La Sagrada Familia is an observational film that tells a warm and relatable family story about sacrifices, parenting and relationships in a beautiful location.
A film about two shamans, three kids and a 1,000 mile road trip deep into the Amazon.

2. 'La Sagrada Familia': Edinburgh Review - Screen Daily
18 aug 2022 · Borja Alcalde's documentary feature debut takes a tour through Peru with a fractured and sometimes fractious family in an unreliable Kombi van.
A fractious family goes on a road trip across Peru in Borja Alcalde's beautifully-shot doc

3. La Sagrada Familia | Viennale
A modern retelling of the mystery of passion and earthly paradise, LA SAGRADA FAMILIA was shot using a handheld camera whose numerous close-ups reveal a desire ...
Sebastián Lelio, Chile, 2005, 99min, Sebastián Lelio’s first feature took advantage of the freedoms and aesthetic possibilities of shooting digitally in…

4. La sagrada familia - IFFR
Een welgesteld Chileens gezin is voor Pasen afgereisd naar het strandhuis. Marco, de egocentrische vader, is een succesvolle architect, de moeder, Soledad, ...
Voor het eerst sinds lange tijd een nieuw geluid uit Chili. In drie dagen gedraaide quasi-homevideo over welgestelde familie in villa aan zee, waarbij

5. The Sacred Family (La Sagrada Familia) | Edinburgh International ...
Body. Carmen and Sergio are ordinary parents juggling the pressures of family and work. Living in the Sacred Valley of the Incas in Peru, their business is ...
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6. La sagrada familia - IFFR EN
An affluent Chilean family has gone to their beach house for Easter. Marco, the selfish father, is a successful architect; the mother, Soledad, ...
For the first time in ages, and you sound from Chile. A quasi-home video shot in three days about an affluent family in a villa by the sea, in which e

7. The Sacred Family (La Sagrada Familia) - New York Magazine
The performances are smart and subtle, but the story's immediacy is blunted by a few unconvincing plot twists and a bit too much self-indulgence (particularly ...
Read the review and get showtimes for this film..
8. Synopsis - Sagrada
Inner and outer images interweave. In the hustle and bustle of this metropolis, the film approaches this mysterious cathedral persona, investigating the ...
Sagrada, Dokumentarfilm von Stefan Haupt
9. La Sagrada Familia (The Sacred Family) - The Wee Review
18 aug 2022 · Carmen and Sergio, like many parents, are struggling with raising a family and the pressures of work. It just so happens that they live in the ...
10. Film Sagrada el misteri de la creació - Architectuur.nl
12 aug 2014 · Film Sagrada el misteri de la creació ... De Sagrada Familia in Barcelona is een uniek bouwproject gestart door de controversiële Antoni Gaudi.
In 7 filmtheaters in Nederland is de film Sagrada- el misteri de la creació van regisseur Stefan Haupt in première gegaan. De Sagrada Familia in Barcelona is een uniek bouwproject gestart door de …

11. 'Sagrada: The Mystery of Creation': Film Review
18 dec 2014 · Stefan Haupt's documentary details the creation and continuing construction of Antoni Gaudi's massive Barcelona cathedral.
Stefan Haupt's documentary details the creation and continuing construction of Antoni Gaudi's massive Barcelona cathedral

12. Sagrada - El Misteri de la Creació (Film, 2012) - MovieMeter.nl
De Sagrada Família of Sagrada Familia - voluit Basílica i Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família - is een basiliek in Barcelona, Spanje naar een ontwerp van ...
Documentaire film geregisseerd door Stefan Haupt. Met Jordi Bonet i Armengol, Etsuro Sotoo en Anna Huber.

13. Sagrada familia (serie, 2022–2023) - FilmVandaag.nl
De serie 'Sagrada familia' draait om een familie die een schokkend geheim verbergt. Ze besluiten hun leven opnieuw te beginnen in Madrid, ...
De serie 'Sagrada familia' draait om een familie die een schokkend geheim verbergt. Ze besluiten hun leven opnieuw te beginnen in Madrid, maar nieuwe…

14. Sagrada : El misterio de la creación | Eye Filmmuseum
Documentaire over Gaudi's magnum opus, de Sagrada Família in Barcelona. De bouw van de kathedraal begon in 1882 en duurt nog steeds voort.
Documentaire over Gaudi’s magnum opus, de Sagrada Família in Barcelona. De bouw van de kathedraal begon in 1882 en duurt nog steeds voort. Haar geschiedenis is er een van hoogte- en dieptepunten. Regisseur Stefan Haupt filmde portretten van de bouwers en zocht naar hun motieven.

15. Sagrada - Swiss Films
FILM, Documentary, 95 min. ... La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona: a unique, fascinating building project with Antoni Gaudí, a brilliant architect, an enormous ...

16. Sagrada Familia, le Défi de Gaudi (Film, 2022) - MovieMeter.nl
De voltooiing van de Sagrada Familia in Barcelona is nabij en steeds meer wordt duidelijk hoe het project van Gaudí zijn opvolgers voor tal van uitdagingen ...
Documentaire film.

17. Sagrada - The Mystery of Creation - Movie Reviews - Rotten Tomatoes
It would be hard to make the Sagrada Familia look prosaic, but Mystery of Creation finds particularly cinematic angles for some truly dramatic visual ...
Rotten Tomatoes, home of the Tomatometer, is the most trusted measurement of quality for Movies & TV. The definitive site for Reviews, Trailers, Showtimes, and Tickets

18. La sagrada familia (film, 2005) - FilmVandaag.nl
Paasvakantie in het strandhuis van een welgestelde Chileense familie. De vader is een beroemde, wat arrogante architect en zijn zoon, student…

19. La Sagrada Familia - British Council Film
27 sep 2021 · We use both first and third-party cookies to personalise web content, analyse visits to our websites and tailor advertisements. Some of these ...
Two Peruvian shamans take their three teenage kids on a 1000-mile journey by camper van into the Ama
20. The Sacred Family - Films Media Group
Also released as La Sagrada Familia. SIGNIS Award, Buenos Aires ... Titra Film Award, Geneva International Film Festival - Tous Écrans, 2005. FIPRESCI ...
Films Media Group, an Infobase Learning Company, is the premier source of high-quality academic streaming video and DVDs for schools, colleges, and libraries.
21. Sagrada: The Mystery of Creation - First Run Features
Pulitzer Prize winner Paul Goldberger called it "the most extraordinary personal interpretation of Gothic architecture since the Middle Ages." The film captures ...
One of the most iconic structures ever conceived, Barcelona's La Sagrada Familia is an astonishing architectural project first imagined by Antoni Gaudi in the late 19th century. More than 125 years after construction began, La Sagrada Familia remains unfinished.

22. The Sacred Family (2005) directed by Sebastián Lelio • Reviews, film + cast
It's Easter in the beach house of a Chilean well-to-do and nowadays family. A self-centered and successful father, a disoriented mother and a son ...
It's Easter in the beach house of a Chilean well-to-do and nowadays family. A self-centered and successful father, a disoriented mother and a son overshadowed by his successful father. The three of them, wait for the arrival of the son's first official girlfriend; a disturbing and rebellious young lady who will invade the house with her powerful sexual load and other "gifts", breaking loose an emotional cataclysm with no stepping back.

23. Sagrada Familia (Holy Family) S02E01: ongeloofwaardig maar ...
17 nov 2023 · Sagrada Familia (Holy Family) S02E01: ongeloofwaardig ... Sagrada Familia S02, vanaf vrijdag 17 november 2023 in zijn geheel bij Netflix.
Gloria’s perverse moederinstinct leidt onverminderd tot nieuwe tragediën in seizoensopener..