of Mr NioiaD Kalrley, black smith, llamilum. At Klfkmolrfelll Farm, Lematagnw. on the S2-I olt, William Huttbcron. In rear -FraemU a UiM-t- will (iW'aai this iotimali-m Al oo Mr Andinw Bnmray.

Uu New Vurk. aail (ormwlr ilfapti in FrinnU will aecwpt thu lolirostioii. At New Lanark, on the 2Slh oil. Abraham Heotlry. moil bb At Halfway Mnnae.

MW CaWer. on the I'-th oltlmo, turv-hu-o Oray. rellrtnl llaal.t PatKlano. At Mnueeltank. Lanark, on the 2Tth olt Uugb K-i In bid rear Al 11? Wlmlmlllhlll Street.

Mntberwell, the Stewart, el I'eter tfctnphell, UuMt Aledontaa KAllwav. At Free I hurrh Selmol boose. Stralhayen. on the -Tlh William Scott Oowar, u-ntbs, rc-n of Mr Dewar, teacher At 7 Anilerwx) street, i amliusnethan. on the Mholt, Helen Jim.

yean ami nine months, tluni daofihtrf of Hubert Aa At Academy, -m the t3tb olt, Dati'l Baer e. need 13. At DnlpatHck. no the list nit. Perrcst.

wife ol Mr Temol. toa at will please accept of this In lima POTATO MARKETS. -fuflna thr veek the hue r-oly Wo few 10 per fa by mil. taw Iro-t; in It rwy ussustortofy. sn lrrtw Wreguljr fol- OWllie ii'is to uo.

Yortobitc ftdeM. 160s rarata. iiostoiwn Ttaolnr do. Ut I'crth. File ikv.

Do. rucks, I to iSb lutes, 110s THE HAMI: J. 8 I 001 SUOB TON COMMEBCIAL BnLDISUS. TOWNHEAP STREET. aAMU-TOK, lo iotin.w that be hand 'W toliVapair KOB A R.




D. I). ANNUAL CLEARING OUT SALE OF WINTER STOCK, 3 5 CAD2OW STREET. HAMILTON, to taking down Stock, we hare made GREAT REDUCTIONS on our Stock of WINTER GOODS, to enable os to make room (or Spring Marked from former will be fouad on the following Clam of Bia.tmt*. PUIDISOS.


Srata. Cat noli xax. Ribbons. Futwgp.s. ranttv-N Shibts Shibt Coliabs, Hosteav glovk, Neck Ties, Cloths.

Mas Felt Hats. Ac. In Moe. scarlet, and white. IOPI a yard Cadies WoM OUrrrc.

Large-aite Scotch Ur.mmn^rU. In Black and Col-mra, from Hdw yard Su JViil 1 Faacy Dresses reduced to 6a full Draas Biw Ties, French MentKies in all la Hid a yard Jean Btaya, Winceys. Perth A Himalayan shawls. Urge wm. i iuldren 00l Indies and 1 Dootcea.

Lambs Wool a pair I Sd a pair 2a Iod. 8(1. ta 8d each. Std a dot ltd each each Md a pair IH each CLOTHS! CLOTHS! CLOTHS! A SCOTCH to yrd, Baaoockbam uvl (MhAMb la all lha Xew 3a 8d a yarl. worth M.


a Bober, industrious Youth, ft, of Rood KWrets Rood writer, to mny uid rnllret Moory, Xooe oecl fhsraetef will sot the inrestiaitmii, I'or ererr mrtifuUr. Veltch. Tea Drater. Be.ectey Howl. DriSeM.

Votk.blre, WANTED, Two Smart Actire MEN (temporar? or pennineat Sale of the Kshibltloo Local men preferred. An excellent opportunity (or tboae a spare boon. Apply personally, on Monday, at at Two office of this paper. AGENTS are WANTED in Slntbaveo ami Caduke for the oldest and Industrial ('onipnnjrin the Kingdom. Shopkeepers and others partially or wholly diaeoneed are Inrlted to apply, fertns.

Salary sod Commiiunoo Apenl. llamill-jo Adrertiaer office. WANTED, a Young Man to collect Debts atvl Travel with Drapery iomls. To an active, pushing Voune Man the situation will be pennaoent and rernuneratlTo He will require to reside with rotployer I'neiceptionel reVreneee muat Apply by letter, in applleant'a own baml, to "No. Hamilton Adrertlser' Otfiee.

Jk A. beg to tliauk their Frieo-le and Customers for pMt favours, sad they ran a-rore them Ibnt last year wm one of the men socceafol they hare ever in they in- Ion.) all in their rower to make year far Uet. in the way of talne to thrir CUtomera. The resale whoimacine that cannot be sold Wow their real ralue onlaea there is with ih'Uj, ao-i that they are let of trash roi op for a hot we aseure our CutOMn that such it the rase in the ineunce. if they wo eld only ns one call and see the we Hatter OWrselree thst we roorioce them that there are tuuoe when Goode can be bonabt a aoo'l deal un-ler their real raloe.

Boyma enabled to lake adr.oUße of the pte.cnt dnlfnes, tn the Market-. Such a Lot of Goods at such Low Prices waa nerer before to the Public. The undemetalort rote Bargain, that may be harl by laltmg upon J. W. Andtreem Just obMPtc Men OrtrcoaU, Il'S.

from 2,0. I All-Wool Scerlet Flanw). tar 9d. I Twllted Ltocn Sheetwg, fnun i 2 from 11. I aTwSiWWU forOd.

Crey Colton ol 2W. 3d, 34d. Od. id. Md at for I Twitted Cottoot.

Od, Td. afld od. Vil yirach for OJ. I ft.ck.heet at td. M.

sod Wt. luf (rn for Jefto rTtrlpo. at id. 1 French for Id Winceys, rarioos for Sd. tnm Sh' Real Aberdeen for 1 Winceys, for Clan Tartans, from OJd.

i AU'Wnol Tartans, for 1 Job Lot Striped l.astrcs, from to I llleached extra raloo. at td. id, and m. Brown Hollands, at id. ed.

To, and M. dC Wool at Mens Wincej Hhirts. Men a Plaidlnf at Extra ralae, at V. Men Fine from 5Jd. Hr ary Socks, from lOd.

All Wool Hose, from Wd. Harness Plafete. from to CONTRACTORS WAffTKD. Contractors wanted to put cmt tlw Heathery Koaoc Bnck For further particulars, apply at the Works before the 7th 31st Jsnoary, Contractors wanted to Sint a Pit at Mr Watsons. Qal.iuhalatone CoUlery.

Checked Dowlea, from T4d. Prtata. fart at jfd. fort Id. from lOd.

Petticoat DrugieU. at 1,1 Lt, and 18. Striped Hesaian. at i'J a bed. 1.8 All-Linen Tlcka for A few mdlea Cotton Sbeeta, at A few Twilled Sheets, at 6.

Lioceya, from Sjd- Scotcb lUanketa. at ICO and 0 0. Houe mada iUankeu, at lit'. Carpet Corera, from v.M. LEFT, at J.

W. Thomson's Ware house, 8 Uolblingv, silk Umbrella The Owner silk from lid. from Crinolisei, from STRAYED. fromCarfin House, on thc2stb a Blatk Fated Sheep. Any person relumlag the tame will bo suitably rewarded.

SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR GENTLEMEN IN TWEEDS, DOESKINS. Ac. A Suit of made op on the abortnat Good Fit guaranteed. A tea, a large Stock of Ready-Made nothing of every di-cription, for both Men and D. A D.

Stock-taking sale HAS COMMENCED. See A tfeerlMeineiil TABBUNACLE-rre SPIRITUAL IMPORT. LECTURE on the above will be 4f- Uverevl in the Mechanics' Institute Room, Chapel SireeS. TO-MOKROW, Half p.M, jgj Vt IN 1. iCTU E.

The FIFTH of SIX LRfTIRFS 00 the LIFT- of the FAIT, will dclifeml by the REV. ROBERT BLACK. In his own tliepel, on SAB- Peblk Worship to ctmamct at Half part Six o'clock. INTIFICAL HIGH ASS will be Simp Jt the Kicht ORAV. aoJ SgR HON will be hr Uie Rifbt Her.

BISHOP LYNCH. "1 KLNDAV. the 3d of Febnuur Mat, Half Eleven o'cleck, in SC Mary Catholic Chorch. Harr.ilton. Front linck to be bml at Moir'a, Cad tow Btrert Wm.

5 Ca-lzow Street; at Office. CAMPBELL ST. CONOREOATIOMAL CHURCH. A SOIBFiK. in coonecUon willi the above Chorch, will held in the Ciucrl, Campbell Street, on MONDAY.

February Mr sI.MF. la the chair. The follow lay (ientleracn, ate rjpected to lake part to the REV. W. Olajfow.



Tickets-Od be bad at the shops of Messrs Christie, clothier; Rrutherton. painter and NalsmUh, It requestad that application for Hckela be made as ally possible. Doors at Half-pant Six: Tea on the table at even HAMILTON T.S.F. QUO RAL ASSOCIATION. As the Association arc pre paring for a Concert of Secular Music, constating ol Operatic Part Ac to lie given in March next, request those who intend joining this Session, to make ai'pUoation at onco.

no new Member can be admitted after Friday, Sth February WM. RAN KIN, Secy. CAENWATH. PROPERTY IN BRAKHEAD TO BE LET. A NUMBER of Dwelling Hotwes.

with a Nlable. and about One Acre of UmL Also, an old Farm Steading, with a Cow's Grass If required- Apply to Mr Aiken. Braebead. Caniwain. Lswtnside.

jyth 1867. SAVINGS INVESTMENT BUILDING Established In Itso, under the Act of Partlameot 8 William Cap. 32. paase.l (or the Escoi aaOEwkst avo Protection or Br.iErtT Buldimi Socibtibs." SHARES, £2B EACH. Payslde Ucmthly by Instalments of or at the option of the Members.


AdtertUrr Office incut fur Lanori-V. CIULHERS, Wearing Agent Among Ibe many mesas which have been devised lor providing a secure and proliublo investment for small savings, perhaps none have answered tbe purpow so wlnurabty 1 Building Where such a wived on sound and managed with care and ability. It at on. safest and most remoneratlve of shy mode ol invemioeot tor Contributions of or 4s per Bhare of £2B each, a Member mar obtain a present advance equal to the lull ultimate capital represented by his Shares, for the purpose of purchasing or building a house, ot tenement o) honaes, or imprvrlDg heritable which he way already possess. this easy mrthod.

a pemm ol comparatively humble means may the Uu.table ambtliaa of bemnslng own UnJk.rU. and largely supplement Income, with little trouble he exereises sound judgment and disenmmatiuo In tbe selection im to of courae. ha will gui.W by the oplaioa o( practical 11, again, bv umply inatalmeata with tha Sodat) at iolernu, to be withdrawn at any in no other way will they yield each a large return while. and abore il he a Member till his are fully paid op, annual profits actually ascertained and allocated, and amounting In aoiae imlaner' te fourteen per will he adiled to hii ranitaL It a tmiem to iernark, that such a Society. hoMin- oat, it the reawroable hope tg a roan or artitaD of achierinf "tbe glortous Privilege of belns iodepeDdent.

well to develtm and fo-ter provideot foretbougbt and economy, and this not the lesat valuable of ite It fs true that tbe primary ebjecl a Member to join tuay be eolely the demre to ojai. money but it bam pens tliat his to accompUaii this object neoesaarliy induces habitauf tbnft. Mtlf-deoial. ami selfrespect so that, in stnvlns to increase bis pccuiiiarj, i capiud. be adding at the aame ume to the werai uii-ical of the nation.

The scomsu UieentEST and Buldiso Soci ert was established in March. IS4B. It baa thoa been upsrmrds of nine years In existence and during the whole that period its career been one of uninterrupted and growing success. to be borne in mind that the Urge proffla hitherto declared In Society are not the result of any estimate, but Tbe whale Books and Bosmeea of the Society are annually ribieetedtoa Investigation, all the ofti. are ho seinte re suare therefore identical with thane of the general body of Shaieboldere; who have thus every guarantee that can be derived from careful and economloal management, as wcU as sell interest, that 1 their property win bo marie productive in the very highest decree ompatible with.

safety. A Working Man entered Society, taking ep Twelve Shir- representing tbe instalments on which were per Month, or about fid per Week; Two vears after joining, the whole £3OO waa advanced to biin although be had only paid about £3 of lostal-1 with this he bought a property, valued at £ICOO '-n which there waa a prior Bond of £7OO, which wm allowed to remain. His position and prospects are now aa Annual Rental of the Property Is £lOO and he pavs Tea Uuty. £10; per cent Intetetl on Bond. £3S.

say Inatalmenu- Twelvebharea. Fivn per centloterost on leaving a of £l6 so that property, after payment of all honJenn. yielding Ivpiulatiou loan, benles a free of £lO. in eight asm bis Shares will paid in full, when be will not onlv have realis'd a Capital of but will have a Mtnaust-'T inconia of at least £3O rea Tbe following is a summary of the of Uua Ut, loveetmnnt for Money, and a Urge rotum of Members for acquiring Heritable Property un easy terma fcC Property Uyood tUe in eoine insUtoces to the (all valae, ootwithftemliac prior thereon 4th. eteny oae twelve (roat of entry, with mtereet ul trots are per ceafc.

Members are at tints, tad time to the Paofrrt from the ilete w( their entrj, Bth. They ere not lot 7th. The ProhU ere pieced to the iredil the heiuer end Booke yearly. that tbet can the ralae of -hid. ere Fonbsc uUontiUoo.

fonos -lApubcatiop. or Coptas of to be hod W. J. W. ANDERSON.

114 MAIN STREET. WISH AW, lAMILTOK, BLAXTYRE AND CAMBUSLANO AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. The 46th annual ploughing MATCH of Society (open to all who become will, permitting, take place on the Kann of Kart Coata. Cambnalang. txmr-red by ilr William Mason, on TUESDAY.

February neicor failing that day, the next favourable Toe-day. The of ploughing to be canting. No Floughmaa can compete for Prizes in the Jooior (Taw, uole-e he ptoduro a certiflcate of being under 21 'competition to at Nine o'clock am. precisely. but intending competitors mart be on the Ground to draw not later than Half part Eight J.

CLARK FORREST, Secretary. City of Glasgow Bank, geth Janoary. UB7. PIANO MISS E. MILLAR gives fo-lructioa in MUSIC at her Nendeoce.


Spigot ami Fawcet, or with Collar Joint; Chimney Flower Vases. Cattle Troughs, Cisterns, and Pickling Jars, and any description of Fireclay Articles. Plain and Ornamemal, made lu Order. Orders addressed to JAMES ALLAN. Brick, aad.sewerage Pipe Works, lidlhesd Cottage, risOarlake, will meet with strict attention.

DAVID HAMILTON, BRANDON HOTEL, MOTHERWELL, HAS marie for carrying on tho shove Branch of Busiasas In suitable adioining the MeteL AU Orders will meet with prompt sUeotioo. Open St-jht and Bay. NEW RK- Cbxkobs ENTRANCE BY 4 BRANDON STREET. mO LET, uumlxT of Single Houoea A in MetherwelL Apply to Mrs Gibb, 01 C'adxow GREAT REDUCTIONS D. D.

NIMMO'S CJTOCK-TAKING SALE WHICH HAS COMMENCED. DOUGLAS. mo in Douglas, a Baker a WorktJiop, JL tsbep. and Mwellins Htmee Garden attached If warned. Apply to Wm.

liookaeller. FIHST-CLASS SPIRIT SHOP To in Coatbridge. For particulars, apply to Dartfl Crichtoo. A uctioneer. EAST KILBRIDE.

THE East kilbride annual ploughing MATCH Is to take place on the Fsau of poeweesed by Mr Alexsmler Wslr. t. WHITBURN. THE of the U.P. Imrch Longridge are prepared to Tenders for the Mason, Carpenter, Staler, and Plumber Work of a New Manse, to be erected there.

Plans and can be seen at the Rer. J. RonaWeon's. Ungridke. Whitburn, with whom all Tenders must bo lodged on or before the 18th Fc-broary.

1867. Longridgs, January 30tb, 1867. BOTHWELL. PLOUGHING MAT(J H. The BOTHWELL CULTURAL SWIKTrS PLOUGHING MATCH will take place on TUESDAY, ilh February.

1807. on the Farm of Mr Fleming Orbis too (weatlier permiUmg). if not. the faroutable Tueedav thereat ter. Ticketa to be drawn at half-past Eight clock a Ploughmen to commence at Nine am.

R. BRCCB. Secretary. Cddlngston, 31 at January. 1887.

WEST CALDER. RA MASONIC BALL. Tbe MEMBERS ot wsx CALDER MAAOJfIC IHI'TLK UiIH.K hereby A BALL Uko pUce ia the upon FRIDAY, the IVh February. 1557, at HtM dock pm. TVkeW roav be had the foUowloe Brethren, rit Mev-rs Jfthn Broern.

WertCehfer: Ban is-M'll; Martin, jelner. West Cnlder June. Smith and Wra Ooeaev CaMer. West Older. 31 Janoary.

1957 A II A VEN. PLOUGHING MATCH. The Arendale Farmen. Society Anooal Pl'-uahioj M-tch take place on Pnday. the slh Febmary.

oa r-( Hil t.ucao and BnowNSIDF. either laUlog this, on the first laroorable Friday and BrownaMle is about fonr Wed of wUI be drawn on the C. round at Eight clock lAMBI E. -wey. Stratharen.

Ist IBBT. ainl MONUMENTAL WOUKby WILLIAM ALLAN. ApplicaMett by Post f-r OMigris sad Pneos sttcn TO LET, the With lion and lisrdcn. Brtflce. neai Stratharen.

Imtaediato Apply LARKHALL NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. 4 LL Parties having CLAIMS against the A. deceased OAVIN Ii.IDOER. ouested lodge them wiUr, ami OMIV. I Ats to the are reqouUd to pay thrra W.

hl.s..n. Robert Rodp-r. -i Kaploch Mreet. Larkha.l. within Foartren ftoaa thia date.

UrkhaU. tlth liW7. B. A LECTURE will be delivered in oo by JOHN MAYER. F.C.s.

on ioM Mine Ujtii cau-o Tho4. banktr, tht Tviiirs oeo Half beUAen So rloek. Price, ul Ailmisju Seats. C.I; Back Seats, 3d. eaA laar.

WHOSOEVER is fouwl on BRAF-Horm the I.ANDB RAPLOCH wuOD wttbMt Penniaaew win be PwCTteO. LEXA WALK H. MAN CRB MERCHANT. raiSe the Seeeen the F.Wum* MAM M'l be gtod to Costonen cn AU SEEDS lot 4 Grass bus Wavtcd SECOND ANNUAL SOIREE and CONCERT of the NATIVES of LEMMAHAGOW and Friends wUI be held in the Assembly Rooms. 138 Bath Sln-et, Glasgow, on THURSDAY EVENING.

14th fast. C. MacKiKor, Esq is tbe Ciuib. Tea on the Table at Moll-past Seven o'clock precisely Also, an ASSEMBLY will take place immediate after the Soiree. Tickets for the Soiree.

1,6 each Assembly. had from George Forrest, purveyor, 297 Buchanan Street, nod Ouadae street, or from any of the Members of Committee. JAMES ANDERSON, ami Orapcr. has always on hand a Laree aad Well-Selected Stock of CLOTHS for OeaUrtDso'a Wear. Full Suits of Tweeds or Doeskins, well triauned and ell mode, from THIRTY TWO SHILLINGS AND THRKEPENCK.

THAT HOUSE, fonuerlj occupied by Dr. tindeay, To Let Apply le Mr John Row. FOR SALE. BY PRIVATE BARGAIN. THOSE HOUSES and GROUND situated in Turfholm.

which belonged to the late John Sborley. portlnner. Lesmahanow. Feu-Duty, £1 las 9d Offers to be Uslged with MrMlebnel Ireland, Terfholm. Lesmahagow.

on r-r before the Htth 1867- BIGG AS. jyj' oat park chur h. The SFJtTS In this Church will be LET foe the Winter Half Year on MONDAY FIRBT, from One to Three o'clock altcniooD, and from to Seren erening. GEORGE PILLANS will Open the Com Exchanee oa the Fair Day for toe Sale of Temperance Refreshment'. ARMALADE hand! a supply of Finest Marmalade Oranges at 3d per Lb.

WYLD, MsaCHaKT. WATERPROOF mates Boots, Shoes, thoroughly A trial solicited. Tins-dd, ALBUMS POCKET BOOKS PURSES I New Stock. Pattekns. Rescckd Parr fa LOCKHART.

BOOKSELLER. BIOOAR. MURRAY, fl SLATER, BICGAR. Respectfully intimaUw that he has now on hand a Large Slock of SLATCH, awl prepared to execute on the notice all Orders entrusted to his care. kept in Iteptrir b-i the pear.


TOUN MITCHELL'S, OPPOSITE ROYAL BANK. MR A. G. BLACKIE, Peebles, begs to loUaale that be will Open a Branch BaUhllab. meat e( the AIiRICULTUKAL HALL at Hiuar (next door to the While Hart Inni, Jth Febmary.

All Kinds of iMPCERKrrs MacniNCa ros the Field Farm Buldibcs. A. G. ACK I R. Aoucl-ltcral Ball.

PEEDLLS AND BIOOAR- JMPORTANT TO AGRICULTURISTS. GUARANTEED MANURE COMPANY. CARLISLE. The ahorc Conpaay Mature-, are bow well-known In this district. The Urge yearly Increase, aad the eenfl placed In them by thuae who bare oaed them for jeare.

are sure of the high Clara erf the raw materials from which they are maou- PR I E8 I 867. TV Con pas; offer Prite, the rsloe o( PWe PixiAds, lor the Four or ut Green top Follow or Purple top Yellow Tmlps. wfth tbetr IKAI.U'I in a Prize of the raluo of Four for the Four or more of Orern lop YellowerPerple-top VeVWrw Tursiiu. crown thtii Maearcs Dune, is to bt within of twenty of Biccir. for the above mo-t lie in Vi Mr Hepborn, on or bnfore October.

IMT. wtahlnc to for either of the can "nly he by pcirhasine through Mr Jann-i Hepburn. Two or mote of the Manures for each Pme. and must atatc their intention in their note of I entry. The may seen at Mr Jaa.

Caaseb'. Jeweller. 1-mark, on ecth and at Mr lurid Lockhart BookarUet; Bircv, on Thursday, Jib March. Boy for an Offer in Town. fT Siltfrnas Jumtt WANTI.H, immediately, a good mi neral at rf ihW XSTANTEI).

one or two co*ck Nun Pignoos. tenM.S»«J.T..-Post Office. I KD. Blacksmith--a good horse- Apply iT-heit a Few flood have been sevurtomed to Factory Work. Apply at Hanoitoa Farter? YYTANTED, a Stout Lad to learn the YY blwk.fßtth Trade Spetr to Hanulloo.

waith. Kijaide. 'ANTED, a smart, active Girl. 15 or 16 rears of age. for work.

TIT ANTED, a Single Ploughman, to en- YY gage till WhJitaoday. Apply fo James Strothers, I Wlatou. WANTED, to Purchase. Cottage or Flat- NeiihboadioovJ. FUiJiapsten or liolhaeil.

Ad tv, C-. Aamtiur WANTED to the Pnntiaaaod Stationary Trade Apply to J'-ho-u-n. IJ Main Street. Wlahaw. CLERK of experience MoiberwtlL VI7ANTEO, immediately, Black smith, kx-J jobber Apply Street.

MotbmreiL COTTAGE WANTED, at May Term, of 3 or 4 Hasdltoo. or MotherirtU. Apply by letter, Reoftyw Atrrt, GuagovT WANTED, a Smart Boy to keep a Shop. One hvi hiul a oreferrr.l Apply, io appikaata to oflhia WANTED, at Whitsunday, an elderly Mamul to look after the In the on the Kaon of MeaHt.wbead, Roberton. Apply to Jaioea ttlark.

Wsoiiel. At.ioetoo. at WhiUunday. an Actite Steady MAN to take eharee of a Horae and Oar-ten. and make ycnermUy ueefol.

Apply Iter. w. WeL'h. Moraiencan. Bathao Mill- ANTED, a lUepectabln MAN, Agent Id each Town wherein thia Paper drcnlaUil.

to take Onlere tor 4 Standard rUUUCKUOBB. Apply lo John WilMB. 07 Buchan MI Street. Glasgow. PUKf KNTMR WANTED for the Free Church of Colter.

Salary, Seven Pounds per oiU apply to the Rrr. Mr idfnat. Culler. WASTED, an Active Man of good vldreM kxd reipecUble rooawtifm by StJivry or Addrm, (iriot full particnlars to prerloos ir-at. WO Oaorga Strwt.

Olmrow. ANNUAL SOIREE of Uw LAN aLK eed Wleto. reehleet to Oleegnw. 0 ho held la the MEOCBAWn'HttX oe the Bevnieg TfBMJAY, l.th March, Tea oe the Table kit past CHABLCS B. or.

a ITS. Me FBrronMwm. Mnhihwu of LooefT feH Tsrihbf fhet be take POBTH at DXNJfATVNB STREET. CaOTR Ok A trHarig Turkish bat id nnMlo, win it. itwer" 1 la reek; foe on.

Aoy Eerne wwhUM to taka a Bath eta hate bt Cclog two eotko A Bfeou. The slrf a Be 4. A to ray poor perwo oho with frorc a Poctor. Thomas HAtSOSi, jv Wboiasals and Retail 19 AMD HIGH STREET, LANARK, ReepectfalD loUmaUa that be bow prepared to sopplv RAPE and LINSEED CAKE derate leima Also, a Large Stock of BE AN. PEAS.

and INDIAN MEALS, kept at tha IUU Wlatoo Mill. Cleriiore Mill, Carmichael Mill. New Mill, sod Moan Mm. TAMES SYMINGTON, Auction Mart, lAaark, la prepared to aopply an; Quantity of LINSEED. COTTON, or DODDER CAKE.

Whole oe at the m-Mt moderate rate a. For the ronreaieiifei of Parties Small If inn ties. S. keeps Oilcake in Slock. For Calroa, CatUe.

oe Sheep. It la the Pecdlof la an. Also. tor DiaTimutY Pbatr WEST PORT. I AT HOUSE at present occupied Ky Mr to LET.

entry at WhiUDSday. iy lo Mr John Row. HOUSE TO LET OR SELL At A COTTAGE of and Kitchen. with Stable aod a Large Garden. ptaaaasUy cm the banka of the Clyde.

Entry at Whileun day tint. Apply to Mr William Ritchie, Lanark. MOTHERWELL. piNE OLD MALT WHISKY. ROBERT HINSHAW to ibf attrn of Canomen to hit prwat Mock of nWE 01,0 WHIMKV.

HUM. HRAMOV. INKS and CORDIAUS, and rabmlu the foUowlac Scate of Frtoeo rflM Old Malt WWUy. Oal- pn Ftoit Fiaa OM Malt Whwkjr. IS for Ual or 2 3 per Bottle fine Old Matt 13 per Oal, Bottle Fine Old do ptr or per Bottle riM Old laUr A Olcnltret per Or per Bottle Fiae OW Roto.

IV. 17.. or end 3 8 per Bottle Fine OW French Brandies, 8, aad 30 per or 4d. 6 per Bottle Pine Old Midland (iin. per Oal, or per Bottle Pert and Sherre Wines I'.

1,0, ami 39 per Bottle fabbta Very Rich Oinger Wine, 1 and 10 per Bottle Rom shrub I Pantci Il'irk Baot. Ib pint Bottles, 9d cjuart Cfl cider. 8.1; Edmburih Ala.6 Bnt Pale India Ala, Sf Sd Londom Porter id I MCIR CLYDE STREETS. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. R.

H. alao to return his ainrere to and in Motherwell and neighbourhood foe the libera) patronage he reoeleed since commenring the Orocerv aad Pro ri si on Trade, and beta to iatimate that ha will naa crery endearenr to merit a rootinuan. of the same. and per Ib; the Finest Mliture of Souehotif, Kaiaow, and Moninp, a real frraf, 3,4 pet lb. COFFRB, Fresh Roasted and droned.

Vi. lb. SCO AB. Fine Yellow, id White. 4pi: CryeUlWed.id Socar, per Ib.

SOAP, from the best makers, per lb In bars. Rdinhorfh Meal, Floor, ami Barley. Finest He-I. Ayrshire Bacon, and Belfast Smoked Haas. Cheddar.

IhiDlcp. anil American Cheese. Fresh and Powdered Butter. A Daily Supply of Hkal. Etemoitu Haddocks.

ROBERT UINBHAW, GROCER AND PROVISION MERCHANT, IS MV I STREET, HENDERSON, I Fi Usoi.ktaKek, SO Tvtcnhftd Street, and Commercial Inn Stotlei, left with JA3JE.S PBENTK'B. 46 MCIR STREET, IS A W. PAROCHIAL BOARD OP CAMI THE Siatutorv Half-yearly GENERAL MEETING of the Parochial Board of the Parish of CAMUU-SNBTHAN will be held within the Beano ROOM. Wishaw. on TUFS4DAV, the sth proximo, al noon, to Revise and Adjust the Roll of Paupers and their Allowances, and (or any other Busi ness that may be brought before the Meeting, is connection with the Acta 8 and 9 Vkrt.

cap. 17 and 18 cap, 193; 18 and cap. 68 and 19 and 20 Viet, cap. 103. wnovtau tii.iv PUBLIC SCHOOL.

WISHAW. FRIDAY. FEE. 81 Renowned. md Celebmled At, ara a mins the r.

their KntertAlnment. no which ru-100 they lotco'l to lotrodoca vt their most Now Itanees, Ac. The nolv Tronpe mmpoeed of Oenuinc BUek IVffnnnen. They wilt lolroduoe Oranl onlitlert Uie Raw Recruit', and a t-raud Fiaht for the American Lnioo commanded by aptain H. Brown the real of iho Characters by the ('omnany.

To conclude a Grand FesdVal fiance, entitled the Happiest Darkies out. Doors open at 7 IS. concert to commence at 8. Gd, and Is Bd. be hvl (rnm Mroars Fulton A IJtbxow.

liookecUers. 170 Main Hueel. Wlahaw Mr Inplia. Croaa. Mr Wm.

AUanaon. Apolhecsries' Hall. tVishaw. I BEAUTIFCL. II S.


WIHHAW. Where for the Funeral Cndertaklng Mai.r. and Femalf. Attksoasck Dat atd Niowt. W.

C. haring bad some years' experience in this line, will be able to conduct the Business erery ORDERS left with the following porliee will meet with prompt attention stuart Commercial Inn. NRWMSIXS William Wilson, News-Agent CaRLI'RR John Coeaar. Stationer. MIOTTH, Mr Hoy, Saleriaan, BUtie.

Clblaxo John Bommerrillr. Funeral undertaking me b. JOHN THOMSON. CO STB WANTON STREET. WISH AW.

COFFINS of ererr deecHpUon. HEARSES. MOURNING CAKKIAUES, Ac. left with JAMES BARR, Crown Hotix. T) SF.TJ.

or LET, Ttiat Commodioua COTTAGE, Campbell Street For panicu- apply Mr Mufarlane, Chemist. WUhaw. Pure COLLIES. adapted lor shepherds, Sercn Weeks okl Applytol I WUhaw OLA 800W iHit, FORTNIGHTLY LIKE STEAMERS BKTWKES GLASGOW. THE CNITKB STATES AND CANADA Thf.

ocean steamship COMPANY'S GLASGOW LINK" VT ANDREW. WHoasdsy. dlh. 1987. -T Mvnsu fa Porllsml V-rt.

li 'ioioeas. 0 (iulot-tls. the IMaripU in Cetuula awl the I Arnly to JAMES 4 ALEXANDER ALLAN. 70 Great Clyde Street, Glasgow Or to LAWBI gA SYMINGTON. Lanark KH I) A AI.I Ar peri-wUcat to Uie ww cent It a to Uw pnbUc la mean in Ibe to charity ann iailf on puWle able ami to thnir OQ lostitule.

and not expose regular honest 1 raotcg U.e mfaxne that we tnnrt haw I Alike the bone-t Merchant tlieonr, and cm tlelf any Cheap Clearaare nale to nadet-ell hi Stoat ot leenUr Two and a Half per Cent Haokrwpt SPjtka, Odd of Lots, are the Merchant Wk-owt l.xtonuonA or Kemovsla do make a little allowance. On DWELLING HOUSE Of Thm- Apart- Ooodadrtre the yowcan.bot away and Closets. Small Oar lsn, To LeV MwltmU of and PttUettkunt, JAMES BIOOAR. Apply to Wjlana' -laer. Higgac.

TO LET, with entry Whitsunday, Two Cot H-'-J-es LAboureraprcferrad. Apply to Mr J. Bkiffa*g. Btnar. A SPEENOIU CHANCE- One Mia of Xaagbun Best PKJNTO.

rt a yard. were bougltt from the Ka Jway Coicpaoy- rrV LET. a few Cottages, with I eotrv WhiUuji liy rirtU. tabooreit preferred. App'r Soamemlle.

Kij. of oncitym Bank. LET. East IjudsajUtwis ottage and Oafdea. Mtoated near Whit "ffirZ Cotbertioo.

E-a Fau-t Ciggu. frtelr InrUed to BKDKTF.AD DK- Manafaelurerof BEDDING is all Pteoty our Famed CHAIRS to from that can be into a gieat many ueeful purvoaea. prke 23 complete. beary maXe of Chair Trrnu Only, an 4 So GEORGE WILSON Waarao: ARGYLL STREET. GLASGOW.

801 LEE BLAHKBTE gTn.l. CREATES KKDOCHOWB IN f*ck. To make Thb Wttk of THE 1 LB Bf. AIfKETS tbs Beene JAMAICA (TTRSKT. ln-o wArtieil tbo whole So Ptehi Flforee, et St Low Pojct-s TfcutCMrtonof pet worth lor bbcoh bool.

nww oopbt. mat. SALK UPE 1 TEV POtJMW of really MJLCK TKA or per carrier, hsrlaf jast paKkuad. for natt tak, rnlirr lot a ebon of raally boperdM Tom. coerirtlee of opwsoU of Frraeli Cbeela.

be awbad a aall Ike aatira let in ijuauUoa of sot laaa tkaa Taa Pnoada. a (ha aboro pHre (carrlapo paM, nor rail or carrier. If aay part of tanart'kira). at otuck price be ofOj a bare of prudt. Faailliaa.

Hotel (eraerr. and ftaalen is Tea. hare (bur opper unity iMIe of Traa of aappfytM iW fetraa at a price at lebat beipawce per Prueart below Ike proaoot market ralae. ALEXANDKK uorruc Uotn Gmttm. MAIN STREET.

CORRALS, OLASOWT. to Uw Md BwrLrad N. to hand, a largo qoaatlcj trf rrtj Ftac SA ViaMM AHROWROUT Pareol of Wvtt PMadf for 1A Kerr Cam. 17 .1 fv SCftit* Avxrat CLEARING SALS, AT 99 JAMAICA STREET. IST wife ANNEAL ACTOR? WARKHOI ntS CLRARJNO SAUL a Scale of MacaHmle Ml ooeaAiw- The treater oomUr id oder l'ncoil Oooda Sale owtiut the increase oar ami paniy to the thomafti northo.l aAuptail in December foe clean out aU In mice Me StoeEAB Oerwfe nmoatrcl Im coorm of MaMfaetan, A a frartM bo Camleable.

ADOoMeSnOerf. AU -rwfef appellatloti of oM Bhap- AU tioocUUopertext ti or In flue, we hare laid aside Of aR which ought to be offered a( Mr at Ai to oar Stock perfect for ISBT and by the thousand, hare malted ta platil at each some appareatly eOraTa pncea as will meet the somewhat extreme espsctaWoMe the Public who gearrally wait for oar Aaoual Pale, tautomers wiU hear in mind that theae Onnds are alt our ewa maaefarture; ami while (a the oiture of the faae we do art Uke oar edUmry rrwposeiKMty. the qmabty of the (roods will bear and as a slight damage, not the wear, ah wafashL-nsbie ml. as old shom keepet look, or gaaeraUy ahy of the reaeom which rwader it with at to dear oat. (a he material to the nearer, wo may.

forgvtttaf mtr ewa kas. rlosebr the Pahttc oa their oppoe Bargalaa which we arc compeUed to ,4, ONCE A TEAR. E. A S. SOOTT AU the LoM here adrertimd are diatiact aad extra to Uencral Stock, and are SctA rcepoosiMisty.

They are, bowerer, aU of ear own Maonfactare. Tht of Um (UK Loto lifts alroadyoonar seed 9i JftMalrii Lot 1. For Pain of KUrtic vd per t'air Moa tbe IraraDea of atdek ractofr. The-. Goode an all Root aad eentMeWe preaeot eeaeom.

toil For SwU, ifoet eoim. pet Lot S. For 4to yoen of lot of Leather locioa Boote. atoat. la Ml Mir.

Lot 4. For tiiiU, Pto 11 yean of lot of LaatlMr 800 I a So Id nr Lots. Far ntrU. tl to IJ of Gil pair. Lot 0.

For Ciirls, 3 ejo Rlartk IVade. Ten ijuality. per pair. Let 7. For LaiUn (-uluble for feat KM sMe-laciofi Boole.

Sa pTr Wr, Lot a. For OlrU. Sto 8 of apo-Good sfoet Batmural Leona BooU, Se 3J Lot 8. For Glrte, Uto ft yaan of eae-Stoul Balmoral BouU, ta 6d per pair. Vrry Lot ta For elxirc 4 yaon of EM Kleetic tide BooU.

3a ad per pair. Lot 11. For Bonu ran quality for Iho money. 4e Od par pair. Lot It.

For Men stoat Grained Leather BUifher Boota, 4s 3d per pair. Ixit For Children-abora yeara of apal.vlnyss VI per pair Lot It. For per pair Lot 14. For Laclnc Boota. to Ol per pair, lot in.

For Toe-Cap per pair Lot 17. For It yean of Sa per pair. Lot in. Kor ulrh. ymn n( Luclng fwr pair.

Lot 13. For ft to ynnal Kip Balmoral laelnp Bona. od prr pair. Lot SO. For P-ya, Pto yrara of Lrallwr Ladag pair.

Lul tl. For to yaora LackM Ifciou. per pair Lot n. For In ycon of KUrlle SWo fa led par pair. Lot 28.

For 5 of ago-Leather Larins Bonks. per pair. Lot St. For filrb, a Co Tt rears of age-Stout Good Balmoral Lacing 4s pet pair Lot Si. For Oirla, 6to 9 of age-Laatkar Lacing Boots.

per pslr. Lot 28. For 10 to 13 years of IQnattc ekle Boots. pet pair. Lit 77.

For Leather Boots. 3d per pair. Lot For Leather Boots, la od per pair IsWPL For KUstfc-Si-le Kid Boots. isBd per pair. Lot 30.

For Hoots, 3a per pair. L-t 31. For Ladies-Balmoral Boots, extra large shtaa, FomU. per pair. Lot 37.

For I Julies Balmoral Boots, extra targe alms. Patent Fronts, 3s Od per pair. Let S3. For Ladles- Pine Kkl Boots, Sa Gd Lot 34. For Klastir-Slde Boots, At per pair.

Lot 33. For Ladies-Extra Fite Uoality is par pair. Lot 30. For Boot. Ss wl per pair.

Lot 37. For Honae Bools, aU small sixes, 2s per pair. Lot 3s. For House Bools, floor A Lot of Women shoe Clogs. Is 6d per pair.

A Lot of Lacing Boot Clogs for Chlldrvo and 3 years of age. Sd. lOd. and Is per pair. A Lot of Lacing Boot huge 3s pnr pair.

A Lot of Youths' lacing Boot Clogs, ts per pair. AT No. 8 JAMAICA KTKKP.T. SereraJ Lots of Fine Boots, adlled, from is to 7a fsl per pair. E.


by ftoperty; OraaKrtoi a i (itagew. Life li.y Ai Patok BetAveO. Wbot. Mork. Oop.

urA Isplrante. or ruMuroee AT CXTDmu.E HOtJSK, BY LAXABX. ftHIftLAW Hofi win ML trr PahUr Wrav i'Lfobvillf. Hocml mrv iJ: TakW nmd fnp, Cm-rlotk, fcmlcr aad He. tnn Staait.

Ctein, BwoMUr, threats WneloU. Uko o( IfeilsteuU and Cortaloa, "nulai Tahiaa aad RMn and Wan- Mirror CCram-rkah- aad Rain. rVadm and flrr-lroaa. bar Mb Hair. aad -tra- MaUmmuj Scotcb aiKf QUakata.

Badcorart, Ac. Krrnier Lat nnni aad tfba Ktu-bca and Cattaarr toxuiu TaMa. Mas Ma. Wiaarnlykra. df dtc.

uoaaiityof OyauT aad China. RALE OP RTEGRASS HAT AND PAT SHIRLAW A hOW are mmrweUd by Mr Rwmell to toll by Public Reap, oa hla K.aaa at DRarrap. of oa ISA Feby. rt Twrtee A.OOO to 10,000 Stones of Rpegraaa i Hey. prowtb of ism.

wen got and ante lam qaalilr. Also, lb PHaw PM the atieouoa of Flatome, The asoal Credit be gieea or Diacoaat tor Oaah. PexPan. let Pbbntary. Im).

Theta will expomd to Sale, by Public Roup, wtthto the of John Hamilton. NpiHt-DmAer. Cleekimlao by MotherweU, ooTHCNSDAT, at Threw 0 clock aflerwooa. That nstt house pROPKimf at kbit front leg the Rdiabanih Turnptkw wMeh to Use Tate James beM anon a Learn rt ivw ymm from Martlmpaa IMA Tbw Honare mnaist Three within the tart tweaty yean, stone and stated, aad ta gwwd crvlsr, and 0 portion of the frontage yet to boil up The TUk and Articles of Keep may be to the baads of SHIR LAtT A RON, AacUooacra, WUhaw. Cleellmtoa.


NEXT. rpUK PASTURAGE OF THE PARKS JL or HAMILTON LACK. maUWac abovt Atfrt Impcrtal. to o( toOmu Mma woll WAtoml uvl Thfi (rrratfr part Old on the of tkm end Aeon, and of rtfj Neperior QlulHjr. tlie Peer CtuutWnlt Pnrfc wIU Alan U( (or tfeN The Roop will at One cloet.at the Palace where part f-a fare mar he learned prorteos to the Aay of Let.

JAMK3 SMIRLAW A NON. AacHwiiri HaflrtMon Palace. February, On the FahM of NNwcanm, Partah of Bofbwetl JSHIRLAW A SOIf bare hern frroiimf with front Mr Hepbata, to Ned. hr Annina, the Whole STOCK. CROP.

A IMPLKMRNTW on -old Parra, ea aa day. to be after named. tViahaw. lath January. JA MK MA SII AL L.

Accncuuxii. BotidlDE. Wi-tun. will Sell, by Public Roap. ah the following Is Ft OKI SB).

4th-At HarnUUm Oaf Starks. Kjrjtnss sml at o'clock. Thorwlsv. t'atlakc. Oat Starks, Kycgimas Hay, aoU OaU at SckiiUs.


Wlahaar. has Instructed hy Mr James Hendanoa to Bell, hy Roup, at the Fanil of HrssNaw, lit the Pariah of Carluke, un TH t' KB DA February 7, 1 l-Arge Siacka of liorlin And Sandy Gala of rcry aoparior quality, an Old Laa and Lleaaed Land on Uis Hynshaw Also, from 1000 to 1300 Stones of excellent Ryegrass' Hay end 100 Bolls good Feeding Oats, in Lois to anil Fnrchaaars. Hale to Win at Two o'clock Afternoon. Months' Credit on Approred BUG. or Discount for Cash.

ADJOURNED SALE OF HOCSR PROPERTY IN M'OHIB sFRUT. HAMILTON. Crsirr Paica Ucdcckd to mto. Tliere will he Sold, by Pnhllc Roop. in theCoHNKPCUt.

Inn. FRIDAY, the IMh day of Fchroaty next, at Two Clock Afternoon, THAT PROPERTY on North Side of Street. Hamilton, of Two One- Htorey Honaes with Byre. At. and Yard attached, presently Mrapiad Miss FJixabeib UarnUUm and others, the Ground extending to falls and allq, oe thereby.

descrtlwd In the thereof. Rental. £l4. Feu-Doty. If Apply to Masua J.

A A. Dykes, with whom Deeds and of Hoop. JAMRH KEMP. AaeUoneer. Hsmillon, SRh Jannnry, lkB7 FOR SALK, a UamcM liorsc (15.2), warrantad, wit) tie sold a Bargain.

Apply to Jantna Hamilton. Auctioneer. Thli Lot of So fled Blanket embraces all At Thia Week Sale, SPECIAL BA It GAINS be gireo ia n.ASSBLf* AND PEITICOAT DRCGOET3. which all tatoMliag Parcheaaia are to loe before hotlaf A tT 4 RJ kdo 19 JAMAICA StREEf. A 8 If A CLEAR SWEEP OF THE ENTIRE JffdtK or IHI Royal polytechnic warehouse, BY THE SECOND WEEK IN APRIL.

Dm Interest of this Giaat Sale It lacreaetng Manrof the Lou ad- To- Da; aad Next Week ranoot bo pcited double Un prim 'iHotod below. Tea lo Twelve dock time I carelat select ion. Cosustry shoSIT be eeot Mr AMisjlso.s great aim the last tea rears make the Roral Polytechnic Warahoaoc a.Vat tonal collecting wnhin iU walla the Maoalac turtag PrwloeU of the nreral of Rarope in I arfe and at a Lnwat Scale of than had hen exhibited In tbo Klngtloti). ToaecomplUh Uua. it waa nacoanr; that ahould aaka penodical to the Omtlnent with Cook (b Aflnrf.

a aelectlow. Use Inmrnn expense Anau That this haa beoa attained tolhdenll; eetneed lo the thxf thronged Ida Warehouse, hr an Trwle. and the name of the Roj-al Polytechnic beiag a bouarbold Word I'ren the FirtA to John o' OraaU. NotwithsUndiiw the pleasing coboected with the famous old P. l' tecbntc, sny with mast be sbortt; hnikes np, and it win then be oumbrred aionng the tlilncs that were, Anri, like the iswlen fabric of a rlaloo.

Leave Dot a wreck behitid. Bat Mr Astrensns Is detarruused to makf scone of the Pnlrtechnlr eclipn the brightest period of its brilliant Uv-tory The Third Portmu of the Stock will be arranged for Sale To-Day (Hatardayiand Next Week. Finn note A Lot of Richly Jarred Irory NetUng Caaea w(U giren away To-Day ami all Next Week I- Lot of 8 and Atl will be sold tot I 21 ami 1 If Lot of I Pocket Books selling for Set of SolluHea for id. Ladlet Paleei Jel ter 11 1 Boxes of Sewing 811k for aid. 6 8 r.necg be Fine Atl-Wool rrimoait shirting reduced from yard to I yard.

Wide Block Crapes lor MonroTna, rwloced from a yard to 1A Black Wonllon Sstlnettc. for mourning, reduced from I 8 and I a yard to lIIT and Lot of wide Width striped Real Alpacas, slightly imperfect, all teilaecsl ftow 1,8 a yard lojd a yariU I-nt rery fine Oreaadincs with bilk hecka. redoced from I 6 a yard to a yard. Lot of Dark Ground Punted French Baregoa, with silk Checks, all reduced from I a yard to a yard. Lot of Printed Llama Itresaea.

minced Inna S.U to A nnxed Lot of pood wearing bind Dresses will bo away on Saturday for Lit a Dreaa of yards, butue of tills l(Ot la perfect, and some slightly damaged. Special Th; Sale, Lot of Lad me Larcndor Kid Uloraa reduced to Hid. A mixed of Frwncb aod Italian Kid Olorea, iod quality, all rodnood (roan 1 and 2 to llfd and To Dus (Saturday i. Mr will offer his entire Stock of rery superior AU-Wool Critneon Shirts, all at AII each. Tbo pick ia worth from 88 to each.

Upwards of IWdoaaa to aoloa froaa. A Lot of Ilich Silk Telret scarfs, which coat to make from I i to 2 each, rhoieo now for and Ktd each. Lot of I Soiled Sewed Sou reduced to Old each. The Or-at Short Week in the To- Rat (Saturday) nod the folio Week wID be offrred the First Pertlon of some beautiful epecboensol Htaek lac-- One Lot of Pure Lace raloe now for HIP. A of Spanish lace, that were selling at now for A Lot of Choice Brosaels Lace Shaw la, the Manufacturer's price foe which ranged Irim 1J0; to IM now to be cleared at 4- 8.

Si 6. and '-S'A A Lot of Marriage Plaids will be o.fcred at tUnliagly low prices, in Paisley and French Manufachare a lew of the following will tire a taint conception of the (act that al il. now few tec Halils that sedd at iJft. now for Si that sold at 63 for 40 Plaids that sold at £4. now for £2 IHaids that acid at now (or Plaids that sold at 6 (or £4 Plaids that sold at £7 tonew fur £-V Plaids that sold at £lO.

now (nr £6. Plaids that sold at £l3 ami £lO, aow £8 and £lO. fhe great demand (or the Polylacliaic Silks renders it nece.airy. for the n-nrealence of Cuauunere. that a few MotUUma of Blacks only will be giren (or the (ollowing Week.

Bright Glace Silks reduced to and 3 6 per yard-the present market ralue (or these Uooils Is from 9 to 4.11 per yard. Drmp de France, at 3 and 3 I'4d. rich and Bright, present market ralue from 3At to 6 per yanl. Kkn Bright GruGrein at 3 3 and worth (rim 88to 6U A rare Baremn in H.mnru. of l.yooa best tiro Grains, the quality sold at P.U now (or and the 13 quality, the beet made, now reduced to Shirtxmjt 'or Thit Weti'r Sale.

The followidc Fire Late are specially recommended to the Friends and Customers of tbs Royal Polytechnic Ut No. 1, 30 Pieces of Watertwiat Hhlrtiag, marked to Sell at a yard, now reduced to a doses. Lot No, 3. 47 Pieces of Finer that seld at now re lured to 611 a dosen. I-it No.

3. 35 of Fine CuUod, that sold at a yard, now reduced to a down, lot No. 4. 17 of Crewdson Shirting, that told at a yanl. now reduced to a dozes.

Lot No. is a mixed l-d of Long Cloths, the finest made, sod Midlands, all measuring 36 wide, that sold al yard, now all reduced to Oil a dozen. None of the shore can be sold In less quantitlM than 13 yards at these reductions, Itrductkmt in Mov ruing (io-dt. The special reductions In this Department coosltd of Blink Merlnoes. Black Crepes, BUck Black Woollen Satlncttes.

Black French Merl soes, that sold at VS, and 3 now reduceil to I ami a yanl Black Crapes, (or Dresses, that sold now reduced to a yard; Black Alpacas, that vdd at Is and I a yard, now reduced to and Lot of BUck that auid at 13 a yard, now reduced to lojd a yard a few Pieces of Black Queen Cord Poplins, Dial sold ati a yard, now reduced to a yinl. With the almre will be elrowa a Lot Black Mlk and Alpaca Petticoats, beautifully' Quilted, at about half price. Hare Bargains in This Week's Sole 53 Pieces of Twisted Yarn All Wool Scotch all reduced to a yard this Is one of the wonders of the age Lot of Reary Dark that sold at a yard, now reduced to 1 a yard. Nereral of the Best Saxony and Chariot 00l Scotch Tweeds, that were marked to sell from 3 3 to a yard, aow reduced to sell from to a yard. This indeed, a rare chance of securing such flrst-claas at so low a price, ami exactly arUpted to the coming season.

Speruit lledurlions in Ike Drapery This Department, (or the last Two Weeks, been crowded from Moraine till Night, everybody delighted with the Barcaina The following rare Lota will laid out for To-Day and Next Week, but cannot be piaranteed longer -i0 of Saxony Welsh Flsunel, that sold at now reduced to I' stout 2900 Yards beet All Wool Crimean Shirtings, Inal sold at Lit a yard, now the whole Lot to to cleared out at about 300 1 Bundles of All-Wool Crimean Shirtings, in shirt lengths, at a price. 350 bheepskio Door Mata, that eold at 4.6. now reduced to Lot of Ditto, that sold at ami to; each, now reduced to 4 11 and All each tremendous In Winceya, in to ami IS yard bundles, at S'll. IX, and a bundle were sold at fully one half more bun reds bundles of Bcarlet and whHe Flannels nt a (treat reducUon. Baryaliu in Linem, ir.

The Polytechnic Stock la now diatrilwted In riebt earnest. This Week's Bargains. Iwlnp of so substantial a nature, will be borne in mind for mans years to rome. Extraordinary Bargain In Linen sbeetinc (Twilled), now reduced to yartl; eserybody should secure tome of these, lyt No. Twilled Linen Sheet- Inc.

yards wide, that sold at Xi. now reduced to a yard. 3. Twilleil Linen Sheetiaf. that sold at ST), now reduced to KllJ a yard.

No. Ditto. yards wide, that sold at i 11. now reduced to Job ict of SdO Olaes Tewels. that sold at Opt each, now all reduced to 3,111 a dosen.

Kplemlid Barmin in Bed Stoat foion Tick, that sold at 11 Id a jar I. now reduced to sjd Finest Ditto, that eold at DS, now reduced to a yard; All-Linen Tick, that sold at I 4 and LO. now reduced to I oi and 1 11, 100 Pieces of Kilcbso Tuwela, la half -teo imodles, all reduced to a bundle. On Thursday awl Friday next the whole Stork of upwards of Cases of Pickles, consisting of Cauliflower. Mixed Pickles, and In reduced to Sid a Bottle.

A few dozens Ditto, with Isbela soded. to be cleared out at each. About Cooes of Master Jobbin Celebrated Ssuces. In Brighton Egyptian. Cambridge.

Tweerl Saloon, and Anchorie Sance. I BotUee all rodoeeri to a HotUe. 12 down large i Bottles of sauce for bid eech. A few Cases of Best london Malt Vinegar. I Bottles reduced to the shore Pickles and Sauces will be ready far Sale till ThurwUy flrst- If rteUrered.

Id extra will Ire charged fur each parcel of a Dozen Bottles. FARM AT PRESENT TO LET. THE FARM OF SPRING WELL in tlk) Parish of Blaotyre. lor each anmher of yean as may agrueil on. It rconMe of aboat Fifty acres Imperial Apply to Andrew Jarkson.

Spittal. Canahosiang. FARM TO LKT. For such term of yean as may be agreed 00. entry te the Arable I at present, sad to live Houses and THE FARM of COUPLAW, in the Pariah of hloDehouaa.

consisting of acres Ira penal, or thereby It Is in terser ted by the Fart-h Komis, and is two miles distant from the Cotcastio siding of the Mon chouse Railway, amt the same from Blackwood La me work The Lands have neatly all been tile drained, and there is a productive meadow of four acres, callable of extension, with a plentiful nunply of water The slated Mead tag waa erected recently. The present unant. who does not offer, will point out the and conditions of net. and plan of the farm, may Ire seen in the hands of Robert Borland, tile maker. Olenborti Offers to be lodged by the ftd Inal.

Dykahead. lit February. MB7. ROYAL POLYTECHNIC WAREHOUSES. AGAKDNK 36 JAMAICA STREET, Are OF Raw Material, Cauinlt Makers, Saw Miu.rrs, ah'ers Gilders, Plate-glass asd Silvtosns, Vamhia' Makers, Marble cirmu, dr.

Tra Ut. trilK mrot adeaivtd mmrhinem, on the mef( eztetuice tale, in full operation at their Wohrs PAISLEY ROAD. a'D MORRISON BED HOOM SUITES. Drawm. BED ROOM SUITES.

do. do. do. Wim WjrflroVrf UK! WmUuuul.double»Ue 1 BED ROOM Xio WMbtUcd wiib Mublo Top. BED ROOM SUITES, do, do, do, lo or Watont A BED ROOM SUITES, do do, do, JUJ'-' wardrobe Tfarce-Dcotvd bed ftfl ROOM SUITES, do, do, do, JL I'' Vy eTerythlug eoperb.

ell exno BED ROOM SUITES io ckooM Irooi. (All fuaroaltvi firt f'eart.) fio DINING BOOM SUITES, Ooueh. i 7ft Tal DINING SUITES. U1 bacloaed b' board DINING ROOM iaMe. DINING ROOM SUITES, do.

12 cbalra. anil foreiWMitrd K-wm, aca DININGROOM uimt ou eideboanl. aod Loaf-flower I flft DINING ROOM SUITES, do. do, JL 1' Wjffibeaui l-Rftfl DINING ROOM SUITES, Slbck JLOUV chouaalrem. fdU 6 1 ft DRAWING ROOM BUITFS.

Coach, XI Two i Chain, and bU Chain. 1 DRAWING ROOM SUITES, do jL ie and elTert lo oplielanry DRAWING ROOM SUITES. do, ucol CaMoat or Claaa-backed DRAWING ROOM SUITES, do, JL'tJyJ with Scsicet-rCenire ssomaa. DRAWING ROOM SUITES, do, Mattelplecc Mirror. fiarTabta.

Olaaa TUI DRAWING ROOM SUITES. do, 1 Gian aud larger firr Table, he. ft, Ift DRAWING ROOM SUITES, in Slock Jj lUUU cbiuM (ro fM Ou Ttari) GILT MIRRORS with 3u iorbes, aod 2d orar Carnag. at a-j GILT MIRRORS and 31 loehas at £1 GILT MIRRORS with Glus 22 and tncaoonoK It Carving, at Cd. GILT MIRRORS with Glass 39 27 aad measunae 4X S7 inebaa Carving, at £1 GILT SUKROBS aith GUas II 31 aad in-'a- Bring .2.

a mchei uvar Carvlng. al 11a. GILT MIRRORS with Glars 4a 3. and tnrhrs over mg. £3 10, GILT MIRRORS, for Shops.

Warehouses. Tar lours, hr the moat HKun Slap lilan. CARPETS, DAMASKS. FLOORCLOTIIS, Ac, Ux choice Coloun aad aigna BLAN RETS. BEDDING, aud I RON BEDS FEADS rebjeet to the Trade Uiseoant VENETIAN BLINDS (Finest), al 6d per Foot; Patent Rolling Wood, at Spl and Sid par Sjuare Foot A.

GARDNER A SOS ate the only Mtorwr Malmrs and lor the of they at Company tanfl. and GUaa has an acknowledged npertortty FARM TO LET ON THE F.HTATK OF FARM. In the Ptri.fi of Holhwfll, ronMsUnt of tM me.iiire) nil trabte. of flo Acre, hare beea recttsU; The Sua-lins It commo i us an-l wu hallt within the Vast flre rears The present Tenant Is ohUaert to fits op la cod' of ill health, an-l immedUte Knlrr cook) Ht VlnreDl purw Am-It to AoW MoMTicff, Want (ieorta Wrett. or Mwrm Djkaa, ul wit! rarrlrr Wntleo up Oth fff kehruarr nert W.Uuffl Vota.

by point oat the Olnogaw, I'Hh Jany ISOT. mo LET. those Preuiiees In Quarry Street A prsscnlly occupied hr Messrs CaaaeU as a Store Apply at the Adr'rftttr Office, rpo LKT, in Burgh that Double JL Shoi', latt ly hy A Son. Bookbiivlen. wilh entry.

Apply to Jmpw MaeMa. Town Trwarw. T) LET. Entry at Whitsunday, that HOUSB with STABLE ud BTRB. (wenpled hr the late Selkirk Kent, Apply by letter, to Mr Grata Muir, A drerlutr Ollice TO BE LET.

Furnished. VILLA at HAMILTON. of Light Apartneala, Bath Koow, awl other Conrenieoeet. Entry Inmadialely. Apply at Adeertierr OfHee, mo BE in Cadaow Street, tlieae Two .1.

DOUBLE SHOPS, presently oceopleil hy awter Hinds. Grocer, and William Iroa- monger. Kntry to bo bad at VVhlUunday, 1807. For particulars, apply to the Proprietor at 07 Cad sow StreeL AND SHOPS TO LKT. Mouse, in BoilUe's Causeway, consisting ol Room aad Kitchen.

Weaving shop. No, is High Patrick Street; Commodioua Shop, la Nishet's Buildings Apply to Aikmau. Keith Patrick, i Bank. COUNTRY MANSION TO LET. Finely SUnated in the Middle Ward of Lanark (hire, about sine Millet south of Ulaaguw, and near a railway.

The House. ontains Nme Mourns, with Garden, and Policies in flrst-clasa order. Immediate entry Apply to Archd. Tenncnt. Inail Agent, 11 Frederick Street.

Glasgow. FIRST-! LASS GRASS PARKS TO LET, well watered, fenced, aad sheltered, and very suitable for Sheep and Youag Cattle. Apply to Archil. Tcnaent. Land Agent, II Frederick StreeL Glasgow.

LAJiD NKAR fOR SALK. To bs M'UI. PnmW lisrtiio THAT lying ne'r Owt Kart of of oa flint to BrooeW-n, to Oibaos. Ilm Parti adaMort for FeaiM If or lorthrt to Mr IW. Wmor.

Biggar, with whom Offer? may bo lodeort ootil PHrtay the Ist day of March rest Bisear. SSth Janoary, t897. PHOI'KRTT SEAR THE TOWN OP I.ANA There wiD tw eipowl to PaUie ihe HffTSL. lAiurk. on Ula c.fFrhni*rj CJock Allnreojo, nmlct power ot nmiot In a Bond and Die HtmUott SaeurUy.

TIIK following PORTIONS OF LAND in th- neichbourbuod of the Town of Lanark, helomdog tn Hinas Weir. 1 APAKT of the LANDS coanionlv calM CALD- DK, the Hmith Hole of Um Turnpike from Ijnsrk to Kdtabargh. hy oth-rwisecalled the frem Lanark to exteodiM to 25 381 or 2 That OHOCNU. ealondinjr thereby lyleK the south Hide of the real lorn pike I and North wet Siite of Uje Lanark Jump tlon Railway. 3.

A PIIA of exleoJ.ng to I-734 or thereby, stloated on the North Hide of the Turnpike Road, and Henth-eaat of the Hilaoaiowa Road, and Vt'eet of the ami Perm of Nurthfanhle. 4. That PI Kt of etumling to i 1 rood and poten. or thereby, lying on the North Hide of the said Taniptka lloail. and on Ihe of the Third Lot.

The whole of the abore Lands are wall adapted tor riptSu-V tery vn mat i of a Ll.ami HOI.K tliat pieceol tiROL NU, tb. Umuk. arein the Valuation pan LasJ Kirkmairl.ill. in the pariah Kell of the Counti at iIIVC. and there no duty vl Harony of KUckwood, and SHenfldoMi payable.

ol Lanark. coniiUlM of or thereby. tba lands will be Exptwed for Sale at the I neet on Ow north by publW road from Strath Price ol and it not bold In One Lot. will be aTMI Lanark, on the by the ground by eipoeed for lu Three Separate Lota, rU. Lot Tbonras on the sad by the land feurd to consisting of the Property tint abore mentioned at the ID and on the south by park by John Cpeet Pnce of a Lot No.

of tbe Pro- yboiaeoo. ouilh in Kirkmuirbill. as the name irr held perty aecond abore mentioned at the fpeet Price lease or tack. There a substantial and No. 3.

of tbe Prop rty thirst uutsd HOL on the Sabycrts. Tackdoty. da per and fourth alsrte rntmueoed at the I peat Price of Further perttculan may be learned on appHration to For farther panicnUns anply to Muir 4 Aleaandae, and rowan. W.H.. 11 Mill Street, Writera, Edinhorgh.

who hare the UUaa and of roup. or the Titles and erti-rlee of Bonp, to Morison 4 fUrr, wrUery. Lanark. 10th January, lse7- TilOH SALE. Second hand.

Carriage with Coffin Box a Baker Bread Yaa sod sGig in good condition. Apply at Coach Works, BsllUe's Causeway. F)E SALE, a Quantity of Firat-Claas ABKItOKEV VBIXMW TURNIPS, grown oo the Tbike of Hamilton Home Firm Apply at Uw Dairy. Smithy Croft. VALUABLE TIMBER VUR SALE.

At Coulter, srsa Btocta. lAJTS of WOOD, moatly all of the noality, aatl ahoat Ito years oM. will ha Sold, by Prtrate Taooltheoe Lots ate situated by the Turnpike Knad, and all within three miles ol tbs tea tier Station. Calerlonlaa Railway. The nnmher of Trees aiw-nnt to a Boot kwa.

Mr Peter Black, tUsMiller, will nSnt oat the Lots and afford erery to iotewUns OBerere, awl who will receive Offers till February oeit. Coulter Mains, SUt January. IW7. To he Sold, hy Ptirala Contract, on the of Wnn Kciuiua, Broom knowe, and Buthpielr, About 1200 tkkks, coiwisting of Beech. Ash, Scotch Fir.

and Elm; also. Pit Wood aad Bakers' Wood. These Propertleeare situated within a quarter of a mile of the alkie Ear nock Station of the Hamilton aad Stralhaven Railway, aad two miles from Hamilton Mr Wm. Dnaflas will attend on the ground to show the lots and conditions of sals. 00 Thursday, the 7th.

aad Saturday, the oth from 18 till pm. T. J. Lnfan. 1 Dixon Street, will receive offers up to Wednesday, ISih Feby.

Ist UW7. DRAPERY STOCK IN LANARK, Foa av in Orb Lot. THE STOCK-IN-TRADE (Amouoting per laveotory tod Valuation to AMO da. 7d be- P.aging to the Trust Estate of WilliamTcooent, Draper. 30 Bloomgate.

Lanark, will he Exposed lor Hale, by Aoetioo, in one Lot, within the Hotrl. looark, on FRIDAY, the 3th February, next, at Two o'clock afternoon. The Rlock will he on view in the shop. No. SO Bloomgale.

Lanark, on Thoreday the 71b proximo, from Ten to Poor o'clock, sad on Friday the from Tea o'clock The Stock, which is in good condition, -osisls wincipall; of plain Goads, and to a peraen desirous of endiiaeacing hudnees the present an eirellent opportuaity for doing so. ihe bhop, which is situated in the best I stain tea pan of the town, is well lit Ur I up, and has Im en for many yrsrs aa a First Claxa Dnpery aa Inventory aad VaJaal.ou may he seen, ami full pariJcolan learned, on appP ration to the THOMSON A JOHNSTON AccminUols. 70 Oeorge Square, January. IM7. VILLAS AT BOTH WELL FOR HALE.

Those Two villas called tanzik- RANK and CASTLE BANK. The are eubetanUal ami having each a eonatdrmhle Piece o) lituuad attached, and the eltuatioo Is one of U.P IU lo owsa, 4 OjJlowajt. Wwt Itegwit HUeet, Olmkqw. AflJOl IINKI' hALK. fICBJECTS I.X CAD7.MW KTRBKT.

HAMILTON. IrstT Price Hr.i" to Al.mo, To Be Pahlk Roup, within thr FiCTLTT HjiLL.xiinl flr-'rgc PUce. Otaaenw, no WBDKBB' retnury. UH7, at lloek AIU-nu-m. AI.I.

WHOI.K. theneTwrire of OROI'Bn. Hwitell wtun. Umeby. Thirty wen K'-et tlie Irirl r-l (aiUaw hlrnct, with the su'i Pr -nl Traiaant Boiliings lha at hy Mawrs Nttmao.

silk Mrroms. Mr aad "ibers; wturh are pm nl tba Trtui kMate Uari-I Ib'sn'r-n, I- -i sarwoa. The about Kaa Dnty ft 10' Knrth'f w(l! be (aaioa'l apoHriU-n tlw will rbew ttoeTitle' aadAytiflMfcl Hoar MArfAHIJtJC Janoar? ti. 7. VILLA AT HAMILTON FOR SALE There ertll bs eipxrrt Hata.

by Public Roup, in the COMMEarUL IN ljL on KKIOAt. the Ist day of March neat, at Throe o'Clock Afternoon pr'r-'utty 4y THAT Two-stony Detached RrsiutKcr. at the CadawHteMt and Mtrir Htowt n( itoinoUme balongiDf Um lata The lluaac la cul tuoUu, tboruuKblj 'ln. is eelleot repair, being newly Papered and and Three Public Koota" and Heeeo (00.1 Bed Kieaojiliacladiiic iVatli Haotn. Paatrr, loarte, aivl urbanooveaieDio.

Water arcUtUuduced, tlitto I- a Bprltig 'Veil. Tfce tiardrn oofrUius a rund'lcrable I rootage to aod oteuda to about Kood, and well -locked with tree' aud ten Doty, ru ta.ruedUtc et.tr> may be Apply to Mcmti T. I. W. A Hamilton, with are the Title" and Articlca o( Reap.

Hamilton, unary Utb. KIKKMt'IBRILU There will be lor sale, by PnWic Roup, will'in the CuiinKU' on TCKBDAV, tbn Uj day March. IrCT. at Two Clock altenwoo, in Tirtueof thnpowonof In a bond and aiugaatioo in aerarity..

Hamilton Advertiser from Hamilton, Strathclyde, Scotland (2024)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.