The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

Sydney Morning Herald, Sat. Oct 30, 1982 108 TODAY'S CLASSIFIED MARKET Aircraft. Amusem*nts. Antiques, Fine Apartments, Board, To Apartments, Board Auction Builders, Repairers. Building Materials.

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Public Radio, TV. 70 REAL ESTATE Real 1 Estate Auctions 81-86 Houses, Home 86-99 Home Units and Town Houses. 94-98 Houses. Units, Land Wanted. 102 Properties For 99-101 Properties Wanted.

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Perfect cond. Priced 597 from as little as $500. 5001. A.H. 264 2981 bus.

hrS. PERSONAL NOTICES Births, Engagements, Deaths, etc. BIRTHS BRIGHTMAN Lice October 15. 1902. at Crown Street Hospital, to Janice and George daughter (Amanda BROWN (Rennie).

Stephen and Lee proudly announce the birth of their son (David Stephen). at St. George Hospital, Kogarah. Brother for Nicole. BURKE (nee Kennedy).

1982. at Crown Street Women's. Hospital- baby onter (Hannah June), born to John and Cherylene. Both well. Many thanks to doctor and nurses.

BYE (Spence). October 20. at Crown Street. to John and Virginia daughter. Kelly Anne.

Thanks to Doctor and staff. CLARK (nee Davidson), ber 28, at St Margaret's Private Hospital, Darlinghurst, to Julian and 'Victoria daughter (Annabel Victoria Charlotte). CLARK (nee, Dicker). To Bronwen and Geoff son (Peter Gordon), brother for Fiona and Emma. CONNOR (nee Solomon).

October 28. 1982. at Woden Valley Hospital, Canberra, to Carolyn and Denis sOn (Matthew Denis). A brother for Majeila. Both well.

COOPER (nee Carter). October 13. 1982, to Jane and Alan, In Rochester, Minnesota a daughter (Jennifer Anne). A ter to Catherine. CRONIN (Cogan).

October 24. 1982, at R.N.S.. to Peter and Janet twin girls (Elizabeth and Samantha). Sisters Michael and John. DARLING (Hamilton).

to Deborah and Mark, born 28th October, a daughter (Isabel Jane). A sister for Linden. DE VIENNE (Lloyd Jones). October 21, 1982. at Royal Hospital for Women.

Paddington, to Patrick and Susanne (a daughter), (India). I DENNING. October 22. 1982, at St. George Hospital, to Neville and Kathy daughter (Rebecca Elizabeth).

A little sister for Emma DILLON (nee Lambie). To Peter and Jay daughter (Philippa Lucy). Born October 20. 1982, 4.30 p.m.. Belmont Hospital.

DONE (nee R.N.S.H.. Boyle). October 19. at to and Pamela daughter Alison). Sister for Sarah.

Charles and Sally. DUSSELDORP (Robertson). to Edwina and Tlerk. twin sons. born 22nd October at K.G.V.

Brothers for Teya and Marta. BIRTHS SMYTH. To Elaine and Gordon precious baby daughter Melanie, Jade. Horn October 1982. A wonderful anniversary.

SPEERS (O'Sullivan). Lewis beautiful little sister (Jodie Anne) born October 22, 1982. at Crown Street. Her delighted parents are Lorraine and Ross. All well.

SULLIVAN (Dunne). October 1982. at Crown Street Women's Hospital, to Suzanne and Mark- lovely son (Carl John). A brother for Fleur. Grateful thanks to doctor and nursing staff.

Both well. SYMES (nee Angus). October 26. 1982. at King Georve Memorial Hospital, to Craig and Margaret a daughter.

TERREY (Cochrane). To Andrew and Therese. at Hornsby and Kuringal Hospital. October 22. 1982.

another daughter (Lucinda Jane). sister for Alicia. TROWELL (Roche). September 30. to John and Diane daughter Jessica), Sister for Vanessa.

Sarah and Simon. VALLANCE (Fordos). October 24, 1982. at R.N.S.H., to Mark and Sue daughter (Sara Jane). Both well.

WEBSTER (nee Caspers). To Jennie and Michael, St. Margaret's Hospital on 23rd Octo1962, a son (Robert Michael), brother for Patrice and Jacqueline. Both well. WOOLLEY (nee Brander).

To Judy and John, another son James William. born October 15. 1982. Ryde hospital, brofor John and Annette. YOUNG (Stringer).

October 25. at Baulkham Hills Private Hospital. 10 Pamela and Richard beautiful DOY (Nicholas James). Brother to Scott. Peter Tania (deceased).

ENGAGEMENTS ALLAN DAVIDSON. Mr and Mrs Ken Davidson, of Turramurra. are delighted to announce the engagement of their younger daughter Amanda Carey. to Bradford James, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Bob Allan of St. Ives.

The engagement is announced ct Rosemary Isabel, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs R. G. Loveday, of Cronulla, to Stephen John. only son of Mr and Mrs R. V.

Armstrong. of Bexley North. BOLITHO-HUME. Valerie and Syd Humne. of East Lindheld.

have great pleasure In announce ing the engagement of their elder daughter, Louisa, to Craig. only son of Noel Bolitho. of Adelaide, and Margaret Bolitho, of Gladesville. BOWEN TAYLOR. Tony and Nancy Taylor.

of Greystanes, announce the engagement of their only daughter. Wendy. to Brent. only son of Alan and Meg Bowen. of ENGAGEMENTS ROWLING-ASHTON.

and Mrs. Ashton, Cherrybrook are pleased to nounce the engagement of only daughter Wendy to Evan. only son of Mr. and Mrs. Rowling.

of Asquith. October 30. 1982. SHADLER STOCKDALE. The engagement has been nounced between Lynn Patricia, only daughter of Mrs.

L. Dwyer. Slack Creek, Queensland. the late Mr. W.

Stockdale. Jonathan Marco. only son Mrs. John Norton. Somerton, Balgownie and the late Mr.

Marco Shadier. SINCLAIR GALE. May Wally Gale, of Castle pleasure in announcing engagement of their younger daughter. Loulse. to Russell.

of Marion and Norman Sinclair, of Christchurch. STAPYLTON COLEMAN. and Mrs H. M. Coleman.

Duffy's Forest. have much plea. sure in announcing the engagement of their daughter, Merilyn Joan. to Douglas Keith. son Mrs L.

0. Stapylton, of Warragamba. and the late Mr E. Stapyiton. MPLETON HUTLEY.

Patsy, the eldest daughter of Mary and late Paddy Hutley, Newport, to Ronald. youngest con of the late Kenneth and IsaDella Templeton. of Glasgow. Scotland. UNICOMB HINDLE.

tain and Mrs Hindle have much pleasure in announcing the engagement of their daughter. Leanne, to John, son of Major and Mrs Ivan Unicomb. WALLER PEDLINGHAM. Mrs S. Pedlingham.

of Hornsby and Mr. P. Pediingham. of nant Hills. have much pleasure announcing the engagement their only daughter, Jane.

to Steven, the only son of Mr and Mrs K. Waller, af Turrumurra. WARD- JOLLY. The engagement Is announced of Miss Glens Jolly. daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Norman Jolly of laide.

South Australia to Mr Clive Antony Phendon Ward. son of the late Mr and Mrs G. of liford. Essex, England. WATTERS CLEMENTS.

The engagement is announced Susan. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J.

Clements of Jannall and Andrew James. second son of the late Alan D. Watters and of Mr. and Mrs. C.

T. Bishop of Oyster Bay. WOODWARD BUTLER. Frank and Gladys Butler. Wentworthville.

have great pleasure in announcing the engagement of their only daugh. ter. Robyn Anne. to Stuart drew. youngest son of Clem and Allison Woodward.

aiso of Wentworthville. APPROACHING MARRIAGES DUXBURY (Hardy). October 28. 1982. at St.

George District 28. Hospital. 1982. at Kogarah. St.

George to Nanette District aid Beach. and Meg PLOWS LIME. Kingsley Alan Bowen. of CARR HOARE. It Is with Plows and Maggie Lim.

af and Trevor a Mum great pleasure that Mindy. Thornteigh wish to remind and baby doing well. youngest daughter of Lorna friends and relatives of their EASY. October 21. 1982.

to Harry Hoare. of Wilton. and forthcoming marriage at p.m. Lorrie and Both well. daugh- Tony only son of Ruth and on Saturday, November 6.

1982. ter (Kate Lorraine). Mostyn Carr, of Wahroonga, TAYLOR GILBIE. The wed. ELSWORTH (Henbrough).

nounce their engagement. At ding of Dawn. only daughter of October 26. 1982 at Manly last. Stan and Irene, and Peter, only Hospital.

to Kris and John CARRIGAN-LINDSAY. son Jean and Pat. will take daughter (Nicole Gwen). A and Mrs. Geoff Lindsay, of place at Oatlands House on Sunter for Karen.

Both well. Tamworth. are pleased to day. 31st October. Warm wishes ENGERT (nee Davis).

October nounce the engagement of their to the happy couple. 20. 1982. at R.N.S.H.. to daughter Suzanne.

to TURVEY CATTEAU. Mr. Bronwyn and. Alan daugh- only Brendon. third son of Mr.

and and Mrs. A.J. Catteau, are ter (Rebecca Jane). Both well. Mrs.

John Carrigan. happy to announce the marriage EVANS (nee Ryan). October Boggahrl. of their eldest daughter, Pascale, 22. 1962.

to Jeffrey and CATES STACEY. Ron to Peter. eldest son of Mr. and reen daughter (Jennifer Margaret Stacey. of Thornleigh, And Mrs.

R.P. Turvey. today. Louise). sister for Elizabeth.

to ber 30th, at Monte Sant' Angeio Both well. are engagement happy of their announce the Chapel, North Sydney, at 11.30 younger a.m. FORDYCE (nee Shute). son of to Mr. Craig.

WOODLEY GARLAND. Mr daughter. Julie-Ann. garet. Peter and Daniel wish to the younger and Mrs R.

Garland, of anounce the arrival of their son Cates and Mrs Glennise N.Z. Lottus. have pleasure in and brother (Timothy john. CAVALLANS EDWARDS. nouncing the marriage of their Wnangarel.

born October 19. 1982. and Mrs W. Edwards. of Koga- daughter.

Margaret to John, Mr Royal Hospital for Women. Pad- rah, have pleasure in announcing only son of Mr and Mrs dington. Ail well. the engagement of their only Patrick's Woodler. of Church.

Sylvania. Sutherland. at St. and Heather. daughter.

Cavalians. third son of to Mrs A. 11 a.m. on November 6, 1982. Michelle.

Peter thrilled Erooke, to sister for announce Syke. arrival Septem- al her Cavalians. 31. 1982 of Kyle Bay, on RUBY WEDDINGS ber 19. 1982.

13. DINGLE. W. Kinnings. FREI (Bridger).

Vale October per 31, 1942 at All Saints. 1902. at Mona daughter Hospital, 10 MOTHERWELL. tersham, by Rev. G.

E. Adams. Ben and Pam (Vi- Stan and Motherwell of Keith to win. vienne Natalie), Our thanks Vale to Pennant Hills have pleasure in DISHINGTON. Eddie and Mar.

our doctor and Mona annourcing the engagement of jorie. at all Hallows Church. Hospital staff. their younger daughter Ruth to Liverpool. U.K..

October 29. 1982. at S.A.H. Amanda Jeffry. only son of Roy and 1942.

Our love on vour ruby GIBSON (Broadfoot). October 25. to Irene Chessell of Baulkham Anniversary. Averill, Ken, Tina. and Don son (Patrick Hills.

Garry and your grandsons. GRAHAM Donald. HUTTON. Charles William to tember 26, 1982, (Hindmarsn). at Roval Can- COLMAN DOYLE.

Mr. and Bernice Louise on October 31, berra Hospital, to Susie and Mrs. Rex Doyle of The Gap. 1942. Congratulations from John).

Brisbane, are happy of to announce daugh. your versary family for your Ruby Annie Brother Owen and Jane. the Owen a son (Hugh to Linda. engagement to Michael, their GREEN 1962. at (Price).

Nambour Octoter General 28. ter Mr. and Mrs Steven Colman, son of of GOLDEN WEDDINGS pital. to Kerrie and Simon- Both Mr and Mrs BARRACLOUGH MECREDIE. Killara.

daughter (Felicity Erin). Laurie Fuller, of Epping Ina and Norman at the well. much pleasure in have Presbyterian Church. Epping. on HAILES (Dodd).

October 16. their announcing daughter 29th October, 1932. Con1982 at the Westmead Elizabeth 13 Andrew. fifth son gratulations and love from the Centre. engagement ol Karen and Warwick are proud to Mr Mrs Wal of family.

announce the birth of (Nicole their Epping. FRYER ALLAN. Len and and Cooper. beautiful baby daughter DONLAN-SKOPEK. Mr and Edith.

at St. Matthew's Church Amber). All her family are Mrs T. Skopek, of Gordon. have of England, Bondi, on ecstatic.

A tiny baby sister for great pleasure the October 29. 1932 by the Rev. Simone. of in their announcing daughter Huthnance. Congratulations, love Amanda engagement Frances to Ruskin.

and best wishes on your 50th HOLLIS (nee Kessell). To Sally younger 56it ct Mr. and wedding anniversary from your and John lovely daughter A. Donian. of family and friends.

(Melissa Anne) Crown Street DULY MOXHAM. The REIDENBACH co*ckERILL. Women's Hospital on October engagement is announced of Gail William to Merle at Berry. 12. 1982.

A sister for Patricia. only daughter of Mrs. Congratulations and tapher. All grandparents de. C.

A. Mosham, of Singleton love from all your family. lighted. and the late Mr. C.

A. H. Present address HOPKINS (Guy). Cctober ham. to, Matinew Peter, eldest hurst St.

Beverly Hills. 1982. at Roval North Shore son of Mr. Mrs. Duly, Hospital, to Caroline and John of Killara.

DEATHS son (Timothy John). GREENWOOD KEIR. -Basil October 22. At 1982. King John George have pleasure in announcing the ARBEY, Eva Ellen.

October HOWELL. and Dulcie Keir. of Yowie Point. to and Dawn son (Christopher engagement of their eldest 29. 1982.

at beloved hospital. wife late of Richard. daughter. Jeanette. to Wayne.

of the INNES 1982. at (Enoland), R.N.S.H.. to October 21. and eldest son Greenwood, of Jean of and Lugarno. the late mother and mother-in-law of late Richard Abbey.

loving Roslyn a daughter (Geraldine HEWITT and Beryl BAULMAN. Baulman. of Don. Kevin and Shirley and Beverley. Ken.

Dora Pat and and staff. Therese). Thanks to Doctors and George Waverley, have great pleasure in Les. Richard, John and Cathy. JEFFES (Dodd).

October announcing the engagement of Granam (deceased), Tina and 1982. at Hobart Hospital. their younger daughter, Julie. to Sam. and dear grandmother of mania.

10 Robyn and Stephen John. eldest son of Austin and their children. fond sister of a son (Dylan Leigh), 8 lb. 5 oz. Noran Hewitt, of WEILY.

Orange. Mr Gerttie, Lily and Jack, aged 68 JENKINS (nce Dankoval. MILDER and years. October 27, 1982. at the Royal Mrs J.

G. Weily. in of Orange, courage can be rewarded Hospital for Women, to Maria have much pleasure announc-1 be it now. may she rest 11 and John-a son (Martin David inq the engagement of their peace. William).

daughter Deborah, to Graeme, the son of Mr and Mrs C.V. HilJOHNSON October Private der, OK of Cartingford. Peter AHLFELD. Winifred Jennie. 1982.

at St. Margarets Hook, of Malvern. and October 28. 1982, at hospital. Hospital.

to Sharyn and Nell VIce. Michie have pleasure East in announce of beloved mother of beautiful. darling daughter Frederick. I (Lucy Victoria). Both well.

Ing the engagement of their only JONES (Lenaire). October only daughter, son' of Ivan Vivienne. and to Ann Murray. 1982. Caroline and Mrs Keith, ner.

Singleton, N.S.W.. on BARTON, Isabel Anne. Brisbine, a third daughter. September 23. 1982.

ber 27. 1982. at nursing home. JOPLING. Jennifer and HOWE-ATTWATER.

Mr and late of Fairlight. dearly loved en are please to announce the Mrs. B. C. Atwater.

of Glen- wife of William John Barton and birth of Sophie Clare on October roc Gunnedah. announce with loved sister of Jessie, Rose, Lily 20. at Bowral Hospital, sister to pleasure the engagement of (deceased) and Mavis (de Nicholas and Blythe, sixth only daughter, Suzette, to Simon. ceased). grandchild for Mr.

and Mrs. R. only son cl Mr K. V. Howe, Privately cremated.

H. Cass. Moss Vale and Mrs. ct Turramurra. N.

Whitby. in Yorkshire. late Mrs P. Howe. Sydney, and the KELLER McKINNON.

BOYLE, Kathleen. October 29, LANCASTER (Woodall). Barry and Wendy McKinnon of 1582, at hospital, late of Beach. ber 26. 1982.

at Roval Hospital 'Barwen Park'. Calala Lane, comber Parade. Toukley, for Women. Paddington. to Tamworth.

have pleasure in ed wite of Jim (deceased), love Susan and Jon beautiful nouncing the engagement of inn mother cf Dallas. sister of daughter (Kari Susan). their daughter. Elizabeth Ann. Phyllis and loving grandmother to Stuart Douglas, son of Dr and of Maurice and Paul.

LAST (nee Ronning). Mrs Douglas Keller of Longue- Rest in peace. 22. 1982, at Cootamundra ville, Sydney. Hospital.

to Graham and Heather a son (Robert BREAR. Florence Ruby. fred. A brother for Fiona. KENDRICK ARMSTRONG.

ber 29. 1982, at hospital. for. MECURDIE (Bell). October 26, Mr and Mrs H.

Armstrong of merly of Belmore, late of at Sanitarium Hospital, Campbelltown wish to announce ley. dearly loved wife of John Wahroonga, to Helen and Robert the engagement of their daugh. (deceased), loved mother and a son (William Wallace Ste- ter Julie, to Neil. only son of mother-in-law of John and venson). McDONNELL Mrs T.

Kendrick of Como W.A. Elaine. Paul. Terrence and Lyn, (nee Carmichael). and the late Mr.

E. Kendrick. loved grandmother of Steven, October 26, 1982 at Wah- The Lee-Anne, Darrin, Karen and Sydney Adventist Hospital. KIRKNESS HUNT. Mr.

and Chris, dearly missed by all of roonge to Christine and A Terry, brother Mrs. B. Kirkness of Castle Hill her family and friends, aged 64 son. (Toby Shannon). have pleasure in announcing the years.

for Murray and Rory. engagement of their eldest son Rest In peace. McGINN (Evans). Robert and Gary. to Julle, only daughter of Gwendolyn are delighted to Mr.

and Mrs. M. Hunt of Dudnounce the arrival of their lev. West Midlands, England. daughter Alison Christina, on LEWIS GUNTHER.

Mary BROWN, David Howard (Snow). Friday. October 15. at the Svd- and Les Gunther, of Old October 28. 1982, late ney MACONACHIE Adventist Hospital.

(Willis). A gabble. have pleasure in Magaret Ann. loved father of Forestville, beioved husband of beautiful daughter (Edwina nouncing the engagement of Ivan. Kestey and Ross.

sOn of Joan). Born and Liz. at their daughter, Kay Marce. Daphne to Jack and Trix. brother of Norma F.H.W.

October Robert David. 500. of and John, sadly missed by their 29. 1982. A Paddington.

little on sister to and Bob Lewis. of Riverstone. families. Mark. Duncan and Jane.

Both The LILLYMAN engagement is RUPPRECHT. announced of well. Thanks to doctor and staff. Rebecca Ann Rupprecht. eldest BYRNES, Betty (nee Beck).

MAK. October 27. 1982, to daughter of Dr and Mrs Arthur October 28, 1982. loved sister John and Elaine a daughter A. Rupprecht.

of Wheaton. I- of Tony and fond sister-in-law (Shona Ann), both well. linois. U.S.A.. to John Rofe Lil- of Eva.

MARKS (Lane). October 28. lyman. eldest son of Mr and 1982. Hospital.

at Bautkham Private Mrs George M. Lillyman. of Hills to Karen and Daniel). Stephen Pymble. CAMPBELL.

Denis James. brother son for (Rohan Both mother A Mar. October 28. 1982, at hospital, child garet and Geoff Baker of Ballina late of Belrose. formerly of and fine.

Cur thanks to announce with pleasure the Terrey Hills. husband of the late, all MARTIN relevant, (Abram). staff. October engagement of their younger Mary Jane, father and father-InWomen's second daughter son of Catherine Mr and to Mrs John. K.

law ceased), of Betty Merle and Jack Bob and (de. 1982, at Royal to Kerry Geoffry). and Mike McBrearty of Auckland, George and Lorraine. "Pop" of Hospital. (Edward McCONKEY McKILLOP.

Gary. Vicki, Sue. Andrew. Scott. MITCHELL 21.

(nee Walker) Yass District John and Barbara McKillop, of Murray and Alexandra. ber 1932. at Killarney Heights, N.S.W.. have aged 83 Hospital, to Carolyn and Andrew much pleasure in announcing the years. (Stuart Andrew).

engagement of their only daugh- At peace. a son MORSE (Vernon). October 14, ter Karen Elizabeth. to Kyle 1982, at Gosford District Hospi- Jonathon, youngest son of tal, to Judy and Rick McConkey, of Toowoomba. Old.

CARMODY, Thomas William daughter (Mary- Jane). and the late Frederick ter Hillertrand (Wal), October PATTERSON (rec Stringer). McConkey. 25, 1982, late of "Condor." Wendy and Paul welcome Zoe MACHIN GOSLING. Riverview Parade, Surfers Kate.

born Taiwan. August, Gwenda and Laurie Gosling of dise. 1982 a sister for Gabby. St. Ives, are pleased to announce Funeral held Gold Coast, Chosen to cherish.

the engagement of their daugh- October 29, 1982. 24. PAUL 1982. (nec -October de- ter. Karen Leigh, to Gary John.

Geoff and Sue are son of Dawn Heckscher of lighted to announce the Geoltrev birth Brunswick Heads and Harold CARNEY, Ellen Beatrice. of Robert) their A son brother (Stuart for Kate Machin of East Lindfield. Ortober 29, 1932 (at nursing Lucy. Our thanks to doctor Mrs 1. Campbell, of Strathheld aunt of all her nieces and and MAIR-CAMPBELL.

Mr and home), late of Stanmore, loved nursing staff at the Sydney West. are pleased to announce ews. nephventist Hospital, Wahroon9d. the engagement of their daugh- Rest in peace. October 21.

(nee 1982. at R.N.S.H.. ter. Fiona. to Robert.

son of QUOYLE Adamson). to Paul and daughter. Mr and Mrs E. Mair, of StrathBoth well. Anne held.

CURRAN, MARCHANT Christina. October RANGE (Teasel), October. 2. and Mrs Les Gosper, GOSPER. of Sans Mr 17.

Auburn 1982 (suddenly). late of 1932. Judy and Keith. first Souci. have pleasure in an- by and The Entrance, sadly child daughter (Leanne nouncing the engagement of their families and friends.

ROBERTS Cherie). Both (Carson). well. October Jennifer Mary. Christopher.

eldest son of Nancy 1982, DAWSON. of Chatswood, 28. 22. 1982, at Katoomba Hospi- and the late John Marchant. of wife of the tal, to Karen Chris a son Church Point.

late Cecil Dawson dearly loved (Peter Luke, Matthew), brother -VOSPER. Bill and mother and of for RYAN Joel, (Busheil). Paul, October Daniel. 25, Margaret Vosper. of Dingley Joan loving and Bill, grandmother Keith and Noreen.

Dell, Cambridge, New Zealand, families. of their 1982. Hospital, at Wahroonga, Sydney to have much pleasure Adventist In announcand Terry a daughter (Emilia ing elder the daughter. engagement of their Louise) A fourth great David Katharine Helen. Firthday for with Elsic Albert and and a shared Jim and Judy Milson.

of son of DEMARCO, Anna. October 29. Robert, younger Betty. reena, 35 Werona Avenue, Kil- 1982. at hospital and late of lara.

North Rocks, beloved wife of SALTER (nee Dwyer). October Charles (deceased), dearly loved 23, 1982, at St. Margaret's Pri- PEARSON JANES. Karen mother of Bessie. Amv and Fddy vate to Carl and Sharon Janes and John Pearson and loved by all their families.

beautiful daughter are de- aged R0 vears. Anne). Both well. Our thanks to lighted to announce their In God's care. doctor and staff.

from engagement. their best wishes For funeral arrangements see with SCHIRATO (Cantreila). parents. Monday's Herald. ber 22, 1982.

to Les and Luisa PONDER QUIGLEY, a son (Rolando). A brother bara and Geoff Quigley of Burfor Gabriella. raneer Bay have pleasure in DORAN, Ina Margaret. an- 26. 1982, late of SHUPTRINE (Losh).

Born to their nouncing youngest the daughter, engagement of beloved daughter of the Naomi and Greg. a brother to Ross, the youngest son Debra of end and Mrs. Doran (deceased) Rebecca and Brian, October 26. Jean and Bert Ponder of and loved sister of Anne and de 1982, St. George Hospital.

OVINGTON HOGAN. Gymea. The voted aunt to her nieces and Weight 71h 7130z. Mother and engagement iS announced of nephews. son are fine.

Donna Barbara, only daughter of Privately cremated. Mrs. Barbara Ashton. of Kildare SIMMONDS (Kiuver). October rence Road, Blacktown of and Copeland Mr.

22. Robvn at Hospital, Liverpool to Daryl john. EAGER, Harold John. October 1982. 'Maitland Hogan Street.

to and Chris daugh youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. 29. 1982, ter (Rebecca Nea). Cecil Ovington of Dawn late of Burwood, Drive, dearly loved husband of Mary Seven Hills.

(deceased). beloved father and READ-HILL. Mrs Hill. of father-In-law of John and Ruth, SMITH (nee Ferrier). Gary Brighton, have much picasure in opher and Sandra, aged 88 Kyle Bay, and Mr.

E. Hill. fond grandad of Kirsten, Christand Sandra proudly announce announcing the engagement of years. the birth of their daughter their eldest daughter. Katrinal toria Louise Helen), on October Jane, to Stewart John.

only son At peace. 22. 1982, at Royal North Shore af Mr. and Mrs John Read, of Y. AHLFELD.







HARTERY, R.H. HARTIGAN. J.V. Summary of Death Notices HERON, L.J.P, HERROD, HODSON. C.A.







NICHOLLS, October 19. 1982, suddenly, of Canley Vale, loved wife the late Roy Evans (FiJi). dearly mother of Rabert and Marie, and mother-In-law of Ray, loved grandmother of Jonathan. Sally. Suzanne and David.

beloved grand-nan of Dominic. der and Yvette, loved sister of Frederick (Samuels), sister-Inlaw of Dorrid. At rest. FARRELL. Robert Damien.

Cctober 28, 1982 (suddenly), at hospital, late of Campsie. dearly loved son of Kathy and John (deceased), sadly missed by all his family and triends. Aged 19 years. Rest In peace. Please watch these columns daily for funeral arrangements.

DEATHS FAULL. Rita Fenton (known Nita). October 29, 1982, at hospital. late of Mudgee. beloved mother of Bessie and Daphne (deceased), mother-inlaw of David, fond grandmother of Patsy.

Stephen. Susan, Charles. Jennifer, Judy and Michael and great of Daniel and Phillip. Aged 72 years. FLERI.

Agatino. October 27. 1982, late of Croydon Park. beloved husband Vincenza, much loved father of Salvatore and Rosalia. Aged 55 years.

Riposa in pace. FODONE. Vera. October 29. 1992.

beloved wife of Theodore. loved mother of Diana and Valerie. loving, mother-In-law Emanuel. loved grandmother of Lesley. Always with us.

For funeral details see day's Herald. GILLMER. Isobel Mae (Pat). October 29. 1982.

of Manly. loved wife of George Gillmer. daughter of Mabel and David Brown (deceased), dear sister of Hilton, Nella and Ronald Call deceased), Alwyn. Irene and Daphne and Donald, dearly loved aunty of all her nieces and nephews and their families. "Give me flowers only when can see them.

so can enjoy the rich fragrance and beauty of onel of nature's loveliest gifts to women. Rest in peace. GORDON, 1982 Jean (suddenly) Mary. In October Perth. formerly of beloved daughter of the late William and Sophia Gordon, and loved friend of the Fuller family.

At rest. For funeral arrangements see Tuesday's Herald. GOULD, Muriel Valetta. tober 26. 1982.

formerly of Goulburn. eldest daughter of the late Edwim and Mary Gould. sister of Harold (deceased). Alice (deceased), Olive (Sneligrove) and Theo Gould (Penrith). Privately cremated.

GRANGER, Isabel Maud. October 26. 1982. late of Suth. erland Road, North Parramatta.

loving wife of Harry (deceased). step-mother of Rossell, Gwen. Jim. Kathleen and Nancye. vately Crematea.

GUEST, John Pereril, October 29. 1982. War Veterans Home. Narrabeen, loved husband of Dulcie (deceased). loved father of Les, Ken.

Dot. Betty, Joan. Barbara, Jean. Peveril (de. ceased) and John (deceased).

loved grandfather and grandfather of their families. aged 81 years. Requiscat In Pace. HARLEY. Ernest at Allen.

his residence, ber 27. 1962 Mosman. dearly loved husband of Milba and father of Blair. At peace. Privately cremated.

HARTERY, 23, Robert late Henry. of October 1982. Pad dington and Maroubra, dearly loved father and father-in-law of Brian and Lynette, loved by all his relatives and friends. At rest. HARTIGAN.

Jack Vincent. October 28. 1982. late of Rive erstone, beloved husband of Phyllis. loved father of Rita.

Brian and Mark. fond father-Inlaw and much loved grandfather. also sadly missed by his sisters, brother and their families. HERROD. Arthur Sydney.

-October 23. 1982. at private nursing home. Roschill, loved brother of Albert, Ernest and (all deceased) and fond uncle of his nieces and nephews. May he rest in peace.

Privately cremated. HERROD. Arthur Sydney (Gerry). -October 23. 1982, long time devoted and much loved friend of Phillip Davis.

Sadly missed. HERON. Leslie John Forbes. October 27. 1982.

late of Auburn. dearly beloved husband of Prim and sadly missed by his family and friends. Aged 72 vears. In God's loving care. HODSON, Catherine Ann.

0: tober 29. 1982. of Merrylands. formerlv of Cootamundra and Wamberal. beloved wife of the late Robert Arthur Hodson.

lovIna mother of Tony. Marv. Catherine. and sister of Vincent Clear. Requiescat in pace.

For funeral arrangements see Monday's Herald. HORWOOD, Alice Louisa. October 27. 1982, at her residence. Sorrell Street.

North Parramatta, loving wife of Hedley (deceased), loved mother of Hedley and Warwick. loved grandmother of Elizabeth and Mark. loved sister of Russell Sherringham. Privately interred. HOWES.

Warren Jeifery. October 27.1982. result of accident, dear husband of Louisa. loved son of Mavis and John, dear brother of John. Paul and hele.

much loved by all his family and friends. aged 23 years. See these columns Monday for funeral details. HOWLETT. Myrtle, Elizabeth Syme.

October 29, 1982, at nursing home, late of Prince Alfred Street, Berry, beloved wife of Russ, loved mother of Russell, aged 71 years. JENNINGS. Elizabeth Joan. (Betty) nee Henneseey). ber 29.

1982. St. Vincent's Hospital, late of Coonabarabran, loved wife of Perry (deceased). and beloved mother of Barry. Noel, Tim and Pat.

In God's care. Funerals arrangements to follow. JORDAN. Amy Winifred Victoria. October 29.

1982. at hospitai. wilow of the late Colonel Leonard John Jordan, sister of Albert and Elleen (all deceased). loved aunt of Joyce, Sydney, Edward and Robert (Bishop of the Murray, S.A.). KEO, Sinith.

October 28, 1982 (suddenly), result of an accident, late of Stanmore, dearly loved daughter of Muy and Sithan Keo. Please watch these columns daily for funeral arrangements. ber KESBY. 28, (Maher) 1982. Betty.

hospital, Octoat Eng land, result of long Illness, late of 28 Cameron Avenue, Baulkham Hills. dearly loved wife of Ronald. loved mother of Mark and Janet (Wollongong). ny. Julie and (Granville), Greg and David, dearest nana of Nathan, aged 50 years.

For nine years she fought but death belongs to life as birth does. She left with St. Jude and remains with us in loving ries. An Inspiration to us all. Rest in peace.

KOKIC Antica. October 29. 1982, late of Lidcombe. dearly loved wife of Dragutin (deceased). loved mother of Svetozar and Marlio, lond mother-In-law and grandmother of their families.

Please sec Monday's Herald for funeral details. Notices M.S. PAGANO. PARKER, V.R.R. PELC.







J.M. DEATHS KOMON, 1982. Rudy, sympathy Deepest to Ruth on your sad loss. Rudy's Immense contribution to both the development and success of modern art and ists Australia deserves the very highest tribute. He will be sadly missed.

Sincerely. Jan and Robert Holmes a'Court. KVIETKAUSKAS, Vladas. Octo. ber 28, 1982, at his residence, 14 Corunna Road, Stanmore, dearly loved husband of Maria.

loved father of Joseph. Anthony, Vida. Dana and Stanley. May he rest In peace. LAW.

Charles -October 28. 1982. of Turramurra. dearly loved husband of Alma, loving father and father-in-law of John and Maria. and Janet and Peter, and dear, R.I.P.

Poppa to their children. Privately Interred. LYNCH. Ella Maud. October 26.

1982. of Cloveily. dearly loved wife of the late Gabriel. Icved mother and mother-in-law. Terry and Bray.

Aged 86 vears. At rest privately cremated. LYON. Juanita Eva. October 26.

1982. at hospital, late of Beifields. beloved wite of BIll. dear mother and mother-in-law of Peter and Faith, loved grand. mother of Michelle and beth.

dear sister of Theima, Dot (deceased), and Ern. aged 66 years. McCABE, John. October 29. 1982.

late of Mona Vale and formerly of Balmain. widower of Rose, dearly loved father of John, Joan and Eileen, Taw of Marion, Kevin and Earl. dear grandfather of their dren. Aged 71 years. McCARTHY, Norma Irene.

October 26. 1982, late of Lane Cove, dearly loved' wife of Fred. loved mother and mother-In-law of Dian and Jim, Carol. Jan and Paul, and dear grandmother of their families. At peace with God.

McLAUGHLIN. Dorothy October 29. 1982 (suddenly). her residence. Bexley dearly loved wife of the late Kelsey Otto McLaughlin, loving mother of John.

Joan and Alan. loved mother-in-law of Jan. Les and of Benita (deceased). devoted grandmother and great-grandmother of their familles. dear sister-in-law of Freda, Ken (deceased).

Nance. Marty. Marge (deceased), Tom and KIt and loving aunt of all their families. Reunited with Mackle through Christ. McWHINNEY, Ethel Ruby.

October 29, 1982. at hospital, late of Marrickville. wife of the late Alexander John Wilson McWhinney, dearly icved mother and mother-in-law of John and Julie and devoted grandmother of John, Noel and David, aged 87 vears. In God's care. For funeral particulars please see Monday's Herald or ring 74 2178.

MANN, Clifton Lovell. ber 28, 1982, late of Sylvania Waters, beloved husband of Pat. loved father of Jennifer. Graeme. Craig and Gregory, dear son of Val.

MATHISEN. Eileen May. October 27. 1982, at Mowll formerly of Malvern AveMerrylands, loving wife of Ole (deceased). Privately mated October 28.

1982. MAXWELL, William James. October 28, 1982. (at his restband dence), of of Ida, Campsie, loving husdearly loved father of Tony, Barbara, Bob (deceased). Ricky, Peggy and Peter, father-In-law of John, Jackie.

Lyn and Peter and proud grandfather of Scott. Karen, Cherie. Anthony. Daniel, David, Belinda, Scott and Benjamin. Aged 72 years.

MOIR, Judith Frances. October 29, 1982, at hospital, late of 47 Ninth Avenue, Toukley, formerly Rydalmere, beloved wife of Alec. loving mother mother-in-law of Robyn and Joe May and Eric. and loved grandma of Caine and Natahl. his residence at Lakemba, loved husband of Peggy, loved father of Maureen, Annette, Dennis.

Rodney and Peter, dear Sue. father-in-law fond of John. of Terry and grandfather Nicole Steven, Nathan and Taye, dear stepson of Mary Murray. and fond brother of Eric and Percy. Aged 60 years.

Rest in peace. Alan John (Jim). October 28, 1982. suddenly at NEWELL, John Athol. October 4, (suddenly), of Darling Point.

beloved eldest son of James and Ivy Newell, loved brother and brother-in-law of Noel and Ruth. Nancy. Keith (Fitzsimon), Dan. Leone, loved uncle of their families. NICHOLLS, Alice -October 29.

1982, at hospital, of ton Street, Ashheld, dearly loved wife of William David. loved sister of Edward Hemestretch (of England) and loved sister-in-law of John. Phyllis and Irene. O'CONNOR, Mary Elizabeth. October 15, 1982, late of ramurra, after a long illness.

Loved sister of the late Morgan and Donald (Canada). a loving tribute from her friends to person of courage and warmth. a seeker after truth and with strong compassion for the suffering of animals, whose rights she championed. At her request no welcome funeral service, but to the Animal. Welfare League of New South Wales, the World Wildlife.

Fund of AustraIla. Animal Liberation. The Cat Protection Society of New South Wales or the Australla tion for Humane Research. A gathering of her friends to bel arranged In near future. For tails phone 46 3007 or 48 2440.

Aged 61 years. PAGANO, Salvatore (Sam). October 28. 1982. at hospital and late of Carlingford, beloved husband of Rose and dearly loved father of Antolnette.

Angela and Regina, sadly missed by all his family and friends, aged 49 years. In God's care. For funeral arrangements watch these columns or ring 635 7955. PARKER, Victor Ronald Ross (Vic). October 28, 1982, at his residence Hornsby, beloved husband of Gwen.

dearly loved father father-In-law of Annette, Michael and Susan, fond grandfather of Sharon and Joanne and loved brother of Thelma and Alen. PELC. Bolestaw Joseph. ber 29, residence. Beacon HIll.

(retired Sea tain), dearly loved husband of Marla. Rest in peace. PERRY. Brian. October 28, 1982, In hospital, of Pymble, beloved husband Ann and father of Dennice, Roderick, issa and Rowena and son of Vera and George Perry, and brother of Robert and Ray, dear friend of Kaeko.

PERRY. Brian. October 28. 1982. at hospital, will be sadly missed by all his friends Sinclair, Knight and Partners.

DEATHS October residence. Millers loved mother and Barbara Ken Patterson. Mary and Snell. loved grandmother great-grandmother of their tamiMay she In Please Herald for funeral arrangements. RUDNICKI.

Maria. McGire October 1982, late of Street, Street. Entrance, Bankstown. formerly dearly Meredith loved wife of Wiod dearly loved mother of Edmund, Irene and Natalla and devoted nana of Jettrey. Sharon, Janson and Kelly.

Requiescat in pace. SAMUEL. Josephine Gertrude. October 1982. Loreto Nursing Home.

Strathfield. loved mother and mother-in-law of Patrick and Marge (deceased), Monica (deceased). and Lance McKell and John and Nell. fond grandmother and great-grandmother of their children. Aged 105 years.

Please see Monday's Herald! for funeral arrangements. of Newtown, beloved wife of William Bertie Scholes ceased). loving sister of Ethel and loved aunt of Allen and Theima, Evan. Beryl, Don, Clive and Daphne. Aged 77 years.

At rest. SCOTT, May Greenlaw Octo. ber 22, 1962. late of 21 Spooner Street. Lithgow, born Dunbar.

Scotland, 1902. Mt. Olivetl Hospital. Brisbane. Buried at Brisbane Pinarco Cemetery, October 25.

1982. SHAW. Robert. October 27, 1982, at hospital, late of Bexley Road, Bexley. dearly beloved husband of Ruby (deceased), loving father of Olga.

Bob and Allan, dear father-in-law of Milton (deceased), Jean and Pat, devoted grandfather their and greatgrandfather of familles. Aged 96 years. Privately interred Woronora Lawn Cemetery, October 29, 1982. SHORT. Hebe Gladys.

26. 1982, peacefully at lambee Nursing Home. Canberra. loved wife of Harold. mother and of June and Gordon Todd.

Ted and Alice Short. loving grandma of their children and grandima to her -grandchildren. A mist had come. done its wonderful work and disappeared from sight. SKENNAR.

Lyall Sydney James. October 26. 1962. late of 35 Alexander Parade. Arcadia Vale.

formerly of Bexiey and dale, N.S.W., at hospital, loving father of Jcan (deceased) John, grandfather of Barbara, Geoffrey and Ian. (deceased). great-grandfather of their chitdren. aged 85 years. SLUMAN.

Iris (Noss). October Private, arrangements. 28. 1982. loved and bered by the Buffett and son families.

October STEPHENS. 29. Enid 1982. Eiphinstone, late of Wagga and Ashfield. loving wife of John (deceased).

loving mother and mother-in-law of Ian and Pat. and fond granumother of years. Colin and David. aged STEVENS, Constance Christina. October 28.

1982, at hospital. late of North Rocks and ly of Dee Why. aged 89 years. STEWART. John Malcolm.

October 26, 1982. at private hospital, Randwick, dearly loved husband of and Irene. Robert, loved loved father of Gregory ther of Tom. Jean and Bill, fond brother-In-law and uncle of their families. Privately cremated.

October SULLIVAN. 28. 1982, at hospital, Gregory James. late of Wollstonecraft: formerly of Oatley and Klama. dearly loved husband of Madelene.

love Ina father and father-In-law of Danny and Denise and Jayne and Richard (Mason). very tond grandpa of Marcelle, Rowena. Melanie. Melissa. Veronica and Joshua, aged 74 years.

Requiescat in pace. SULLIVAN. Gregory James. October 25. 1982.

dear brother of Anthea, Pat and Frank (deceased), brother-In-law of Mary and Rob, Tissa and Sid. Mari and Fred. Svivia. Phyll. Kath and Ken, Ken and Pat and Bob.

SUTHERLAND, Donald Ross. Retired Lt. Colonel. 6th Div. SX462.

October 1962. late of Rickard Moorebank, dearly loved husband of Patricia, loved father of Alexander and Cheryl. Aged 65 years. Lest we forget. TAYLOR.

Jean May. October 28. 1982. at hospital, late of Hornsby. dearly loved wife of Gordon and loved mother and mother-in-law of Valerie and Bobby.

Garry. Christine and fond grandmother Karen, dearly loved daughter of William and Maude Forbes, loved sister of Beryl, Billy. Fred and Reg. Rest in peace. THOMSON, Maxwell Clarence.

October 28, 1982, at hospital, late of Brighton-le-Sands. dearly loved husband of Winifred (deceased), loved father and in-law of Bruce and Lorraine, Graeme and Chervi, Peter and Sue and dear grandfather of their children. TIVADAR, Leslie Andrew. October 28, 1982, at hospital and late of Castle Hill, beloved husband of Ida, loving father of Lesile and loa. fond father-Inlaw of Jackie and loving grandfather of Leslie, aged 62 years.

Rest in Peace. URBANSI, Maria, October 29, wife 1982. of late Joseph. of loved Greenwich, mother of beloved Gaby, sister of Sila, Gisi and Nora. Sadly missed by all.

VAN VEEN, Elleen Ruth (nee Berry). October daughter 12, of 1982. Mavis dearly loved and Frank (deceased), loved ter of Christine, aged 27 years. Privately cremated. VEITCH.

John Bernard. ber 28, 1982, (suddenly), at his residence, 40 McArthur Street. Parramatta, loving husband of Alma (deceased), loved father William, Lolita and Betty. loved father-In-law of Pauline and Douglas (deceased), loved grand. father of Virginia, Bruce, Robert and Robyn, and loved grandfather of Belinda, Melanie, Kellie and Leesa.

For further particulars watch funeral notices. WHITE, Cedric Coley, October 29, 1982, at Glen Innes District Hospital, late of 87 Meade Street, Glen Innes, loved husband of Marjory (deceased), dear father of Pam, (Mrs Capel of Inverell). Aged 76 years. I WOOD. Linda Erminia, ber 26, 1982.

of Sandringham, formerly of Burnte. Tasmania, dearly loved wife of the late E. V. Wood, (Karrakatta, Western Australla). At rest.

For funeral contact W. D. ROSE SON, Cheltenham. 03 584 2222. WOODLEY, Jean Mell.

Bellevue October 26. 1982. late of Hill. loved mother of Ernest. Margaret and Douglas.

grandmother and great-grandmother of their children. Present with the Lord. Privately cremated. FUNERALS ABBEY. The relatives and ABBEY are kindly Invited to friends of the late EVA ELLEN attend her funeral.

to leave Labor Funerals Chapel, 36 North Parade, Campsie, after service Monday (November 1. 1982), commencing at 2.30 p.m.. for the Rookwood Cemetery. LABOR FUNERALS NEWTOWN A.F,D.A. 51 2777.

798 6222. 798 6222. BOYLE, The relatives and friends of the late KATHLEEN BOYLE, of Toukley, are Invited to attend her funeral service to be held in the chapel of the Palmdale Crematorium. Palmdale Road, Ourimbah, on Monday next a.m. PALMDALE MEMORIAL PARK.

OURIMBAH. 043 62 1203. relatives and friends of Mrs WINIFRED JENNIE AHLFELD are kindly Invited to attend her funeral service, to take place next Monday In the south, chapel of Rookwood Crematorium, mencing at 9.50 LESLIE S. ANDREWS. Markham Place, Ashheld.

(Through Arcade, opp. Presbyterian Church.) FUNERALS FLORENCE and funeral TO held Monday the crematorium at Pine Grove Memorial Great Western Highway. Eastern the service for commence 12 noon. SYDNEY FUNERAL SERVICES. 625 0066.

BROWN. Relatives and friends of the late DAVID HOWARD (SNOW) GROWN, of Forestrille, are Invited to attend his tion service, to be held Monday next at 10.10 a.m.. In chapel at the Northern Suburbs torium. By flowers. PARKWAY FUNERALS.

93 0271. of BYRNES. Requiem Mass the repose of the soul of the late BYRNES (Sturgess), of Padstow. will be celebrated Monday next, at St Catholic Church, Road. Padstow, "Mass commencing at 1.30 p.m.

The relatives and friends Invited to attend the funeral, to leave the church, after prayers following the Mass. for the Pinegrove, Memorial Park. of FIVE DOCK. LAKEMBA. DIGNIFIED FUNERALS, 747 4911.

A.F.D.A. 759 2512. CAMPBELL. The relatives and friends of the late DENIS JAMES. CAMPBELL are kindly Invited to attend his funeral service, to be held in the chapel of the Northern Suburbs Crematorium.

at 11.20 a.m. on Monday, (November 1, 1982). Please meet at the crematorium. BRUCE MAURER FUNERALS. 6121.

325 Crows Pacific Nest. Highway. 51 92 2777. CARNEY. Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of the Miss ELLEN BEATRICE CARNEY.

of Stanmore. will be celebrated at the Church of St. Michael, -Clarendon Road. Stanmore, on Tuesday (November 2), at 9.15 a.m. On conclusion of Mass and Prayers the funeral will leave for Botany Cemetery.

THOMAS DIXON FUNERALS. 249 Crown Street. Darlinghurst. of 357 4102. A.F.D.A.

51 2777. CAWSEY. The relatives and friends of the late NORAH are GRACE Invited of Sutherland. to attend her funeral which will leave the Uniting Church, Monday Flora next. Street.

Sutherland. mencing after service comat 10 a.m. for the Woronora Crematorium. H. N.

OLSEN PTY. LTD. Sutherland Shire 521 7900. A.F.D.A. 521 7900.

DAWSON. The relatives and friends of the late Mrs FLOR. ENCE DAWSON. of Chatswood. are invited to attend her funeral service.

to be held in the chapel of the Northern Suburbs Crema. torium on Monday next. com. mencing at 1.10 p.m. ALLAN WALSH PTY LTD.

A.F.D.A. CHATSWOOD. 419 8635. EAGER. of The relatives and JOHN friends EAGER.

the of late Burwood, HAROLD are invited to attend his funeral vice. to be conducted within chapel of the Rockwood Crema. torium. Monday next. (Novem.

ber 1. commencing 10.40 a.m. Please meet at the rium office. No flowers by request. METROPOLITAN BURIAL AND CREMATION SOCIETY A.F.D.A.

BURWOOD. 74 2178. EDWARDS. The relatives and NOLD friends of (LES) the late EDWARDS, LESLIE ARof Mai. funeral.

Monday next. to to attend be held his are Invited in the chapel of the Woronora Crematorium. service appointed to commence 1 p.m. Please 12.50 meet at the crematorium, at p.m. By request, no flowers.

tions may be made in lieu to the National Heart Foundation. DIGNIFIED FUNERALS. 747 FIVE 4911. DOCK, LAKEMBA. A.F.D.A 759 2512.

FADAL. The relatives friends of the late RITA FENTON FAULL. of Mudgee, kindly Invited to a.tend her funeral service to take place In chapel of the Northern Suburbs Crematorium. Monday next vember 1) commencing at 2.10 p.m. Please assemble at the crematorium.


Requiem Mass for repose AGATINO of the soul of the late the FLERI will be brated Church. in St. Joseph's Catholic Liverpool Road, Enfleld, Monday (November 1), mencing at 10.30 a.m. Following the Mass the funeral will leave for the Field Of Mars Cemetery. A.

O'HARE. Leichhardt. 569 1811. A.F.D.A. 569 1995.

FURSE. Relatives and friends of FURSE, the of late Coward LESLIE OSCAR Street, cot. are Invited to attend his funeral, to leave the Church of St. Therese, Sutherland Street. Mascot, after prayers to for the Eastern Suburbs mence at 1 p.m.

Tuesday next. torium, Botany. ANDREW KENNEDY. A.F.D.A. KINGSFORD.

663 0408. GILLMER. The relatives and friends of the late ISOBEL MAE GILLMER, of Manly, are invited to attend her funeral service, to be held in the chapel af the Northern Suburbs rium, on Monday next ber 1, 1982), 11.50 a.m. Please meet at crematorium. F.

TIGHE COMPANY PTY LTD MANLY. A.F.D.A. 977 4529. GUEST. the The relatives and friends of late Mr.

JOHN PEVERIL GUEST are invited to attend his funeral service, to be held in the chapel of the Pine Grove Memorial Crematorium, Eastern Creek, on Monday next, commencing at 2 p.m. Please meet at crematorium. WESTSIDE FUNERALS, The Boulevarde, FAIRFIELD HEIGHTS. 726 6996. GUEST.

City of Fairfield R.S.L. and R.S.L. Memorial Club. Officers and Members are Invited to attend the funeral of their late esteemed Member, JOHN PEVERIL GUEST, funeral Battalion 2nd please see family notice. D.

B. N. AUSTIN. Memorial Pres. Club R.

T. THOMPSON. M.B.E. Secretary-Manager. HAMBLY.

The relatives and friends of the late ELSIE MAY HAMBLY. of Rozelle, are invited to attend her funeral, Monday next, to be held in the chapel of the Northern Suburbs Crematortum. service appointed to mence at 10.40 a.m. Please meet at the crematorium at 10.30 a.m. DIGNIFIED FUNERALS, FIVE DOCK, LAKEMBA, 747 4911.

A.F.D.A. 759 2512. FUNERALS HARDIE. friends of JOYCE HARDIE. Invited to attend her funeral vice which will be conducted in the west chapel of the Worenora Crematorium.

Monday next, at 11.30 a.m. Please assemble at the torium. H. N. OLSEN PTY.

LTD. Sutherland Shire 521 7900. 521 7900. HARTERY. The relatives and friends of late.

ROBERt HENRY HARTERY. of Paddington and Maroubra. are Invited to attend his funeral service to be held in the Northern Suburbs Cemetery this Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Please assemble cemetery office. PURERAL A.F.D.A.

Redern Street. 698 2315. HARTIGAN. relatives and friends late JACK CENT HARTIGAN, are kindly vited to attend his funeral service. be held Monday (No.

vember 1982). In the crematorium chapel Pine Grove Memorial Park. Great Western Highway, Eastern Creek. Service to commence 1.30 p.m. A.F.D.A.

625 8066. HERON. The relatives and friends FORBES of the HERON late LESLIE kindly JOHN are vited to attend his cremation service. appointed to commence at 9.20 a.m.. on Monday next (November 1).

In chapel Of Rookwood Crematorium. By request no flowers. T. J. ANDNEWS.

Inc. R. W. Hilton, AUBURN. 649 7850.

NEWTOWN. RYDE. 51 2873. A.F.D.A. 807 2732.

HERON. Officers and members of Auburn R.S.L. Sub-branch and Club are kindly Invited to attend the funeral service of their late esteemed member. LESLIE JOHN FORBES HERON. E.

See family notice for details. J. Welfare Officer. funeral. Monday next, to be held In the chapel of the Northern Suburbs Crematorium.

service pointed to commence 9.50 a.mi. Please meet at the crematorium at 9.40 a.m. DIGNIFIED FUNERALS. FIVE DOCK. LAKEMBA.

747 4911. A.F.D.A. 759 2512. friends HOWLETT. The relatives of the late MYRTLE Street, HOWLETT.

of Prince Alfred Berry, invited to attend her funeral, to leave St. Luke's Anglican Church, Berry. on Monday, after service commencing at 2.30 p.m.. for the Berry Cemetery. NOWRA.

WRAY OWEN PTY. (044) 21 2734. The relatives and friends of the late CHARLES WHITEFORD HUGHES, of ville. are Invited to attend his HUGHES. The directors and members of the North Ryde R.S.L.

Sub-branch and Club are Invited to attend the funeral of their late esteemed member. CHARLES WHITEFORD HUGHES. For funeral particulars please see family notice. W. SAMS.

Pres. Sub-branch. GEORGE DINGWALL Club Chairman. HUGHES. The relatives and friends of the late DESMOND HUGHES, of Panania.

are invited to attend his funeral, to leave the Metropolitan Funeral Home, ard Road. Bankstown. Monday (November 1962), after ers commencing at 9.15 a.m., for the Rookwood Crematorium. Parking at rear of funeral home. METROPOLITAN SOCIETY.

BURIAL AND CREMATION BANKSTOWN. A.F.D.A.. 709 5044. HUGHES. Othcers and members of Campsie, R.S.L., sub-branch and club funeral are Invited to attend the of their late HUGHES." esteemed member, DESMOND for funeral.

arrangements. see family notice. R. HARTILL-LAW. Pres.

J. E. SULLIVAN, Requiem Mass for the repose of soul of the late PERCY JOSEPH (Treff). HYDE. of London Street.

Eight Mile Piains. Queensland and formerly of Winston Hills. Sydney, will be celebrated in St. Monica's Catholic Church. North matta.

next Monday morning 10 o'clock. The relatives and friends Invited to attend his funeral to leave the church Immediately following the Mass. for the North Rocks Catholic Cemetery. WILLIAM H. TIMMINS F.D.A.

Member, 85 George Street. PARRAMATTA. 635 7955. JORDAN. The relatives and friends of the late AMY NIFRED VICTORIA JORDAN, of Sans Souch, are kindly Invited to attend her funeral service appointed to commence at 9 a.m.

St. on Monday (1st Church November) at Andrew's land. 325 Rocky Point Road. Sans Souch. On conclusion of the service the cortege will proceed to the Church of England Cemetery.

Woronora. MOTOR FUNERALS, 172a Willarong Road, Carinabah. 524 7328. A.F.D.A. 51 2777.

KVIETKAUSKAS. Requiem Mass for the repose of the of the late VLADAS KVIET. KAUSKAS. of Stanmore, will be celebrated, Tuesday next, St Joachim's Catholic Church, Street, Lidcombe, Mass commencing at p.m. The relatives and friends Invited to attend the funeral, to leave the church, after prayers following the Mass, for the ile Lawn Cemetery, Rookwood.


LEVESON. The relatives and friends of the late ISABEL PEARL LEVESON, of Hurlstone Park, are Invited to attend her funeral, Monday next, leave, our, funeral home, Rallway Parade, Lakemba, after service appointed to commence at 2.30 p.m. At the conclusion of the service. the funeral will, leave for the Rookwood Crematorium. DIGNIFIED 747 4911.

A.F.D.A. FIVE DOCK. LAKEMBA. LYON. The relatives and friends of the late JUANITA EVA LYON, of Ryde and formerly attend of Beifields, are Invited to the chapel of the Castlebrook her, funeral to be held in thence Memorial for Gardens.

Rouse HIll. Interment In the Castlebrook Garden of Peace. p.m. The service Monday commences at 3 (November 1982). TRADITIONAL FUNERALS.

19. Wentworth Parramatta. A.F.D.A. 635 1633. McCABE.

The relatives and friends of the late JOHN McCABE, of Mona Vale and formerly of Balmain, are invited to attend his funeral. to leave the Metropolitan Funeral Home, Rallway Parade. Monday next (November 1), at 10.40 a.m. for the Catholic Lawn Cemetery at Rookwood, METROPOLITAN SOCIETAL AND BURWOOD. 74 2178.

McCARTHY. The relatives and friends of the late Mrs NORMA IRENE McCARTHY, of Lane Cove. are invited to attend her funeral service, to be held in the chapel of the Northern Suburbs torium on Monday next (November 1), appointed to commence at 9.30 a.m.. Picase meet at the crematorium. METROPOLITAN BURIAL AND CREMATION SOCIETY, BURWOOD.

74 2178. friends MCDONALD. are Invited FUNERALS his funeral service to Grove Western ent neat Monday noon at 1 o'clock. WILLIAM H. PARRAMATTA McLAUGHLIN.

The and friends of the DOROTHY EDITH, of Bexley. are kindly attend her funeral service. conducted in the South Chapel the Woronora Crematorium. Tuesday (Novel 1982). 11.30 meet the crematorium In lieu of flowers, donations the Royal Blind Society McLaughlin's wishes.

BURIAL ROCKDALE. MANN. relatives friends of the CLIFTON LOVELL MANN. Waters. are kindly Invited: to attend his funeral service.

to conducted within the chapel: Woronora Crematorium, to commence Monday (November Please assemble the torium. MOTOR Willarong FUNERALS, 172A Road. bah. 524 7328. A.F.D.A.

MAXWELL. The relatives friends of the late JAMES Invited MAXWELL of Campsie, are service to be to attend conducted his funeral North Chapel. Labor Funerals. you Parade. Monday (November 1 p.m.

the On conclusion will of the service cortege proceed the Rookwood Crematorium. LABOR FUNERALS. CAMPSIE. 78 1502. A.F.D.A.

51 2777. MIKULASEY. The funeral the late Mrs ANNELIESE MIKULASEV. of Lot 3, Tuckwell Road. Castle Hill.

will leave the Church of St Bernadette. Oid Northern Road. Castle Hill, next Monday, after prayers commencing a.m.. for the Castle Hill Cemete ery. Gilbert Road, Castle Hill.

ALBERT MEYER, THORNLEIGH. MOIR. The relatives and friends of the late JUDITH FRANCES MOIR. of Toukley, are Invited to attend in her funeral service to be held the of the Palmdale Ourimbah. Crematorium.

Monday Palmdale Road. on next, 11.30 a.m. PALMDALE, MEMORIAL PARK, OURIMBAH. 043 62 1203. MURRAY.

Requiem: Masa the repose of the soul of late ALAN JOHN MURRAY be Catholic celebrated Church. at 15. St Therese Road. Lakemba. Tuesday neat (November 2), commencing 9.30 a.m.

Following prayers the Mass. the cortege will proceed to the Catholic Cemetery, Forest Lawn, Leppington, MOTOR EASTWOOD. LIMITED. 85 1955. W.

D. relatives friends of Mr Nicholls kindly Invited to attend the tune ral of his dear wife. ALICE LAURA NICHOLLS. to leave St. John's Church of England.

AlE Street. Ashfeld, next Monday. after service commencing 11.45. for Pine Grove ANDREWS, Cemetery. Markham Place.

Ashield. (Through Arcade. opp. resorterian 790 6222. 6222.

and thanksgiving The for the NILSSON. private, late CHARLES ROYAL NILSSON O.B.E. place on Thursday 28th October. 1982. May he rest in peace.

ALLAN, CHATSWOOD. A.F.D.A. 410 O'BRIEN. The relatives and friends of the JOHN IEL JACK) O'BRIEN. of rat, are Invited to attend his funeral, to leave Jude's Church.

Bowral, Monday next. after service commencing at 1.30 p.m.. for the Bowral Cametery. JOHN R. BEAUMONT.

Funeral Director. Bowral. 048 01 1405. PARKER. The relatives friends of the late PARKER, VICTOR RONALD ROSS Hornsby.

his are kindly Invited attend funeral service to held, Monday next, in Suburbs the chapel of the Northern Crema torium. commencing 10.30 a.m. ALLAN WALSH PTY. LTD. 180 Pacific H'way, Hornsby.

A.F.D.A. HORNSBY. 477 3272. PARKER. Hornsby R.S.L, Invited branch.

attend and members to the funeral, Monday next (November late esteemed member VICTOR RONALD ROSS ER. See family notice, for detalle. B. TAIT. President.

A. LYNE, Secretary. R.S.L, Clubs officers and members are Invited to attend the funeral, Monday next. of their late esteemed PARKER. See family notice for VICTOR RONALD details.

Pres. J. BADHAM, Mar. PELC. of the Requiem Mass of for repose soul the late JOSEPH PELC.

Of Beacon HIll, will be celebrated at St. Vincent's Catholic Church. Bland Street, Ashfield, day (November 3, appointed to commence. o'clock. At the of the prayers, following the Mass, the cortege will proceed to the Catholle Lawn Cemetery, Rookwopd.

GREGORY CARR, 498 4455. A.F.D.A. 938 5998. PERRY. The funeral of the late BRIAN PERRY, of Pymble, will leave St Swithun's Anglican Church.

corner Merrivale and Telegraph. Roads. Pymble. next Monday, after service commencing at 2.15 p.m. for the Northern Suburbs Crematorium.

ALBERT MEYER, THORNLEIGH, 84 3992. late relatives and friends of the MARIA RUDNICKI. of The Entrance. formerly of Bankstown, are vited to attend her, funeral. leave the Metropolitan Funeral Home.

Rickard Road. Bankstown, Monday (November 1, 1982). at 2.50 p.m., for the Catholic tion, Rookwood Cemetery, Parking at rear of funeral home. METROPOLITAN BURIAL AND CREMATION SOCIETY, A.F.D.A.. BANKSTOWN.

709 5044. (Continued on Page 1,07) LODGE YOUR SATURDAY CLASSIFIED EARLY Please help us to help you by lodging your advertisem*nt for Saturday's Herald Classifieds as soon as possible. Just telephone 282 1122 or contact your local newsagent, Production of Saturday's Herald Classifieds commences. early every Tuesday, to ensure the best possible placement for your advertisem*nt. Herald Classifieds RESTAURANTS DEVELOPMENT, SITE.

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The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) is a daily tabloid newspaper published in Sydney, Australia, and owned by Nine. Founded in 1831 as the Sydney Herald, the Herald is the oldest continuously published newspaper in Australia and claims to be the most widely-read masthead in the country.

What is Sydney Morning Herald known for? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) is a daily tabloid newspaper published in Sydney, Australia, and owned by Nine. Founded in 1831 as the Sydney Herald, the Herald is the oldest continuously published newspaper in Australia and claims to be the most widely-read masthead in the country.

What is the major newspaper in Sydney Australia? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald is the most-read newspaper in Australia, with over eight million readers as of 2021.

Where is The Sydney Morning Herald headquarters? ›

In person. Drop documents in unsigned envelopes between 8am-5pm, Monday to Friday, at our street address at 1 Denison Street, North Sydney, with attention to a specific journalist or to the Herald investigations team. Include in the package your Signal, WhatsApp or Protonmail address for return communication.

How popular is The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald is the most-read masthead, with more than 8.4 million readers across digital and print over the past 12 months. The Herald finished ahead of The Australian, which had an average readership of 4.4 million, while The Daily Telegraph has an average readership of 4 million.

What political party does the Herald support? ›

The Herald declares in every edition that it does not endorse any political party.

What is the most widely read newspaper in Australia? ›

The Herald Sun is the highest-circulating daily newspaper in Australia, with a weekday circulation of 350 thousand and claimed readership of 1.26 million. The Daily Telegraph is a tabloid newspaper published in Sydney, New South Wales, by News Corp Australia.

What is the most reliable newspaper in Australia? ›

Australian Financial Review is the country's most trusted newspaper brand, study finds.

What is the most watched news in Australia? ›

Better Homes and Gardens is the #1 lifestyle show on commercial TV. 7NEWS is the #1 news bulletin of 2023 nationally and in the capital cities – with its biggest lead nationally since 2019 – and Sunrise is the #1 breakfast TV program for the 20th year in a row. Both have ranked #1 every single week this year.

What are the top 5 newspapers in the world? ›

Top newspapers by circulation
1The New York TimesUSA
2The Yomiuri ShimbunJapan
3The Asahi ShimbunJapan
16 more rows

Is the Sun Herald and The Sydney Morning Herald the same? ›

The Sun-Herald is an Australian newspaper published in tabloid or compact format on Sundays in Sydney by Nine Entertainment. It is the Sunday counterpart of the Sydney Morning Herald.

Is The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age the same? ›

The newspaper shares some articles with its sister newspaper the Sydney Morning Herald. The Age is considered a newspaper of record for Australia, and has variously been known for its investigative reporting, with its journalists having won dozens of Walkley Awards, Australia's most prestigious journalism prize.

Who is the editor of The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

Bevan Shields is the Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald.

Who created The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Sydney Herald, founded by three English emigrants—William McGarvie, Alfred Ward Stephens, and Frederick Stokes—was first issued as a weekly in 1831 and became a daily in 1840.

What is Sydney ranked in living? ›

Melbourne and Sydney have bounced back up the Economist's annual list of most liveable cities globally, coming in third and fourth respectively. Perth and Adelaide were also among the biggest movers up the ranks in the past 12 months, rising 21 and 19 places respectively to equal 12th. Brisbane ranked 16th.

Which is the leading newspaper of Australia? ›

These include: The Sydney Morning Herald, The Daily Telegraph (Sydney), The Age (Melbourne), The Herald Sun (Melbourne) and The Canberra Times. The two national daily newspapers are The Australian and The Australian Financial Review, which are owned by different companies.

What is Sydney renowned for? ›

Sydney is most famous for: Sydney Harbour Bridge. Sydney Opera House. Amazing zoos (Taronga & Sydney Zoo) -Iconic Beaches (Bondi, Coogee, Manly to name a few)

What is Sydney unique for? ›

Because of its history as a great port and its status as the site of the country's main international air terminal, Sydney is perhaps the only city in Australia with a genuinely international atmosphere.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.