The time of writing is the 24.08.2024 in German timezone I ain’t googling that lol
This is practically a compilation or… newly written summary of everything wrong with jukes lore! In a style written as if it was a YouTube Jtoh flawed video, except I’m not Logan_ISL.
- 1 Disclaimer: inhumanly long (a lot of reading time)
- 2.3.4 LARUAM
- 2.4.1 HE2018
- 2.4.2 CE2018
- 2.4.3 HE2019
- 2.4.4 CE2019
- 2.4.5 HE2020
- 2.4.6 CE2020
- 2.4.7 HE2022
- 2.4.8 HE2023
- 2.4.9 CE2023
Disclaimer: inhumanly long (a lot of reading time)[]
There three things in jtoh that are infinite
The toxicity of jtoh-discussion in the discord
The amount of people being kicked for „skipping a tower“
And the stupidity of jtoh lore
-nobody actually just me not knowing how to start this
Good morning, evening, afternoon, midnight or whatever the time is when your watching this
I’m Theelderssoul, some random ass idiot playing jtoh and thus my value in life has already been lost. Since you don’t know shit about me quick rundown of the stuff in jtoh I’ve done.
I started playing in 2021 shortly after the ToCP winner statue has been removed, play on a mobile device and have beaten all non sc towers + a good amount of insane I reckon putting me at 294 towers done.
This doesn’t matter in this video however, for one reason. I’m not gonna talk about some tower or something, no. By stealing the format from Logan_ISL, fellow jtard in practical retirement, i have decided to about the most useless topic imaginable that nobody cares about other than me, jukeca- *insert trying to say her name here*, ok no fuck it trying to spell this sucks. Even juke herself doesn’t quite know how too! We’re simply gonna be calling her juke. That’s it. Ok again we’re gonna talk about a topic only me, juke, a few dozen jtoh discord members, dispensable Array and two people on the jtoh wiki care about.
Instead of talking about, idk, areas taking over half a year to release now, event schedules being even more disastrous, the beginner issue that Purgatorio is gonna bring, juke having an aneurysm trying to figure out how she wants to handle the restructuring of the second world, the game having puzzles so unclear that you require a guide to solve them or how the fuck juke doesn’t want to set jtoh completion date in the late 2030s with her new subrealm plan thing, none of that actually important stuff.
I’m gonna talk about:
Cue epic title card thing
„uhm… wait since when did this game have lore exactly?“ is what you might ask. And I can honestly not blame you whatsoever. The lore that is in game is very minimal and rather vague. The best place to find it at this point is scouting through the entirety of ToO or get into event lore, where not even much is outright revealed to you in the first place either.
Issue is: juke has the innate ability to not shut up. And so most of the lore info on important characters comes from random messages in random channels in the jtoh discord with 30K+ members and Hundred of THOUSANDS of messages at the time of writing this. The regular jtoh player won’t even know this info exists without deliberately looking for it on the wiki.
(Pandafara you are a godsend knowing about all this stuff, huge shoutouts to them for finding all these messages. Wait you don’t know who pandafara is? Uhhhhh-)
Now that I’ve clued you in about how much lore you can actually find in game here a very brief rundown on how I perceived the lore over time so you can understand why I’m making this.
So in the early days of me playing this game, when I found out about the guardians of the inferno, I was actually hooked on the concept. 4 grand guardians, a gardener of a garden rivaling that of eden, a near perfect hunter with skills possibly outmatching every soldier on the planet, a librarian with grand knowledge and supreme writing power (might sound comparatively weak but I thing she can write things into existence most likely) and a mysterious fourth guardian, all protecting the veils of an obelisk where a grand god of creation sits.
And I think if I explain the infernos premise like that I’m sure you’ll be interested too! I mean BG is coming out in the following months so you’ll soon be able to stand face to face with one of them.
However during the beginning of this year I started to look further into it. Into all the things this lore has, from minor stuff that is literally an afterthought at the moment, to the guardians additional info, all the way into the event lore.
What I found was far too many questions, writing inconsistencies (possibly I’m not sure how much I can actually call an inconsistency) and one thing that completely breaks everything, making the lore quite literally irrelevant.
So you are all actually better off not knowing shit! Isn’t that amazing!
Today I want to present to you the issues of the lore, starting from minor stuff, to ToO, the guardians and then the event lore and one final mystery point that is another issue this lore has I haven’t mentioned yet.
Hmm, what’s that? Will there be solutions? Uhhh yea I guess although two of the three I’m gonna present are pretty drastical so uh…
Ok enough yapping, let’s get it started in here
Disclaimer: this whole thing is made by a 16 year old late teenager with a slight superiority complex, take this as late teenage rebellion bullshit and thus with a grain of salt. Thx
I’m actually gonna start this section with the lore of the spatial system because in all honesty it’s right now in a not good but not bad spot. But I vastly prefer it over the current CHAOS that is TGI and Event lore for one reason: it’s literally just two citadels in game right now and a third one which is aiming and probably getting into zone 10 in 2026/2027 due to jukes new subrealm plan.
I’m also in that citadel as a dead body and you know what that means! FIS- no I’m canon to the jtoh lore just out of spite BITC-
So the lore is actually centered around a character and presumed final boss of SS, the void appearing as a black swirl of particles to talk with you. He is in some way influencing both what’s happening in CoCE and CoPE and seen in the latter during the end is his three step plan.
- Poison the world with grape juice
- Wreck the world with spirits
- ???
Yea, this doesn’t take itself too seriously… you know the… first part sounds goofy. However something tells me juke didn’t actually make the lore for these two citadels due to how vastly different it feels from what could end up happening in TGI.
However I lied about the seriousness part because the trap juice is actually just purple paint as seen in zone 3 on the free grape juice thing with very tiny text at the box. Yes, this is the level of unnecessary detail we need to work with. In CoCE you infilitrate the headquarters of the makers of this „grape juice“ a company selling furniture to take over the spatial system. Guess capitalism does win everything huh… their founders Norby and narby are two noobs who will be angry that you practically destroyed everything in your path while trying to climb to the top and want to fight you until the void appears and teleports them away. However this doesn’t quite matter. If you do the secret ending you will come across „nimby“ trapped in the deep asylum of the citadel. If you follow the secret ending path and do the ending it’s revealed that the void has the power to posses beings inside the citadel and now through your help, in the entire spatial system. He also reveals that Norby and narby are just comic relief characters because they are just stupid and have an IQ of [insert arbitrarily low number here]. Going to… fucking ToAD and then SoHS you imprison the possessed birbwood and… maybe take away the voids powers of being able to possess anything? Anyway you actually can use the elevator now and don’t destroy anything… apparently everything we did in the citadel previously is reset? Did we three return there? Did they fix everything in the matter of mere minutes it took to do the secret ending? And here we already have some issues of continuity, let’s gooooooooo- well but this ending doesn’t even award a badge… is it even canon? I do not know man.
In CoPE the void takes over the pharaoh of the pyramid, to do his second step of his plan which might include using the spirits to his advantage but it’s never specified what the intentions with the spirits were, nor how he will even make them wreck the world. I’m also not too sure how important the spirits in the citadel themselves are. They all have a slightly different personality but in the end it’s irrelevant since it’s not sure if we’ll see them again. Or will we even see N&N again? Remember first aspect of the video it’s only gonna get worse!
But I have a different question. So since the story’s of CoCE and CoPE are canon too the lore… how do they work in the grand scheme? Like in the story if cope were apparently just moved into some house yadda yadda, but I previously had to enter a portal to even get into this citadel. Like even in CoCE where you apparently have signed up for a job in the company you have to enter a portal to get to the citadel and legit both these storylines conflict. The player would know of the void from CoCE but in CoPE they are pretending as if they don’t know anything about the void. In CoCE you literally have to travel through the SS for the secret ending. So how do the story’s inside of tower connect to the outside world? This becomes especially problematic when considering a tower like fucking Tower of Icy Adventures, and yes it’s apparently just a retelling of the characters memories but the character had to
- get into this tower somehow
- Somehow this tower had to be made
And all the modern towers like for example in SA how do their stories work? Like how was ToTiNT made lore wise? Why was it made like this? Is the drone at the end of ToTD called HEZDONS SENTRY part of the lore? If yes why is it in there?
Boom. I just presented to you how I think. I’m fucking Sokrates questioning literally everything to get a logical answer, because I’m a person of logic. If something doesn’t make sense then I’m the angy. And jtohs lore has made that a lot… no specifically the lore juke made. I’m referring to jtoh lore as juke lore mostly actually.
Coming of the last point how do secret endings work my guy. Secret endings like in ToSP or those „collect 10 things to open a secret room“ secret endings is not what I’m referring too. I’m talking about the shit that literally requires you to travel multiple realms. Especially when it gets into event realms. Like what’s the canonicity of these secret endings? I know the one in SoFM is real BECAUSE THE CREATOR HIMSELF helps you in it. About that when I get to him. This also brings up why the two worlds are even connected in the first place. Like array tower lore aside, what do you mean ToO literally brings you over too ToYS in zone 1. that literally requires hezazui to have actively tampered with a tower outside her actual home place, just so that could function. And generally how the towers even work is also vaguely explained.
From what we know they could be potentially somewhat alive, changing and twisting in order to make themselves be able to be beaten, which is abused heavily in ToO by its canonical maker hezazui (and we will get to her as well), but why. Because it wants Negative and positive energy to be harnessed from it? But what is that energy even for? In CoLS its said to be able to „empower civilization“ but how? Oh and also NE and PE are not actually the manifestations of good and bad emotions according to juke. They are more concepts of winning and losing… ok then juke explain to me what the result of winning and losing is. That’s right! POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE EMOTIONS! GG i win, it’s still just positive and negative emotions fused. PE also allows you to… move through each world so idk maybe it can teleport you or something idk. There is also no way the Obama prism boss is somehow canon.
Hmm? You want me to give some answer instead of rambling?
I can’t. There are no answers to the dozens of questions I gave. That is the absolute state of jtoh lore. More questions than juke will probably have the ability to properly answer so your just better of making a headcanon than dealing with the actual lore.
God dammit this section is already so long man I haven’t even touched the great inferno really yet…
So TGI. The world where juke has big things planned with lore and story. Question number one is actually: why are we even doing this. Like why do we want to reach TC? Tf did he do, or what did we do? Are we the evil dude? I’m gonna go into that later that’s actually something for the guardian Segment.
However going through the inferno there are three places I have to cover.
Silent abyss, Ashen Towerworks and Ring 9: Treachery. Alright so, I’m SA you have multiple paintings on the walls, just details but slightly important ones perhaps. First of all one of the paintings immediately makes the lore 100% more complicated by implying that TGI is allies with the 2020 frosted kingdom place. You know. WHOSE KING WE FUCKING KILLED?????? So uh, no more northern allies i guess lol.
Ok I think I have to Adress the deers in the room before continuing.
The defining species of TGI and apparently also the frosted kingdom because their king also shows that trait… are people with antlers sticking out of their heads. Peak character design, lol. Yea so these are called the… juke where do you get these words from, atzilks. I butchered that completely 100%. Despite you not getting too see a single one in person throughout the entirety of TGI they exist. Let’s also ignore that atzilks existing auto confirms humans in this universe, so why are Norby and narby even… noobs in the first place? What is a noob even in this universe?????
Two more paintings in turns depict the guardian Hezdon, and the se- no I’m saving that for later, the demigod of machines Hezazui, although apparently the painting doesn’t depict her exact appearance according to juke. Just say you haven’t finalized their designs yet and that’s why you turned the paintings brightness to absolute zero. And finally a mural where The creator is depicted in front of probably a bad version of the inferno it’s just sky colors lol. Btw his antlers are asymmetrical, fix that.
We’re gonna go to Ring 9 first: basically there are multiple notes scattered around about TC showing that they routinely logged information until The tower of Hecc appeared in ring 1 and then they were like: I’m gonna fill my entire fucking realm up with them. And that’s where we are now. Inside the palace are also books representing a lot of towers meaning TC legit just logged all the towers info in books as well… if that’s what that implies that is. He also talks about Xeria and Aklough as „the beasts of zone 2 and ring 8, that players were able to overcome“, also showing he has been watching us all. Why does he refer to us as players? Yea bro idk maybe because the one who wrote this not didn’t know how to better adress us. Funnily enough the notes were made by array, not juke. So a cool thing I’m gonna point out is that the notes give a lore reason to why areas are released the way they are. We are discovering them in this order which is pretty cool, nice way to implement real life antics into the game.
And now we move to the most lore heavy A R E A yet: Infernal manufacturing pla- Ashen towerworks… old name was better, uhhhhhhh-
Yea this is the place where all towers in TGI are canonically made. At least all their parts. That implies the existence of a second facility somewhere in SS since I did not see SS emblems being forged in that area. Although I have another question. Where do all the random tower portals that are generated with the random names get send too? Are they in storage or are these actually made? If yes, why? Isn’t the inferno already full of them? Aside from that ik rather suprised the atzilks were able to construct a gigantic pump to drain allllll the lava in this area I mean- wait what’s that? The people watching us through the glass don’t have antlers? BRU- the only sign of life so far and they don’t have antlers. Bro tf are they then did the builders forgor or did they not care about jukes lore like everyone besides me, juke a few dozen-
Also the uh… legion of silence Production facility deep into the place. What’s the legion of silence? A legion of robotic warriors/workers that’s about all. In here they are mass produced, at least the worker ones seem to be mass produces, in here there is only one giant co bat robot but it’s destroyed… no generally this entire are is broken down for some reason but it’s still somewhat going. Did something destroy it or is this corrosion due to not being used/abbandoned?
Ok now for the part that actually annoys me in this area. We have… two mining robots. We have the normal version of the CE2023 boss, the harvesters of different sizes and three giant bird like robots called the magma cranes. Both of these are tasked to mine materials.
Two things.
First. What actually collects the mined materials afterwards? Like none of the robots are said or look like they are able to take the mined minerals with them, does something or someone else picke them up? Who would collected shit from UNDER THE MAGMA?
Second. The magma cranes have absolutely no reason too exist. They serve the exact same function as the magma cranes but worse. They have these weird… beak appendages around the drills making the drills effectively useless unless it’s just punctuation drills at most and they are logistically extremely expensive making me question why they were even made in the first place if they could’ve just modified the harvesters or made them bigger? Like bro, juke.exe stopped thinking? This is an issue you would’ve probably noticed if you thought about it for like two minutes but apparently not!
Although yes, the magma cranes serve as epic background props… as long as you don’t take away the lighting or look at them from the front. Seriously, PERSONALLY they look really clunky to me like… there is something off about them I just don’t know what exactly. From the front they are flat as hell and I don’t know if that’s even logically possible for any machine to work like this. Yes I know jtoh is a game where you climb up colorful towers, but the lore is taking itself far too seriously for this, so I’m taking it exactly as seriously as it wanted me too.
Are you tired yet? Already starting to question this? If yes, I’m sorry but it’s about to get sooooooo much worse a day if no, maybe the next stuff will do that.
Let’s move onto
Took a while to make, hope you enjoyed the lore, suprises and the finale of this tower
- tower of oblivions badge description
Yea so I certainly enjoyed two out of three of these things. But seriously the lore thing is the first thing listed she WANTS us to care about the lore.
Ok imma level with you real quick. Tower of oblivion is an AMAZING TOWER. Like legit my favorite tower in the game probably gonna get dethroned by any palace once one releases. Too is proof that in modern jtoh towers with classic looking design and gameplay style can still excel. Very creative and climatic towers, truly a blessing…
Except for two things. One of which is for the mystery point, the second thing is of course the lore. What a SHOCKER AM I RIGHT????
First of all, there is a lot to unpack for the sole reason that this tower is the first „lore hotspot“ and currently the only place I recommend you to go in order to get into jtoh lore so that you can also realize that we’re all doomed.
While I don’t think most secrets in this towers are canon whatsoever, I’m not… sure about the rabbit hole secret. It crosses through ToDD and ToYS and three more odd areas making me unsure if this is actually something canon. For context after ToYS crossing you get send into the old Halloween mansion where you have to play slenderman the eight pages while running from pizza face from pizza tower, FULL STOP!
That sentence was too long sorry. After that you have to fight the old killbot and then your in a… fnaf roleplay game nobody plays… do you see why im unsure of the canonicity of this? That aside, there is four logs around the tower, the homeworld section on floor 4, hezazuis furnace fun and the boss to go over. Oh and maybe jukes dev commentary.
I’m going to have to try really hard not bloating this so… forgive me for the lenght of this segment in advance.
So inside homeworld there are multiple, no, far too many characters introduced that I don’t even thinks it’s appropriate to name them because they could very well become irrelevant or one offs.
So to summarize due to some atzilks being funny they contacted an „outer god“ which has slowly but surely started to do shit to the place… wait no… here it says the towers are influencing this place. Uhm… well the homeworld itself has been shut down due to „outer god presence“ and thus abandoned… is what I would say if not for the unidentified… entities roaming the halls. Multiple characters also complained about the keys from the tower above appearing down here again and again due to hezazui doing some… „prank?“.
Heyyy wait a minute, isn’t there fucking TREES outside the building? Wasnt ring 4 this desolate crystal filled cavern why the fuck are there plants here suddenly? Especially since if ToO is above this place that means this „homeworld“ area is underground. Like what the hell? Odd man. Yea so basically all attempts for everyone to restore tech or bringing order back into the place failed and they decided to just dip. So yea. Whatever these entities are aka the red dots will probably never be explained since not even juke herself in the dev commentary dared to give an actual answer. So yea I’m veeeeerrryyyy optimistic for the future of the jtoh lore totally. Also there is one normally inaccessible secret note that is legit changing over time which is why I’m not even gonna talk about it since it’s actual relevancy and truth is questionable.
So since the first log (and the only one I know how to actually access) is in the homeworld section as well…
Basically to the left in the front area is an area where laruam has obviously let its thoughts spread aka, the laruam backrooms are here. Oh yea uh… these are also in ring 3 in which you can access them via a method you legit need to look up because no hints as far as I know, which is a place used to let help you progress towards laruam due to the ten shadows you need to kill for him. So in this section of the laruam backrooms there is a note from the creator himself. It talks about the nature of the corruption and its source, coming from the red city. It also talks about what themes and thoughts are placed into ones head in this place. With a certain „QHL“ project being brought up, which I want you to remember for later. He also says that the decision to hold up the gate was final even if it means…
Yea it’s censored 😁
More questions huh. But I guess laruam will get his own palace so…
A second log is simply just TC explaining to his demigods how tower creation is going well and then hezazui like „can I make one?“. She is allowed too and that’s how ToO happened. Oh yea and also loistava is authorized to make practically all the towers that are going to be in Archive of the stars lore wise. Btw the contest is going terrible no one of these steeples and towers have a story I would expect from a story contest play fucking ToIA you idio-
Sorry for that.
The third log is just talking about how hezdon made is renaissance trip to mars and found „new gods“ who want to replace the „old gods“. That’s it just the gods of TGI and SS possibly beefing idk that actually sounds interesting.
The fourth log is just some atzilks talking about their most prominent feature and how to trim it nothing too fancy… juke you do know that antlers fall out after about a year usually right? Also I gotta apologize for something real quick: a little while ago I thought that one character saying something with twintails meant like… animal tails and shit I was heavily confused. However it’s more likely they are talking about the hairstyle twintails since these are also on the head and thus… yea my mistake.
Hezazuis furnace fun has a lot. Instead of explaining it I will just ask questions instead!
Why does hezazui know about lobotomy coorperation. Does that exist in that universe?
Why did juke add so many stupid references too other games in general. Might be funny gameplay wise but lore wise it breaks immersion and logic.
Why does hezazui know who Darklaus is?
What the fuck is the omega?
Why is there a room with an area practically exposition dumping who may or may not be a demigod based on if they have an emblem or not what the fu-
No I’m not talking about king Minol in here he is literally too irrelevant and his civilization also doesn’t matter with only about three sentences worth of lore about him.
That makes no sense for so many reasons. This means that in the lore timeline we had to enter it in ToO, in case we decided to take the bonus questions for more health, BEFORE we fight her in HE2020. Since she canonically gets fucking killed by us thus REQUIRING this too happen somewhere between CE2019 and HE2020. This in hindsight would ALMOST make sense but then you need to remember that in ring 9 one of TCs notes actually says that players were able to overcome the beasts from zone 2 and ring 8 aka the CE2020 bosses, which means that we either somehow beat this tower in between the events I’ve mentioned, or this is an oversight major enough for it too break some of the continuity because no I don’t even know how the events lore fit with the actual TGI lore. Unless in ToO it’s a completely different timeline somehow, but then everything would make even less sense especially due to HE2022 which I will get too… so my only hope is that the extra questions aren’t canon.
Ok I’m done with furnace fun.
Now to slyivol I. Not the boss itself, which was honestly the best boss in the game right now, no the pre boss dialogue just so we’re on the same level with the SoL lore.
So uh, it’s not exactly said hezazui made the SoL but… it’s heavily implied she in fact build them. Also the E N T I R E T Y of the legion is referred to as „she“. Like I’m sorry what do you mean you made all the robots girls. Like juke I know you can’t write make characters but… that doesn’t mean you need to make robots female and then refer to them as if they are one entity.
Another issue with the legion being female is that hezazui is a lesbian. This in turn means that hezazui might be sexually attracted to her own creations-
Yea that took a weird turn but I’m sorry, I’m asking the real questions! Definitely…
I just wanted to transition to the demigod but not fifth guardian hezazui in some form.
This odd atzilk is the creator and controller of the legion of silence as well as the creator for the upcoming soda slayer mini boss… which puts a whole new layer of chaos on top of the lore, why is the sprite cranberry mech soda slayer in any way shape or form??????? But that’s for later. Her full name is hezazui atzui, she has a sister which we might never actually meet but she exists. Describes as a mischievous and playful but yet smart and knowledgeable person, you have a very unholy combination for someone who could pull a prank on you by potentially locking you in a metal box like she did with slyivol I. But luckily she has morals and only does harmless pranks if any. I’m also going to theorize she is one of the leaders of the atzilk military if there is one since she is referenced in SA the place that’s under hezdons wing. She also might have worked in AT, but the subrealm generally seems like her turf although controlled and looked over by loistava in actuality. Ok now for the funny part: yes she is in fact a lesbian and implied by jukereise to be in love or in a relationship with loistava. Coincidentally I feel like these two are jukes favorite characters idk why… other issue: she appears in perpetual adventure. You know. That other game owned by juke. Like. Is that just a cameo or is that ACTUALLY canonical. If it’s the latter then I’m gonna fucking set fire to myself to end this suffering because there is already too many layers of this lore Perpetual adventure being part of it would make it even more complex.
So yea as you can see hezazui is jukes favorite character and yea that’s about all about her for now, hopefully she won’t get spam-
Hmm? How do I know hezazui is jukes favorite character?
Well it’s easy! Although I can’t actually prove it anymore, in the QnA channel of the discord at one point there was a question edited in: who’s hezazui?
And jukes answer? Best girl.
So yea-
Not convinced yet?
Well… time for you to be convinced.
Did you know that on the wikis page for hezazui, in the comments someone was like: „let's be honest here, hezazui is juke's self-insert“
And then the unthinkable
„You got me“
Sooooooooooo…… this might’ve been a joke but… in any case this confirms that hezazui is juke favorite character…
Huh what just happened? Uh, nevermind that we’re done with this section
Alrighty boisssss I hope you are good rn since we aren’t even halfway through this yet whooooooooo-
I’m starting with
Oh look at that it’s the guys whose palace will release in four months!
Eeshöl is a machine demigod, considerably one of the weaker ones, probably the weakest lol, in the inferno. He was created by non human architects, which are by high probability atzilks, which are not specified yet. It’s purpose is to tend to the incredibly needy garden that is GoE, having an army of drones to accompany it with this goal. Eeshöl is in fact the entire pyramid above the garden itself, or at least in control of that entire facility. What it actually is at the center is unknown. Its ability is turning reclaimed matter into seeds, whatever reclaimed matter is. I’m gonna be real with you I don’t have anything negative to say [AT LEAST NOT YET. MYSTERY SEGMENT WILL HAVE THAT]. Due to the extremely few but well understood info about him he’s good in my eyes at the moment. Although my question is, how did eeshöl even appear in any meetings ever? Does he like access some communication channels for that? And for one thing, do the BG teasers have anything to do with him at all? The teaser in all honesty look more like laruam is talking with the player, eeshöl would not let itself get invaded by a stranger so easily I recon. It’s also obvious the machine has some sort of sentience and emotional capacity, obvious for such a big machine.
A near perfect hunter with control over LR and SA, his palace apparently in the former but with more control over the latter. Or that’s how the wiki info isoline idk rn he’s kinda just… there. He’s a demigod, cold and methodical, with at least some relation to the legion of silence and hezazui due to his similar emblem and him in actuality being a robot. Juke are you trying to not have to write any male characters? You practically made all potentially make characters either genderless or robots, that’s like super odd. Again I know you can’t write male characters but idk at least try? Oh yea he’s also a weaker Demi god and uh… he went to mars to discover new gods… yea thats it. He’s legit the most boring guardian lmao.
yes she coming first. She is so far the only character to have OFFICIAL ART FROM JUKE meaning she has a design idea and we know what she looks like… juke her antlers are asymmetrical sticks, sticking out of her head DID YOU LEGIT MESS UP THE ONE DEFINING FEATURE????? Aside from that the reason this is juke favorite guardian is because her trivia on the wiki has the most shit in it and she also prominently appears in the homeworld section of ToO. So she is a more powerful demigod potentially the most powerful because juke has good fight concept for her apparently, it’s her favorite. She is gonna be the canonical creator of the towers in her subrealm and her abilities are… writing unreasonably fast… cool bro. Yea that’s all her abilities right now I think juke has not told us the one that makes her fight epic. Oh she’s also interested in technology… uhhhhhhh her name is glorious in Finnish… also she doesn’t like if information is obstructed… odd, I feel like she has gotten her character fleshed out most so far. I wonder if that’s because juke ships her wither self insert/favorite character. Oh wait she also did a sort of „rebirth thing“. we don’t know what that means. She has a lot of shit going on, I suppose. That could be problematic since the she has more weight than every other guardian so fa-
Wait. Didn’t I…
Oh right. Juke wants to make THIS guardians story the PEAK OF JTOH STORY AND THUS ALSO LORE. Juke did you forgot what a „finale“ is? The weight of the story shouldn’t be placed upon one of four guardians for the actual goal your trying to reach, IT SHOULD BE ON THE GOAL! and the character in that goal is THE CREATOR not this MIDDLE SCHOOL LOOKING ASS GI- oh Shit I’m getting ahead of myself uhm…
Latin for ghost, this is the most interesting of the guardians… and thus the most confusing and has the most lore issues. Fucking hellllllll-
One of the more powerful demigods, he got himself locked up due to a treacherous act aka helping a traitor. Now this Buffon who like battling (so nemona from Pokémon scarlet and violet) is locked in his palace and his traces of existence practically removed. His thoughts create corruptions leaking out of the gate, which is upheld by ten shadows, which are 100% gonna be reduced to 3 when juke finally gets to making them again. Because as you know right now only one exists, and without guides you ain’t getting that shadow. There is legit so much effort you have to do to just reach one singular shadow it’s insane.
Issue with laruam is that he apparently used to work in the offices in fucking… TOWER OF ULTIMATELY TERRIFYING????????? Which, once again, making the entire canonicity of stories in towers questionable. You legit can’t tell me that this joke of a character on floor 10 of ToUT can beat hezdon when his only attack is slowly spinning. But maybe that’s where the QHL project laruam worked on comes in idk. Oh yea he also sends out thought signals, which either are manifested into the laruam backrooms or as radio signals a noob in zone 4 can receive. I hope he at least gets a cool conclusion to his story he seems very very interesting.
Oh yea the shadows uhhh… I have no fucking idea why we have to go beat Darklaus EX and then go into APRIL FOOLS 2021 to go into TOWER OF YO MAMA 2 TO KILL A SHADOW?! Like this from pure logic so incredibly nonsensical, since I have absolutely no idea how April fools events can suddenly be important AND canon too the lore, ignoring the fact that you somehow had to break the timeline to beat Darklaus EX, contradicting the next events happening due to the reason that an aradiant guardian version appears in the EX fight and another second Darklaus. But I think I’m gonna complain about that more once we reach the event part.
the dude who should actually be the peak of juke story… issue is that two people attempted to write him now.
The notes were conceptualized by array, all the other info is courtesy of juke. Issue is that I can’t say much about him… I mean he’s a god… he blesses artifacts… he made the towers and used to routinely log information… and for some reason secludes himself… oh yea the SoFM thing-
While the entire „the energy of ToW made you forgot“ makes absolutely no sense: why in the ever loving HELL ais the creator helping us? For all we know we’re out to KILL HIM! WE ARE WORKING WITH LARUAM POTENTIALLY IF THE THEORIES ABOUT THE BG TEASERS ARE CORRECT?! Maybe bros just that much of a Chad he’s willing to help his future murderer lol. But then again: the guardians don’t have to get killed to… uhhh… revoke their seal from the obelisk? So maybe whatever we want to achieve doesn’t require the creators death. Either way that’s it… almost. But I’m saving that for later…
This is the part where it actually gets muddy. Like extremely. The event lore is living proof that we should just not have any lore in this game.
I don’t know how summarized I need to make this… I’ll probably end up rambling still.
Ignored because who cares about potential lore for a hell slamo nowadays? No but seriously there is nothing
Im just asking how the actual fuck this is related in any way shape or form with soda slayer? Is it even??????
So this is the first of the „Darklaus event trilogy“. Not much going on here actually just a big ass ToHTEM Darklaus build to take over the world
So Darklaus has his plot of getting four presents out of the steeples that for some fucking reason have weapons of mass destruction in them and then he fights us without them. Wonderful bruh.
Now back to the EX fight. Somehow it needs to be in an alternate timeline since Darklaus realizes you already know who he is before his reveal and fucking spawns in sad claus and not light guardian. Once defeated he just… becomes a key for a door in the laruam backrooms. Bro how does this work? I can only assume that canonically these events DID happen in some way and the elevator secret event replay is exactly that: a replay. Your just witnessing a replica of these events and that’s how the creator can use it too his advantage by putting a modified Darklaus there? Oh wait HE2022 lore right uh… but why specifically ToYM2. Like why- ok in hindsight that doesn’t make it too obvious ig. But all of the shit I just explained was made up it’s not confirmed. PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS
Oh yea darklauses character… he’s just a spirit consumed by greed persisting through sheer will into the darkness and is incredibly dumb. Yea that’s all
Jukes version of the lore was so bad for lightsynths CoHP that lighsynth literally rewrote it. Amazing lmao. In jukes version a clone of Darklaus lived on with only a fraction of his soul. The aradiant guardian, a witch turned to dark magic, ended up sealing him away. That’s legit it.
Now lightsynths version: so Darklaus soul lived on with merely a fraction possessing a helmet. Said helmet was found by a pair of siblings who were a mischievous and creative duo. The brother put in the helmet and Darklaus possessed him. However it was actually protected by some people who basically started to epically engage Darklaus. Darklaus beats them and protects the sister in the meantime who swears loyalty to him. Thus she is turned into the aradiant guardian presumably another dark spirit due to her dead body being found later. However the AG eventually realizes Darklaus is evil and seals him away.
And then you come and kill her setting Darklaus free you maniac. And that’s why the entire shenanigans with the cemetery of the accursed makes no sense because AG should be dead and Darklaus grave is visibly open during the ToO sequence. So either timeline error or hezazui is playing a prank. Yea so in CoHP you fall asleep in manors bed and are send into CoHP where then the nameless fragment aka the brother of AG comes to try and help you defeat Darklaus once and for all. And that’s what you do. Then he also dies.
Hope and pray that juke got better at making narratives like this or were doomed once BG releases
Darklaus is bit of a joke character due to being abused as a joke and overused character in future events. Yea your contradicting yourself, by overusing him as an overused joke BITCH
Oh look it’s the frosted kingdom! Whose king is undead for some fucking reason!
Xeria the atzilk ice witch, who also made the hot chocolate demon and casted a ice spell over the bridge, is a potentially for some reason 17-27 year old, which is oddly broad, and is well known where she comes from which is implied to be zone 2 and thus maybe arcane area. She wants to communicate with the undead ice king so…
Oh and she brought someone back from the dead for that purpose!
Aklough a frost knight with a grudge against xeria is a potentially Demi god atzilk revived to fight for her. He is willing to take the power of her staff if she would fall unconscious. And that’s it
These two are the hardest bosses in the game at their peak performance and yea.
No more northern allies for The creator
2021 nothing happened legit
It’s all a lie.
Welcome to the headquarters to the canonical staff team in universe! How does this work? Well imagine it’s like in DDLC+: the creators in universe there created Monika and co. As an experiment to see how a sentient Ai would cope in a environment like that. So here it is that the in universe staff team are responsible for the two worlds too exist in universe and by extension all the guardians, other lore and also confirmed to have been responsible for every event thus far! However their recent experiment of evil bosses went wrong creating a malevolent monster who wants to destroy all the in universe staff team have made… issue number one, he captured the entire staff team except for one. Why couldn’t he just force jtoh deletion? I mean he tried to destroy ring 1 but didn’t manage too so like what? Also this would make E-13 canonically more powerful than TC which is spooky as hell. Bro seems to also be as gullible as Darklaus since he waited so long that he was defeated by us.
So that’s actually kind of a clever event concept tbh. Although…
The E-X line is the event boss line where, for example E-1 is the janitor from hell E-7 is Darklaus and E-13 is possessed blades. The issue is that, even though I counted and did some very vague counting I could never get 13 event bosses together. There is always one E-X missing (notably there are two unknown E-X in the fusion room) too complete the full potential order.
Alright then I guess it’s time to move o-
*deaths whistle starts*
Oh no
Please don’t
*Lore breaking contradiction unsheathed it’s swords*
Yeaaaaaaaaa, so juke decided to infiltrate the lore that array wrote 🙃
How? By using the creator himself. The creator somehow struck a deal with the company that WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE CREATED HIM AND HIS WORLD IN ARRAYS EYES too make a repurpose of E-7 aka Darklaus, these alterations very obviously connected laruams shadows, the shadows possibly actually being derived from E-7 variants as well. This makes NO SENSE and contradicts literally everything. Since this company is supposed to have made TC then TC should not be able to interact with it the way juke made him do it. The company should instead already have placed laruams shadows in not have TC come out of UPA to make them do it. I’m making this too difficult too understand…
The very fact TC can interact with the JToH company, SHOULD! NOT! BE! POSSIBLE! But it is and thus juke has unkowingly, since the fact about the nature of the eclipsed headquarters being extremely obscure, invalidated her lore. And thus I win.
Aaaaaaannnnd I’m confused. Why exactly does this exist like this? E-13 is clearly in charge of this and thus it would be odd for this too also have been made by the in universe jtoh staff team? Like this feels like it can’t exist, solely for the fact that all events beforehand were made by the jtoh cooperation. E-13 gaining energy from people failing also means he’s getting stronger by negative energy, which makes sense considering he’s a being of fused hatred and negative emotions, something that the magician doesn’t seem to be. Also rip he probably dies after the events of the event (lol). No I don’t care about CoTaT lore like I said lore within towers is a question far too confusing and the secret ending of cotaw isn’t even a thing anymore.
A shame that the events fate was to end like this… so I have nothing against the city itself no wacky lore just the city… although how and why did the snowman army infiltrate fucking Ashen towerworks take a harvester and repurpose it too freeze the entire inferno over. So much so that TC made a meme note… bruh. Aside from the fact that not one guardian decided to take the big fucking harvester down there is nothing too this. The boss was canceled yk?
Alright we did it boys. I complained about all aspects of the juke lore and now you know why it also is currently broken due to HE2022.
So now we… need to address the mystery point.
I am not sorry for the raw unfiltered calamity I’m about to unleash, as it will rain on jukes world and I will lobotomize her fucking coorperation, just so I can ultrakill her some more!
There is absolutely NO REASON for so many characters to just be based of everything imaginable
Do you wanna know why hezdon is robotic? Simple: juke just randomly thought it would be cool to make hezdon a robot. Like V1 from ultrakill!!!!!!!!!
Or another example: did you know that the birdmovers, I’m sorry magma cranes from AT are based of the ultrakills earthmovers?
Did you notice that the BG news are presented by a Green V1 or V2?
HAVE YOU NOTICED YET THAT JUKE HAS A ULTRAKILL HYPERFIXATION RIGHT NOW?????? Or at least a bit ago, but enough for it too be noticeable.
Oh and Eeshöl? It literally switched through multiple inspirations, yes even Glados from portal, but now it’s a Deep rock galactic caretaker with a slightly altered design.
What is that not obvious enough?
Ok then
Juke HERSELF admitted in her dev commentary of ToO that Slyivol I is just a result of a hyperfixation inspiration and boom, that’s why Slyivol I now looks like a reject iterator design.
This is a serious issue, solely for the reason that I don’t want this games lore and story to be super smash brothers ultimate 2: electric boogaloo, indie cross and knuckles featuring Dante from the devil may cry series.
Some more examples for good measure, example the event bosses that juke made. The array event bosses are actually somewhat original and I will excuse the original earthmover like boss fight planned for the CE2023 boss, time ran out extremely.
While The aradiant guardian might not look like it, she is a hollow knight boss, with a lot of sword based attacks and patterns reminding of hollow knight bosses. Xeria and aklough are just fucking onstein and smough from darksouls + so many attacks just taken from dark souls bosses I’m going to cry. THEY LITERALLY KILL EACH OTHER TO TAKE THEIR POWER LIKE ONSTEIN AND SMOUGH! EVEN HOW THEY DO IT MIMICS HOW THE DUO IN DARKSOULS DOES IT! the only original part about phase two is that they can be both supercharged
And the other side of the coin: jukes original designs suck. Think about this. Two of her original boss ideas are quite literally just dark shadowy creatures. And like I already said: loistava looks like a fucking middle schooler who just came in too make her yearbook photo and your telling me that’s out most powerful guardian, Peak of jtohs storyline? Seriously???????
If this continues the BG final boss is just gonna be a fucking prime soul boss, I swear.
Hmm? What do you mean inspiration is not a bad thing? Of course it isn’t!
Juke is just taking inspiration from everything, mostly indie games, and turns them into part of the lore. And if I think that this is the same lore juke potentially self inserted herself in it’s making me wanna never have figured out jtoh lore exists in the first place.
You also lose this argument because ARRAY HERSELF AGREES WITH ME. I am not joking on a post I did on the wiki a while back she literally agrees with me and said she was talking juke this but she didn’t listen.
As you can see juke is currently riding a minecart into the bowels of hell.
Ok look.
I’m not doing this because I necessarily hate juke, or want the game to fall off and die. I see the potential the lore could have but how it is right now it feels unsavable and makes me anxious if BG is gonna have a chance at making a good story and moreover answer some of the questions that are currently up. We don’t need more complications. BG looks genuinely promising and I want to be able to enjoy its story and lore as much as everything else about it. I don’t want this too be like ToO again, where everything besides the confusing lore and the over inspired character design of the boss was genuinely so cool.
Before I got to the solutions let me real quick excerpt one dev commentary bubble out of ToO
I started this section with something in mind; to execute some of the games lore. I get a lot of satisfaction from connecting things together with a simple explanation, and some people enjoy uncovering the lore, so as a result I come up with a LOT of lore or the game. Many things, of which, may never be properly explained in game as a result
Juke. You are not Scott cawthon. You do not have fnaf in your hands. This is jtoh. People legit don’t want to read signs in towers. What was the thought process of you deciding it was a good idea to come up with a lot of lore. And yes, would enjoy uncovering the lore… but how it is now is deeply dissatisfying. It has far too many questions and I’m a man of logic. I want to have answers, not want to make up an answer for you. Fnaf lore is at this point just a garbled mess with no proper explanation, just a mess of random parts people string together to get some sort of coherency, when they will never get it. Jtoh doesn’t need that kind of lore. If anything it needs no lore just a short easy too understand storyline with some flavor text background info, nothing more nothing less.
Part of what keeps me going in developing for this game is you getting a random motivation boost because that’s how you work- I’m sorry im sorry I just needed to- the anticipation of being able to unfold the narrative ive pieced together whenever I got bored in high school back in 2021, or nowadays whenever I space out at home. It’s a slow development of ideas that hat coalesce into something that sounds great.
Nah bro you aren’t telling me what your doing right now sounds great. Quite the opposite! You not talking with the other devs is literally a bane on their existence, the lore you want to piece together leaving them with a pile of confusion just how I am trying to understand what your intention with all this lore is!
But maybe you and I are not so different. I get ideas as well when spacing out in school… or whenever I listen to music. But I have yet to test what these ideas fully mean or if it’s worse on par or better what your doing. Because you should probably write down your ideas, connect them, flesh them out etc. because right now I’m not sure if… you are even doing that. Maybe the reason it’s a slow development is because your randomly pulling these out of your head and games your hyperfixating on.
Let me offer the three solutions
- fix the issues and confusion. The solution that would favor juke the most is this one. This simply require juke to fix some of the more glaring issues, like for example the HE2022 contradiction. If any effort is made to make the lore better, it will probably be this one
- A complete rewrite: the most time consuming one of them all. If the first option doesn’t work then the best way to go on about that is too reset the lore and start anew, because… this ain’t working. Work on a smaller less complicated scale maybe. That will make people like the lore more possibly
- Remove its entirely. Reality check juke: nobody cares about the jtoh lore. This was never a game where story was important. People are here for incredibly hard and challenging obbies, not some complicated lore that would require… reading, which already nobody is doing on simple signs almost. This game was never suited for serious lore and maybe it’s time you realize this. This is by far the easiest solution and it will also have little too not effect. Make the palaces have a story, put details in for people to make their own lore, because I think at this point we’re better of making it ourselves.
And that was one insulting way to end that holy shit.
I personally will tend to my own rewrite that will happen… eventually. Yea I have the juke trait of only working when I feel like it… then again I’m not like an adult or an employed writer I’m not forced to do this by anyone.
I hope you got some inside on the stupidity of jtoh lore or if anything understand my perception of it
My name is theelderssoul and I will finish with a quote
JToH lore changes every time juke buys a new steam game
- some random jtoh discord member